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If "over" means you get 250$ from sales and able to get NO.1 just because of your name then I wish I be "over" right now.

$250 from a concert at which her fans are only interested in hearing her old songs... she's been nothing but tacky for 10 years

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I'm talking about all this Madonna and Rino ****

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If "over" means you get 250$ from sales and able to get NO.1 just because of your name then I wish I be "over" right now.

She's hotter than Gaga even when Gaga is in her 20's and this conversation is useless so have some dignity and leave me alone.

I hope everybody who deserves a warning gets warned, not just certain sides.

That's just because she's Madonna. :laughga: She WAS good. Isn't anymore.

Also I see you're running out of ideas on how to bash Gaga. :laughga: Gaga IS hotter than Madonna. And if you don't think so, you must probably be like 50 or something to still think she's hot without photoshop. ;)

Edited by badkid321
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I'm talking about all this Madonna and Rino ****

why did you include my name in your post tho? i'm not involved in that argument :smh:

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She sang ALEJANDRO AND PAPARAZZI. The setlist would be perfect with an unreleased song + didt.

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why did you include my name in your post tho? i'm not involved in that argument :smh:

LMFAO ^.^ I misspelled made lol!!!! I fixed it tho haha sorry

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I just hope the meat dress isn't real meat :ohno:

its must be just a material that looks like it , real meat would be a bit to heavy for her to move around every show
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I just hope the meat dress isn't real meat :ohno:

It probably is, so I guess that means a lot of cows are going to be slain for Gaga

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