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Gaga to 'go into the bathroom and leak everything'

N a t h a n

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Yea..nathan you might wanna change the thread title to something along the lines of MERCHANDISE ONLY :toofunny:

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The tittle

If you are gonna leak, the bathroom is a good place to leak.


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N a t h a n

Yeah, most of her tweets are...

It was a joke. :fail:

who's using facebook? :usrs:


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This didn't really need a thread :sweat: but **** I need to start saving money. I bet you that sweater is like $60.

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Watch the sweater be like $150 or something :')

Time to start saving money for merch

This. :crazy: Wait for the meat band aids to be like $40 per piece :deadbanana:

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The sweater is ugly, but the thread title made me laugh until I couldn't breathe. Thanks for that. :dies:

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What a horrid sweater. My god, I thought this was Gaga, our fashion qween. What, did she make that on CafePress? :laughga:

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