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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo


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Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo is a 24 episode anime paraphrase of Alexandre Dumas' famous novel The Count of Monte Cristo (also known as the best revenge story in the world) set in space (thus also sharing some similarities with Alfred Bester's The Stars My Destination). It takes place from the view of Albert de Morcef, unlike the original story which is told from the point of view of the count.

Young Albert is on Luna for a festival that encourages a decadence in sin when he first meets the Count at an opera. He is amazed and intrigued by the man. After Albert is kidnapped by a gang of criminals, the count  saves him, and our youth Albert invites the Count to visit him in Paris.

Events proceed downhill from there, as the Count not only incorporates himself further into Albert's life, but the ir lives of his friends and Parisian society.

The style of the anime is a "love it or hate" design, due to how it is made. Almost everything (excluding most backgrounds, a characters skin and eyes) is done in the unmoving plaid style with usually, fully rendered 3-D backgrounds.


I just finished this anime and I adore it. I adore it. It is so amazing~ I plain on downloading the original novel.

There are a few major differences between the novel and the anime, though the anime is seen as one of the preferred adaptations of the novel. Also despite being an anime, and still managing to shove in some anime classics (the giant mechas in the outro actually exist, though spoiler:


the fights aren't that exciting, 

we manage avoid most of the Japaenese tropes and values that usually cause dislike/dissonance amongst Western viewers.


So anyone wanna talk about this anime with me?

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This may not be the thread but I always wanted to get into anime. Can you show me some? :hug:

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2 minutes ago, Skai Jackson said:

This may not be the thread but I always wanted to get into anime. Can you show me some? :hug:

It's okay, I don't mind~

Now do you want to get into anime or anime AND manga? (because anime vs manga is kind of like movie vs book, also there are things you'd read over watching)

Also, do you think you'd want dubbed (American speaking, trying to match the movement of lips) or subbed (subtitles) or do you think you don't care?

And what are your tastes?

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4 minutes ago, Seeka said:

It's okay, I don't mind~

Now do you want to get into anime or anime AND manga? (because anime vs manga is kind of like movie vs book, also there are things you'd read over watching)

Also, do you think you'd want dubbed (American speaking, trying to match the movement of lips) or subbed (subtitles) or do you think you don't care?

And what are your tastes?

I don't care about subtitles.

And just anime.

I like science-fiction and horror (but not a lot of gore), something you could be cryptic about or something that you can discuss with others. It can be anything.

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Just now, Skai Jackson said:

I don't care about subtitles.

I like science-fiction and horror (but not a lot of gore), something you could be cryptic about or something that you can discuss with others. It can be anything.

Well I think I have very little in either category, but I can try.

This thread itself is about Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. It technically counts as sci-fi. Though to me, it kind of is more drama with sci-fi elements. It takes place in 5032 and there's a lot of space travell and many characters are aliens. But it's more about the Count and his plots. But it's a good anime altogether.

A little note, most of the sci-fi I list is gonna have at least some gore, due to most sci-fi I have being about some form police/fbi/law enforcement.

Ghost in the Shell is famous. It has like... I think three movies (excluding the live action movie causing so much controversy). It's about Major Matako Kusanagi and her comrades as they battle against The Laughing Man and the troubles of future Japan, and also, secretly, underground of the politics. I like it's style, and story. I just suggest it because it's a recent classic.

Ergo Proxy. I love it. SO MUCH. You have no idea. It is a story very relatable to today and today's political's realm as it is mostly about racism, the uprising of artificial intelligence, the advancement of science, and how the world has been utterly destroyed beyond the point of being saved. The series has two protagonists it easily switches between, which I shall not tell you since the anime tries to keep the second protagonist a secret in the beginning.

Psycho - Pass is the most underrated thing ever. Though I've heard the second season sucks due to the new protagonist being an idiot nobody likes. So if you like the ending of the first season, you may want to end it there. It takes place in uber futuristic Japan. Though what is usually Japan's standards of "you're stuck in your role life" is taken to extraordinary extreme. Not only are you tested from birth to college to decide where you belong, you can be "flagged" by these mind readers that essentially declare whether or not if you're mentally unstable and a danger to society. We immediately discover that this sytem is flawed and doesn't always work.

Serial Experiments Lain - I do not fully understand this anime, and can't really explain it. i think you need to watch it like a few times in order to understand it. However it fills both of your genre requirements. It is both horror and sci-fi, though I'm not sure if it's horror or complete and utter mind screw.

Tokyo Ghoul - Kind of horrorish, kind of sci-fish. I recently finished the first season. It's about Kaneki Ken as he deals with suddenly being thrust into Ghoul culture after having being given a ghoul's organs in a surgery to save his life. Now being a ghoul, he has the powers of his ghoul donor and has to eat human flesh to survive. The second season picks up from where the first left off, but apparently differs enough to make the fans mad. Warning: There is a lot of gore in it.

darker Than Black is sorta sci-fi, but also many other genres as well. Very much like Tokyo Ghoul, it's about altered humans with powers. Though said powers are more in the vein of witches. Essentially we have Contractors, who have powers at the cost of teh fact that they have a habot they have to perform in order to keep up said powers, and then we have dolls, whose powers are essentially being able to see anything dealing with their preferred medium, though as dolls, they have given up all emotions and feelings. it is assumed neither contractors nor dolls have a soul. The story itself is about Hei as he works for the syndicate, while he tries to find out about his sister Pai. Takes place in tokyo after the unfortunate incidents that gave birth to dolls and contractors.


I'd have more but those are the ones I have watched.

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7 minutes ago, Seeka said:

Well I think I have very little in either category, but I can try.

This thread itself is about Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo. It technically counts as sci-fi. Though to me, it kind of is more drama with sci-fi elements. It takes place in 5032 and there's a lot of space travell and many characters are aliens. But it's more about the Count and his plots. But it's a good anime altogether.

A little note, most of the sci-fi I list is gonna have at least some gore, due to most sci-fi I have being about some form police/fbi/law enforcement.

Ghost in the Shell is famous. It has like... I think three movies (excluding the live action movie causing so much controversy). It's about Major Matako Kusanagi and her comrades as they battle against The Laughing Man and the troubles of future Japan, and also, secretly, underground of the politics. I like it's style, and story. I just suggest it because it's a recent classic.

Ergo Proxy. I love it. SO MUCH. You have no idea. It is a story very relatable to today and today's political's realm as it is mostly about racism, the uprising of artificial intelligence, the advancement of science, and how the world has been utterly destroyed beyond the point of being saved. The series has two protagonists it easily switches between, which I shall not tell you since the anime tries to keep the second protagonist a secret in the beginning.

Psycho - Pass is the most underrated thing ever. Though I've heard the second season sucks due to the new protagonist being an idiot nobody likes. So if you like the ending of the first season, you may want to end it there. It takes place in uber futuristic Japan. Though what is usually Japan's standards of "you're stuck in your role life" is taken to extraordinary extreme. Not only are you tested from birth to college to decide where you belong, you can be "flagged" by these mind readers that essentially declare whether or not if you're mentally unstable and a danger to society. We immediately discover that this sytem is flawed and doesn't always work.

Serial Experiments Lain - I do not fully understand this anime, and can't really explain it. i think you need to watch it like a few times in order to understand it. However it fills both of your genre requirements. It is both horror and sci-fi, though I'm not sure if it's horror or complete and utter mind screw.

Tokyo Ghoul - Kind of horrorish, kind of sci-fish. I recently finished the first season. It's about Kaneki Ken as he deals with suddenly being thrust into Ghoul culture after having being given a ghoul's organs in a surgery to save his life. Now being a ghoul, he has the powers of his ghoul donor and has to eat human flesh to survive. The second season picks up from where the first left off, but apparently differs enough to make the fans mad. Warning: There is a lot of gore in it.

darker Than Black is sorta sci-fi, but also many other genres as well. Very much like Tokyo Ghoul, it's about altered humans with powers. Though said powers are more in the vein of witches. Essentially we have Contractors, who have powers at the cost of teh fact that they have a habot they have to perform in order to keep up said powers, and then we have dolls, whose powers are essentially being able to see anything dealing with their preferred medium, though as dolls, they have given up all emotions and feelings. it is assumed neither contractors nor dolls have a soul. The story itself is about Hei as he works for the syndicate, while he tries to find out about his sister Pai. Takes place in tokyo after the unfortunate incidents that gave birth to dolls and contractors.


I'd have more but those are the ones I have watched.

I'll definitely check these out. Thank you!

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Just now, Skai Jackson said:

I'll definitely check these out. Thank you!

There are others I know of, though I haven't watched them, or they're even less sci-fi or something.

Neon Evangelis something something (I can't remember the goddamn full title) counts as both horror and sci-fi and is still ongoing I think and has a pretty indepth universe and all that stuff. I haven't seen it personally.

Code Geass - Very much like Count of Monte Cristo, Code geass is more about political and personal drama than sci-fi, however, giant mecha fights are common and amazing. They're are also contracts to get magical powers that come at a price to the owner (usually loss of sanity). Also Suzaku is yummy in a bodysuit.

I wasn't sure whether or not to inform you of Code Geass because I wasn't sure of its sci-fi standing. But I'm mentioning it now because I think it's awesome anyways.

There's also gundam, but I'm not into it past one series I watched and I think it may have been original. Gundam itself is very extensive and is technically the mecha anime.

Gurren laggen is also really popular though I never watched it fully through. Though it seems to be qually campy and serious.

I'll try to quote you if I remember anything else I think is sci-fi. I just thought of a giant ronot racing thing, but it's more about racing than anything important.

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