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Fergie - M.I.L.F. $ (ft. Kim K)


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5 minutes ago, BrianxRyan said:

You already said this before in another thread. Let women live. You're not doing anything, but hurting feminism. You want women to be more equal to men, but yet you opened your mouth about Fergie.

I say it over and over again, just like you say your views on feminism over and over again, because no one will seem to listen. You don't see me complaining that you say the same thing every time. That's just what happens when you have a strong opinion on something. I am letting women live, I'm just saying that they're not immune to criticism. I want women to be more equal to men, which is why I want them to have the same standards as men (which means no more overt sexualisation of themselves). I routinely tell people that men don't parade around in their underwear as a means to attaining power, therefore, it doesn't make sense for women doing these things to be considered 'doing the same as men.' If a man shouldn't feel the need to do something, a woman shouldn't either. Oh, I'm hurting feminism by stating an opinion on women, based on my experience as a woman and the undocumented problems we go through? Yet, you, a man, who has never experienced any of this, think you somehow are more qualified to judge what's best for women? Maybe you should take a harder look at what's really the problem here.

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If she wants the meaning of MILF to be positive, the lyrics should have represented that, too, not just the vid.

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Brian Ryan
4 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I say it over and over again, just like you say your views on feminism over and over again, because no one will seem to listen. You don't see me complaining that you say the same thing every time. That's just what happens when you have a strong opinion on something. I am letting women live, I'm just saying that they're not immune to criticism. I want women to be more equal to men, which is why I want them to have the same standards as men (which means no more overt sexualisation of themselves). I routinely tell people that men don't parade around in their underwear as a means to attaining power, therefore, it doesn't make sense for women doing these things to be considered 'doing the same as men.' If a man shouldn't feel the need to do something, a woman shouldn't either. Oh, I'm hurting feminism by stating an opinion on women, based on my experience as a woman and the undocumented problems we go through? Yet, you, a man, who has never experienced any of this, think you somehow are more qualified to judge what's best for women? Maybe you should take a harder look at what's really the problem here.

You do repeat yourself. I mean come on StrawberryBlond. You literally just said the same thing in a previous thread I believe it was the video for Flex by Fifth Harmony and people gave you tons of examples.

"I am letting women live, I'm just saying that they're not immune to criticism. I want women to be more equal to men, which is why I want them to have the same standards as men (which means no more overt sexualisation of themselves). I routinely tell people that men don't parade around in their underwear as a means to attaining power, therefore, it doesn't make sense for women doing these things to be considered 'doing the same as men.' "

If you wanted women to live you would have not stated anything you just said in the bold.

If a man shouldn't feel the need to do something, a woman shouldn't either. Oh, I'm hurting feminism by stating an opinion on women, based on my experience as a woman and the undocumented problems we go through?

You completely ignore the hundreds of examples that show otherwise. Yes, you are hurting feminism by telling or implying that women should be this way. You would just let things be... it really is that simple.


Yet, you, a man, who has never experienced any of this, think you somehow are more qualified to judge what's best for women? Maybe you should take a harder look at what's really the problem here.

You do not know what I have experienced as man. There lies another huge problem that you have always making assumptions without any receipts. I do not have to be a women to know what's best for women, I'm saying what's best for society. I am a feminist by definition "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men" and if you really believed that you would not have to go to the extreme's of trying to tear down Fergie.

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Brian Ryan
18 minutes ago, AyaKara said:

If she wants the meaning of MILF to be positive, the lyrics should have represented that, too, not just the vid.

I guess the whole her talking about how confident she is in the song and even spelling out the words independent didn't do that... strange. The entire song lyrics are positive. Lmao.




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The Child
3 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Surprised so many of you like it. This is utter trash. The song, the video, everything. Just another attempt to cover up a bad song with sexuality and cameos. Why you lot fall for it after so many examples of it is astonishing. I notice a lot of you saying that it's starting to grow on you. And that's exactly what the the music industry wants - for you to be taken in by a video that is, for better or worse, memorable, which will then lead to ironic feelings of a good song, which might turn into genuinely good feelings. That's partly why bad songs do so well on the charts. It's a fine art that the industry's got down to a tee.

Fergie, listen. You're 41, married, with a 3-year-old. At your stage of life, the whole idea of songs and videos like this shouldn't be further from your thoughts. You should have developed more maturity with age and experience. Being married and becoming a mother turns a lot of women very serious and for good reason. There's a reason why a lot of women in the sex industry leave when they become married and/or have children. It's because they realise that the love one man can give them matters more than the validation from a million men and that their child is the most important thing in their life. This is why a lot of women drop an overtly sexual appearance/persona and start just being more honest and real. Other men's opinions of their looks no longer matter and they feel more confident in themselves through the love of a good man as well as the joys of motherhood. I wouldn't want to do a song and video like this at 26. The idea of doing it at 41 after marriage and a child is unthinkable. Oh, and the women who actually allowed their kids in on this video - shame on them. It's one thing saying that you're an attractive mother, but putting the visual of your kids there alongside such a sexual term effectively sexualises the kids and that's wrong. You can be a sexy mother without bringing the kids into it. Seriously, what was up with that woman miming breastfeeding? Put too much emphasis on the mother side of this term and you're going to creep people out.

You've got to ask yourself...would a man of 41 do this in reverse? No. Because it would be tacky and undignified. So, why do so many women lower themselves to this standard and then fool themselves into thinking it's empowerment? A man would never find it empowering, why should a woman? Empowerment shouldn't be gender-specific, it should be a one-size-fits-all concept. Too many women confuse being sexual and having fun with being empowered. They're not the same things. Fergie is so much better than this, I didn't think she would be the type to do this. Why couldn't she just stick to the sexuality she displayed in her LA Love video? That's sexy without being trashy and she pulled it off very well for a woman of her age. But this is just too much. Everything about it is almost begging you to dislike it. You can't expect wide acceptance from a video that has a Kim K cameo in it (no offence to Kim, but this is not a cameo the public want to see, let's face it). The only plus points of it all is: 1) At least Fergie wrote the song. 2) There isn't borderline nudity, the women are surprisingly covered. 3) At least it made an effort of some sort and wasn't just another lazy video that's just one step above an audio clip.

With any luck, this will get cancelled as the lead single and get scrapped off the album. If the whole album is of this level, she isn't making a comeback.


1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Kinda. Because at least she isn't being a puppet who's doing stuff she isn't comfortable with. Some popstars just have a lead single handed to them that they don't even play a part in and it's usually terrible when that's the case. At least if they played a role in its production, it makes me feel like they at least have some control, even if it's not a direction I like.

The problem is, women can go through negative repercussions for showing their sexuality, mainly being that when they do it, they are reduced to nothing more than pieces of meat, their intelligence and characters erased, and they get disrespected. And the more sexualised you are, the higher the likelihood of this happening. I have no problem with having fun and I'm not asking for a deep message, I just want decent music. Why is it that any criticism of a "fun" song cannot go beyond "it's just meant to be fun" in its defence? I can't find a song fun if it's bad, sorry. How are my feminist views part of the problem? I'm wanting women to be held to the same standards as men and to be treated respectfully. What's so problematic about that? Maybe the biggest problem of feminism is that the women are split into tribes and neither side can get the other to agree. The kids in the video aren't her kids, they're the other models. Maybe they are good mothers in every other way, I don't know, but on this occasion, they made a mistake, that's all I'm saying. Nowhere did I say that she has to lay down and die, just that she doesn't have to be so trashy with her expressions. I have no problem if Gaga wants to show sexuality in her later years, so long as she's classy about it and puts good music with it. "Sexy, independent mothers doing their thing?" If that "thing" is prancing around like sex objects for the male gaze, then I think the term "doing your thing" means something very different in my world. My idea of women is not a "1960's idea of what a woman should be" (although that was upgraded from my usual critique of a 1950's view - I must be getting more progessive!) And I'm also advocating for women being "anything and equal," but as long as that "everything" is as dignified as men, otherwise, she won't be equal. Men simply do not treat women with respect when they put forward a type of sexuality that cheapens them. Yes, I'm serious. A 41 year old man would not demean himself like this. What, making a video called DILF Money? Making the fact he's a father the most attractive thing about him? Flaunting himself in underwear? Making lyrics about how his good looks and fashion sense make him powerful? Don't make me laugh. Men exert power through their songs by keeping their clothes on and bragging about their intelligence, sexual partners, bank balance (through doing non sexual things) and business sense. They don't brag about their hair and nails being on fleek.

Is that all you can say? I don't mind disagreement, just give me a good argument.


I'm not asking for a deep, meaningful song, just a good song. Fergie has made good, fun music before and it's not rubbish like this. I think we have every right to be critics when this is the job of music artists: serve a song up to us and let us give our opinion on it. If we didn't have an opinion on it, there would be no purpose in putting it out at all.


43 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I say it over and over again, just like you say your views on feminism over and over again, because no one will seem to listen. You don't see me complaining that you say the same thing every time. That's just what happens when you have a strong opinion on something. I am letting women live, I'm just saying that they're not immune to criticism. I want women to be more equal to men, which is why I want them to have the same standards as men (which means no more overt sexualisation of themselves). I routinely tell people that men don't parade around in their underwear as a means to attaining power, therefore, it doesn't make sense for women doing these things to be considered 'doing the same as men.' If a man shouldn't feel the need to do something, a woman shouldn't either. Oh, I'm hurting feminism by stating an opinion on women, based on my experience as a woman and the undocumented problems we go through? Yet, you, a man, who has never experienced any of this, think you somehow are more qualified to judge what's best for women? Maybe you should take a harder look at what's really the problem here.


WTF is this non sense? Shaming a woman because she's in her underwear?

And classy? Oh I hate this word, class is something subjective, you may think something is classy while it's not and vice versa.

Just let her live, let her live her life. Care about yours.

And come on we have tons of men who are fathers or men in their 30s-40s talking about sex. Kanye West for example, Chris Brown and so many.

Sex is natural, it's not something to be ashamed of you, so quit shaming people, you should be ashamed of yourself, trying to dictate how people should live.

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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52 minutes ago, AyaKara said:

If she wants the meaning of MILF to be positive, the lyrics should have represented that, too, not just the vid.

I don't think it's even clear what it is she means by it. If you're a MILF, you make more money than a woman who isn't? That simply being a MILF allows you access to money that non-MILFs don't? And what's all this stuff about "let me see you milkshake" and pouring milk over herself? She should have just made the song about being an independent woman and called it Let Me See You Milkshake. I think she totally gave it the title she did just to make controversy because the lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with being a MILF. Yes, she may say that she means Mom I'd Like To Follow in her video, but that's just a cop-out. She named it what she did knowing that people would think it meant the original meaning. And apart from that quick representation of what she defines the term is at the very beginning, we see no other reminder of this new meaning, therefore, it makes this new meaning very easy to forget, so your mind returns to the original meaning. And why did she fill the video with so many women who men might regard as MILFs (original meaning) if she didn't intend the original meaning? This is what I mean when I say that music videos are made to distract from potentially terrible songs. That way, we're encouraged to switch off our brains if we ponder a flaw in the lyrics for too long.

34 minutes ago, BrianxRyan said:

You do repeat yourself. I mean come on StrawberryBlond. You literally just said the same thing in a previous thread I believe it was the video for Flex by Fifth Harmony and people gave you tons of examples.

"I am letting women live, I'm just saying that they're not immune to criticism. I want women to be more equal to men, which is why I want them to have the same standards as men (which means no more overt sexualisation of themselves). I routinely tell people that men don't parade around in their underwear as a means to attaining power, therefore, it doesn't make sense for women doing these things to be considered 'doing the same as men.' "

If you wanted women to live you would have not stated anything you just said in the bold.

If a man shouldn't feel the need to do something, a woman shouldn't either. Oh, I'm hurting feminism by stating an opinion on women, based on my experience as a woman and the undocumented problems we go through?

You completely ignore the hundreds of examples that show otherwise. Yes, you are hurting feminism by telling or implying that women should be this way. You would just let things be... it really is that simple.


Yet, you, a man, who has never experienced any of this, think you somehow are more qualified to judge what's best for women? Maybe you should take a harder look at what's really the problem here.

You do not know what I have experienced as man. There lies another huge problem that you have always making assumptions without any receipts. I do not have to be a women to know what's best for women, I'm saying what's best for society. I am a feminist by definition "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men" and if you really believed that you would not have to go to the extreme's of trying to tear down Fergie.

How is repeating my opinions any different from you repeating yours? You haven't answered that.

I'm fine with women "living," I just question why so many of them see empowerment in a different light to men. You have dodged this element whenever I've brought it up. Presumably because it's something you've never thought of and don't know how to answer it. It's always the same when a question that no one's ever thought to ask comes up?

I'm ignoring those "examples" because I've yet to see a straight man in mainstream Western culture displaying the same kind of sexuality that women do (dancing in underwear, posing submissively, etc). And I will not "let things be" - women won't get anywhere if things continue like they are.

I'm fully supportive of men's struggles, don't get me wrong. But this is about female struggle and that's quite different. It's clear that what we think is best for society is very different, then. I want to see a world where women don't have to be sexual in order to get success or feel like they matter. And I'm not trying to tear down Fergie. I like her. Which is why I'm disappointed that she'd take this angle when she's better than this.

5 minutes ago, CrazyMonster said:




WTF is this non sense? Shaming a woman because she's in her underwear?

And classy? Oh I hate this word, class is something subjective, you may think something is classy while it's not and vice versa.

Just let her live, let her live her life. Care about yours.

And come on we have tons of men who are fathers or men in their 30s-40s talking about sex. Kanye West for example, Chris Brown and so many.

Sex is natural, it's not something to be ashamed of you, so quit shaming people, you should be ashamed of yourself, trying to dictate how people should live.

I'm not shaming women in their underwear in general, just certain displays of it.

Yes, classy is subjective. But I think you can be sexy and classy.

I'm just giving my opinion on my music video. How is that "not letting her live her life?" What with the dramatics?

Yes, we have tons of fathers in their 30's-40's talking about sex. But that's not what I said. I said that men don't display their sexuality in the same way that women do. They keep their clothes on (and male toplessness is different to female toplessness anyway) and don't degrade themselves visually. Because men are raised to believe that they don't need to do that to be considered attractive or gain success whereas women do.

I think sex is natural too. I don't think it's something to be ashamed of. This is the refrain I get EVERY time I bring up our problems with sexuality in this culture. The assumption is that I'm a prude. I'm not (I actually saw your first post and thought you seemed pretty easily pleased if you thought this video was the hottest you'd ever seen - there are way hotter than this). I've just got different ways of thinking and there's a whole host of women that agree with me, it's just that we struggle to get our views entertained. And it's even sadder that we're told to be ashamed of ourselves when we state these views. That's modern feminism for you - support the sex-mad types, put down the ones who vouch for a more dignified sexuality. It's like society's inherently sexist and think women should be defined by their sexuality or something.

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Brian Ryan
22 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

How is repeating my opinions any different from you repeating yours? You haven't answered that.

I'm fine with women "living," I just question why so many of them see empowerment in a different light to men. You have dodged this element whenever I've brought it up. Presumably because it's something you've never thought of and don't know how to answer it. It's always the same when a question that no one's ever thought to ask comes up?

I'm ignoring those "examples" because I've yet to see a straight man in mainstream Western culture displaying the same kind of sexuality that women do (dancing in underwear, posing submissively, etc). And I will not "let things be" - women won't get anywhere if things continue like they are.

I'm fully supportive of men's struggles, don't get me wrong. But this is about female struggle and that's quite different. It's clear that what we think is best for society is very different, then. I want to see a world where women don't have to be sexual in order to get success or feel like they matter. And I'm not trying to tear down Fergie. I like her. Which is why I'm disappointed that she'd take this angle when she's better than this.

I don't repeat myself in every single thread where a women isn't in a burqa. Empowerment is just different for alot of heterosexual men and women especially. Why on Earth would a straight man do what Fergie would be doing in her video? First, he probably wouldn't pull it off. Secondly, it's overwhelming just not sexy to a lot of females, just gays. Women has got many places. There was time where women who did not dress just like men raps would not be paid. Shortly before, there was a time where female rappers did not even exist. Men find different things sexy. Women find different sexy. Straight or gay. We are different in many ways.

There's nothing wrong with a women wanting to get with her girls in heels. Sex it up. Put on lingerie. Dance and have fun just because men aren't doing it. lol It's seriously not that deep. Justin Bieber is just naked as Fergie has been lately and there's tons more examples. There's more nudity of men out there than female celebs. I hate bring Lana up but she practically will go to hell and give up her own religion for a guy. The Gods and Monsters video. You need to lighten up.

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The Child
1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I don't think it's even clear what it is she means by it. If you're a MILF, you make more money than a woman who isn't? That simply being a MILF allows you access to money that non-MILFs don't? And what's all this stuff about "let me see you milkshake" and pouring milk over herself? She should have just made the song about being an independent woman and called it Let Me See You Milkshake. I think she totally gave it the title she did just to make controversy because the lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with being a MILF. Yes, she may say that she means Mom I'd Like To Follow in her video, but that's just a cop-out. She named it what she did knowing that people would think it meant the original meaning. And apart from that quick representation of what she defines the term is at the very beginning, we see no other reminder of this new meaning, therefore, it makes this new meaning very easy to forget, so your mind returns to the original meaning. And why did she fill the video with so many women who men might regard as MILFs (original meaning) if she didn't intend the original meaning? This is what I mean when I say that music videos are made to distract from potentially terrible songs. That way, we're encouraged to switch off our brains if we ponder a flaw in the lyrics for too long.

How is repeating my opinions any different from you repeating yours? You haven't answered that.

I'm fine with women "living," I just question why so many of them see empowerment in a different light to men. You have dodged this element whenever I've brought it up. Presumably because it's something you've never thought of and don't know how to answer it. It's always the same when a question that no one's ever thought to ask comes up?

I'm ignoring those "examples" because I've yet to see a straight man in mainstream Western culture displaying the same kind of sexuality that women do (dancing in underwear, posing submissively, etc). And I will not "let things be" - women won't get anywhere if things continue like they are.

I'm fully supportive of men's struggles, don't get me wrong. But this is about female struggle and that's quite different. It's clear that what we think is best for society is very different, then. I want to see a world where women don't have to be sexual in order to get success or feel like they matter. And I'm not trying to tear down Fergie. I like her. Which is why I'm disappointed that she'd take this angle when she's better than this.

I'm not shaming women in their underwear in general, just certain displays of it.

Yes, classy is subjective. But I think you can be sexy and classy.

I'm just giving my opinion on my music video. How is that "not letting her live her life?" What with the dramatics?

Yes, we have tons of fathers in their 30's-40's talking about sex. But that's not what I said. I said that men don't display their sexuality in the same way that women do. They keep their clothes on (and male toplessness is different to female toplessness anyway) and don't degrade themselves visually. Because men are raised to believe that they don't need to do that to be considered attractive or gain success whereas women do.

I think sex is natural too. I don't think it's something to be ashamed of. This is the refrain I get EVERY time I bring up our problems with sexuality in this culture. The assumption is that I'm a prude. I'm not (I actually saw your first post and thought you seemed pretty easily pleased if you thought this video was the hottest you'd ever seen - there are way hotter than this). I've just got different ways of thinking and there's a whole host of women that agree with me, it's just that we struggle to get our views entertained. And it's even sadder that we're told to be ashamed of ourselves when we state these views. That's modern feminism for you - support the sex-mad types, put down the ones who vouch for a more dignified sexuality. It's like society's inherently sexist and think women should be defined by their sexuality or something.

Honestly half of the things you said don't make sense for me but that's your opinion and I can see what you're actually trying to say anyway, I think I get it.

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I don't think it's even clear what it is she means by it. If you're a MILF, you make more money than a woman who isn't? That simply being a MILF allows you access to money that non-MILFs don't? And what's all this stuff about "let me see you milkshake" and pouring milk over herself? She should have just made the song about being an independent woman and called it Let Me See You Milkshake. I think she totally gave it the title she did just to make controversy because the lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with being a MILF. Yes, she may say that she means Mom I'd Like To Follow in her video, but that's just a cop-out. She named it what she did knowing that people would think it meant the original meaning. And apart from that quick representation of what she defines the term is at the very beginning, we see no other reminder of this new meaning, therefore, it makes this new meaning very easy to forget, so your mind returns to the original meaning. And why did she fill the video with so many women who men might regard as MILFs (original meaning) if she didn't intend the original meaning? This is what I mean when I say that music videos are made to distract from potentially terrible songs. That way, we're encouraged to switch off our brains if we ponder a flaw in the lyrics for too long.

How is repeating my opinions any different from you repeating yours? You haven't answered that.

I'm fine with women "living," I just question why so many of them see empowerment in a different light to men. You have dodged this element whenever I've brought it up. Presumably because it's something you've never thought of and don't know how to answer it. It's always the same when a question that no one's ever thought to ask comes up?

I'm ignoring those "examples" because I've yet to see a straight man in mainstream Western culture displaying the same kind of sexuality that women do (dancing in underwear, posing submissively, etc). And I will not "let things be" - women won't get anywhere if things continue like they are.

I'm fully supportive of men's struggles, don't get me wrong. But this is about female struggle and that's quite different. It's clear that what we think is best for society is very different, then. I want to see a world where women don't have to be sexual in order to get success or feel like they matter. And I'm not trying to tear down Fergie. I like her. Which is why I'm disappointed that she'd take this angle when she's better than this.

I'm not shaming women in their underwear in general, just certain displays of it.

Yes, classy is subjective. But I think you can be sexy and classy.

I'm just giving my opinion on my music video. How is that "not letting her live her life?" What with the dramatics?

Yes, we have tons of fathers in their 30's-40's talking about sex. But that's not what I said. I said that men don't display their sexuality in the same way that women do. They keep their clothes on (and male toplessness is different to female toplessness anyway) and don't degrade themselves visually. Because men are raised to believe that they don't need to do that to be considered attractive or gain success whereas women do.

I think sex is natural too. I don't think it's something to be ashamed of. This is the refrain I get EVERY time I bring up our problems with sexuality in this culture. The assumption is that I'm a prude. I'm not (I actually saw your first post and thought you seemed pretty easily pleased if you thought this video was the hottest you'd ever seen - there are way hotter than this). I've just got different ways of thinking and there's a whole host of women that agree with me, it's just that we struggle to get our views entertained. And it's even sadder that we're told to be ashamed of ourselves when we state these views. That's modern feminism for you - support the sex-mad types, put down the ones who vouch for a more dignified sexuality. It's like society's inherently sexist and think women should be defined by their sexuality or something.

Do you realize we are talking about Fergie, the singer, and not the actual Duchess? That's Fergie style, the same woman that has released music titled Fergalicious, My Humps, Let's Get Retarded and Boom Boom Pow and now MILF Money. Her Husband Josh Duhamel knew pretty well what he was getting into when he decided to settle down a life with Fergie. Now, is it YOUR business how her husband sees her or why she would change? That's Fergie being FERGIE.

Now, there's pretty women in the video, are they naked? No. Are the Lyrics to the song explicit? Not really. Now it's time to go outside and live a non-judgemental life. We live in an age where everyone does what they want regardless of what people say.

playground love - josef salvat
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Brian Ryan
30 minutes ago, Brodinsky said:

Do you realize we are talking about Fergie, the singer, and not the actual Duchess? That's Fergie style, the same woman that has released music titled Fergalicious, My Humps, Let's Get Retarded and Boom Boom Pow and now MILF Money. Her Husband Josh Duhamel knew pretty well what he was getting into when he decided to settle down a life with Fergie. Now, is it YOUR business how her husband sees her or why she would change? That's Fergie being FERGIE.

Now, there's pretty women in the video, are they naked? No. Are the Lyrics to the song explicit? Not really. Now it's time to go outside and live a non-judgemental life. We live in an age where everyone does what they want regardless of what people say.

Now let me see you milk$hake. :tea:

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Ok sorry I will chime in the already heated thread but I am really disappointed in the song. I see the winks at The Dutchess and Fergalicious but this is miles away from them. I know I sound like an old fart, I might be becoming one, but I really expected she'd create something more like her previous work with will.i.am. The video is easy to the eye but for me it ends with this. I will give it a few more tries but I am seriously disappointed. :giveup:

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iTunes US:  2 Fergie - M.I.L.F. $

I hope they have good promo lined up for this, the gp is ready for slayage :giveup:

Oh and I get that everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, but seriously, just lighten up a bit, it's Fergie we're talking about. She is a strong woman, with a husband and a child and a career, and she is still hot as ****, why not show it? Because she is a woman? Hell nah!

So don't try to find a "meaning" behind the song or the video, it's just what it is!

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