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Gaga & many more signed an open-letter to Congress to stop gun violence


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5 hours ago, Jxck said:

Why does this only happen when an event like Orlando has already happened. This should of been pushed for a long time ago.

Because the government is now refusing to listen to the majority of the citizens in the country. The large majority of the country is for sensible gun regulation, but Congress won't respect the people's requests for safety and security. 

When people don't feel threatened, they don't put time and energy into pushing for change. They focus on other things that are important to them at the immediate time. People are now in a place where they have had enough and the want their government to do something, instead of being tied up continuously into doing absolutely nothing. 

There comes a time when enough is enough! 

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6 hours ago, DiscoHeaven23 said:

Alicia Keys
Britney Spears
Carole King
Lady Gaga
Tony Bennett

Queens :giveup::sara:

I'm proud of all of them :yay:

🧟‍♂️ A haunting ghostly treat 👻 the ghoulish trickery 🔮
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5 hours ago, Domino said:

You do realize this in no way will stop shootings, or shootings like that from happening? I am for this if it helps, but my entire point is that something else needs to be done. This law is not going to help us. We have to find other solutions 

There are plenty of other solutions to be had along side the laws :happy:

Someone compared this all to the war on drugs and I think that's an accurate comparison. We don't only have laws against drug use, we also educate kids about drugs. There's a school in Colorado (pretty sure it was Colorado?) that actually added a "gun safety" course to their curriculum. I think that could help a lot. Teaching kids to be safe, cautious, and knowledgeable around and about weapons.

Bill O'Reilly also had a good idea (shocking). Elevate any crime involving a gun to a federal offense. That'll hopefully deter smaller crimes like people knocking over a 7/11 and cause a slight cultural shift away from the violence and crime that American society usually breeds. Just a slight one.

Devoting an entire chunk of the FBI to the regulation and inspection of the terror watch list is also a great idea. If we properly use it, we can then justify putting someone on it and taking their 2nd amendment rights away.

Also taking mental illness more seriously. Even though it's usually an excuse people use (white kid shoots up a black church, they say it's 'cause he's mentally ill; a brown man shoots up a gay club and they say it's 'cause he's an Islamic extremist and we need to eradicate Islam :smh:) it still wouldn't hurt to take it more seriously. If even one person's life is saved, it's worth it.

Finally, and I know this may be an unpopular one, I think we need to have a serious revision of the 2nd amendment. The people who ratified it in 1791 could not have know the kind of fire power the average citizen would have access to these days. It was all left vague for a reason - to adapt to an evolving society. It's time to adapt our thoughts on what guns we have a right to. Large magazine, high powered, semi-automatic rifles? Nobody needs them.

Will we prevent all shootings? No. But just like laws against theft don't prevent all people from stealing, we still have to set a unified boundary and say what is or isn't ok. Our safety trumps the "right" someone has to a tool that can kill tens of people in seconds.

/rant? :green:

🧟‍♂️ A haunting ghostly treat 👻 the ghoulish trickery 🔮
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40 minutes ago, PartySick said:

There are plenty of other solutions to be had along side the laws :happy:

Someone compared this all to the war on drugs and I think that's an accurate comparison. We don't only have laws against drug use, we also educate kids about drugs. There's a school in Colorado (pretty sure it was Colorado?) that actually added a "gun safety" course to their curriculum. I think that could help a lot. Teaching kids to be safe, cautious, and knowledgeable around and about weapons.

Bill O'Reilly also had a good idea (shocking). Elevate any crime involving a gun to a federal offense. That'll hopefully deter smaller crimes like people knocking over a 7/11 and cause a slight cultural shift away from the violence and crime that American society usually breeds. Just a slight one.

Devoting an entire chunk of the FBI to the regulation and inspection of the terror watch list is also a great idea. If we properly use it, we can then justify putting someone on it and taking their 2nd amendment rights away.

Also taking mental illness more seriously. Even though it's usually an excuse people use (white kid shoots up a black church, they say it's 'cause he's mentally ill; a brown man shoots up a gay club and they say it's 'cause he's an Islamic extremist and we need to eradicate Islam :smh:) it still wouldn't hurt to take it more seriously. If even one person's life is saved, it's worth it.

Finally, and I know this may be an unpopular one, I think we need to have a serious revision of the 2nd amendment. The people who ratified it in 1791 could not have know the kind of fire power the average citizen would have access to these days. It was all left vague for a reason - to adapt to an evolving society. It's time to adapt our thoughts on what guns we have a right to. Large magazine, high powered, semi-automatic rifles? Nobody needs them.

Will we prevent all shootings? No. But just like laws against theft don't prevent all people from stealing, we still have to set a unified boundary and say what is or isn't ok. Our safety trumps the "right" someone has to a tool that can kill tens of people in seconds.

/rant? :green:

I'm not per say saying I don't agree. This country was founded on the constitution. It's an unsettling game when it begins to change. You have to be careful, because this is more than what celebrities are stating. I don't think people have educated themselves enough on the real politics behind this, and that's plain dangerous. I want to see a document of this bill word for word before I agree to anything. I think more gun classes are yes needed. Though, I think there need to be more hotlines that can be called when you hear people talking about doing possible acts of violence. This debate is only widining and dividing people in America, when it should be united. If we are to accomplishment anything, we have to be united. Intolerance is at the root of this all. Stand up to that, and you'll see a change. A rule here and a rule there is going to usher in more and more rules to appear as an illusion of freedom. Thanksgiving is about Pilgrams and Native Americans setting aside their differences, and eating together. We have to embrace everyone, and work towards a common goal. That's my rant, but I'm done speaking of it. It's dizzying to say the least. God bless the Orlando victims. 

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Andrew Warhola
3 hours ago, PartySick said:

Queens :giveup::sara:

I'm proud of all of them :yay:



she's a party girl with a bad habit for drugs
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43 minutes ago, Andrew Warhola said:



I was hoping someone would point that out :yay:

🧟‍♂️ A haunting ghostly treat 👻 the ghoulish trickery 🔮
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Judas Oyster

A little off topic: Did anyone see Thom Yorke's signature? Funniest signature I've ever seen 😂

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