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how important in a producer?


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contributing to an overall piece of work. From 1% to 99%. 


I'd say 55%. 


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Luxe Ford

100%! And I don't mean the producer does all of the work. But he/she can make a whole lot of difference. 

What happens in Luxe Ford stays in Luxe Ford
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Dark Anatomy

I think if your song is good enough you don't need a fancy production. Yes producers are important but the actual lyrics and composition are much more vital IMO. 

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Listening to the two versions of Paparazzi, one produced by Rob Fusari and the other produced by RedOne, is interesting to look at how important they are

Paparazzi RedOne version:

 I'd say about 30-40%. They can change the whole feel of a song with production.

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12 minutes ago, Caesium said:

Listening to the two versions of Paparazzi, one produced by Rob Fusari and the other produced by RedOne, is interesting to look at how important they are

Paparazzi RedOne version:

 I'd say about 30-40%. They can change the whole feel of a song with production.

this version is 100 times better imo :saladga:

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3 minutes ago, MaryJaneHolland said:

this version is 100 times better imo :saladga:

you have to confess on the dancefloor that you're deaf. :neyde:

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1 minute ago, T E A said:

you have to confess on the dancefloor that you're deaf. :neyde:

the male backing vocals are catchy af :hor:

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@T E A don't tell me that this is worse than the standard edition... it's much better


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Just now, MaryJaneHolland said:

@T E A don't tell me that this is worse than the standard edition... it's much better



Wtf. This version is actually catchy and slays. Thanks for this. Lemme replace the album version with this. 

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Marina Braxton

Huge impact. All your fave songs are that way because of a producer (generally speaking).

Not lyrically of course

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2 minutes ago, MaryJaneHolland said:

@T E A don't tell me that this is worse than the standard edition... it's much better


there was another thread about this. lemme repeat what i said there: eh, eh is supposed to be a lighthearted song, but this remix makes it sound aggressive. so, no: it's much worse. :hor: 

if you hurt taylor swift, i'll hurt you back
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Just now, T E A said:

there was another thread about this. lemme repeat what i said there: eh, eh is a supposed to be a lighthearted song, but this remix makes it sound aggressive. so, no: it's much worse. :hor: 

confess on a dance floor you're deaf and reductive :madge:



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I wanted to make a thread about this for a while.

First we must understand what a producer really is, and what production of a song really means. Cause people there's been a great confusion, mainly since this past years, when Dj's became producers, though some can't really mix and most have little knowledge, as they are self-taught, and don't know certain terminology.

So producer means too many things, imo.

Let's just talk in Lady Gagzian case. She does the arrangements, composes the music and writes the lyrics. When she has all that, she then comes to the studio with a song that already has structure and there's two options, either she has a vague or very defined idea of what she wants to happen and probably even recorded it in the Daw (protools etc), but isn't a tech expert and they are the professionals, or she wants to have a certain sound and searches for a producer that is specialist in that.

Ronson seems to be a classic producer. He brought other professionals, that we know, for the sessions, like Kevin Parker. And prob. is responsible for the musicians. Though Gaga seems to always be the executive producer, because she has a clear idea of her project. Unless it's changed for this record and she's letting others having more input aka being GIRL .UNDER .Ronson.

With RedOne, she seems to rely on his knowledge of dance music, and more so, on Europpean dance music. And he seems to contribute for the riffs and some hooks.

 The kind of producer, in a Lady Gaga song, has a 25 - 30% of contribution to the song. Because she directs them.

Just to make it clear, which i certainly lost it halfway, musical production isn't just related to genres. Some people talk like it's some rock band doing a cover or something and adding it's style. It can be about that as well, mostly in electronic music. But the producer is a superviser mostly. Supervises the recording of instruments, vocals, choir, and makes it sound good. Does a mixing and then an audio mixer will make it even better or correct some mistakes.


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