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Thai racist skin whitening commercials


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10 minutes ago, Sexxx said:

Yeah basically

Fair skin is celebrated in Asian countries

I figured. They should uh...make an effort to not create such blatantly ignorant ads :laughga:

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37 minutes ago, PartySick said:

So...is a tan here in the States like being pale as a ghost in Thailand?

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The ads are just...stupid but that's a genuine question^


Michael Jackson was obsessed too although he looked fine when he was black 

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56 minutes ago, PartySick said:

So...is a tan here in the States like being pale as a ghost in Thailand? :duck:

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The ads are just...stupid but that's a genuine question^


Similiar but not the same. South East and East Asians have obsessions with fair skin. Because it is considered as pretty and high class. Especially the women. It is rooting wayyyy back, hundreda of years ago, where many people who lives in palace are all having fair skin while the peasants are yellow skinned. Every literature coming frim this age would mentioned it as well. It is nothing to do with race, in the West we use labels like black, white, brown, yellow, red to express race, but skin tone does not divide people up in Asia in the same way. 

Instead of indicating race, skin color is directly connected to class. If your skin is dark it is like you work in the fields. Working in the fields = poor.

While in the West, people obsessed in being tanned simply because it's exotic and nothing to with class or anything.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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I don't think the first one is bad. It just tried to say "Don't judge a book by its cover."

And yeah, people here (Thailand) think white skin is healthy, clean, and what anyone should have since the dawn of time. South Korean culture has a lot of influence here, especially the white skin, the thin figure and the plastic surgery.


That's why I don't care much about making plastic friends, so I have like 2 close friends, one is very fat, like not just Rebel-Wilson fat, the other one is kinda tan and I don't care because they're good people.

People here care too much about what other people think/would think of them, they try so hard to be conventionally good-looking for other people.

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20 minutes ago, Licq said:

Michael Jackson was obsessed too although he looked fine when he was black 

Michael Jackson had a skin depigmentation disease, vitiligo, which made him obsessed to even out his skin by using make up. A lot of people have this disease, some very subtle and some very extreme like Michael. Even Michael's oldest son has it 

Michael Jackson


Michael Prince Jackson


Chantal Brown Young




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They're pathetic. :toofunny: 

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40 minutes ago, Licq said:

Michael Jackson was obsessed too although he looked fine when he was black 

Obsessed? :duck: with lightening his skin? :duck:

He had vitiligo. A common "treatment" is to evenly and gradually bleach the skin so splotching doesn't happen...although you can see the splotching on his arms, neck, chest, etc in the 80's. That's why he first wore the glove too, to cover the skin where pigment was being destroyed.

26 minutes ago, RAMROD said:

Similiar but not the same. South East and East Asians have obsessions with fair skin. Because it is considered as pretty and high class. Especially the women. It is rooting wayyyy back, hundreda of years ago, where many people who lives in palace are all having fair skin while the peasants are yellow skinned. Every literature coming frim this age would mentioned it as well. It is nothing to do with race, in the West we use labels like black, white, brown, yellow, red to express race, but skin tone does not divide people up in Asia in the same way. 

Instead of indicating race, skin color is directly connected to class. If your skin is dark it is like you work in the fields. Working in the fields = poor.

While in the West, people obsessed in being tanned simply because it's exotic and nothing to with class or anything.

Oh...well that's....interesting. Thanks :happy:


Not quite sure what to say tbh.


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Wow...the first one was the worst! Why would the black guy even agree to do a commercial like that? :wtf:


All that whitening sun block is a mess...but in that culture, being white is seen as ideal and you are working inside meaning you are a rich professional and if you're dark you're an outside worker who's poor.

It's image and reputation...especially when it comes to families and the whole "honor" system that still exists amongst families and how their children are viewed by others

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Guys.. I don't think these are intentionally racist, it's just related to the rich = lighter skin cultural association that's been discussed here already.

I definitely don't think the portrayal of people of African decent is very appropriate here, but I think the intent of these commercials (especially the bear one) is to show how effective the product supoosedly is. I think it would be more appropriate to use individuals that are more in line with the actual customer base instead of searching for a model that would make the most dramatic moment in a clip for your product (but so goes the world of advertising).

- Previously Sycothisis
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Alien Tulip
1 hour ago, Rebel Heart said:

This is so messed up. It's so worrying how ingrained anti-blackness is in Asia. And to answer the question at the end of the video, I feel like it's a reflection of the culture. These countries still associate having darker skin with poor peasants who'd work in the sun all day and white skin with the rich who could afford to stay inside.

Some of them live in America too. Nothing more embarrassing than a white washed person of color. I truly feel bad for them and really hope they wake up one day and are proud of their skin and features. In Asia they even have bleaching products to make your nipples, elbows and genitals pink like a caucasian or a light skinned latino since most asians are brown in those areas. If it makes them feel better about themselves then more power to them but it's just freaky to me. 

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Even though insensitive, the first one was kinda funny because of the massive plot twist. :rip: 

This one is downright offensive. I had no idea that Asian people are so racist, they always seem so friendly. :air:

it wasn't laaaahv
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Alien Tulip
5 minutes ago, Love Drought said:

Even though insensitive, the first one was kinda funny because of the massive plot twist. :rip: 

This one is downright offensive. I had no idea that Asian people are so racist, they always seem so friendly. :air:

There are racist people in each race. I know a lot of non racist friendly asian people however I have come across some white washed asians that are embarrassing and desperate for white approval to the extreme where they only date white people and disturbingly shut down men of their own race. 

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19 minutes ago, Alien Tulip said:

There are racist people in each race. I know a lot of non racist friendly asian people however I have come across some white washed asians that are embarrassing and desperate for white approval to the extreme where they only date white people and disturbingly shut down men of their own race. 

I mean I don't recall whites doing commercials like these with black people or blacks doing commercials like these about white people tho. Maybe it's not even racism for them, maybe it's something normal like how they find us weird and they think we are/look funny. :saladga:

it wasn't laaaahv
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1 hour ago, Love Drought said:

Even though insensitive, the first one was kinda funny because of the massive plot twist. :rip: 

This one is downright offensive. I had no idea that Asian people are so racist, they always seem so friendly. :air:


You need to remember that Asia is pretty much still one dimensional, foreigners are not very common except if you live in big cities or near military base and so they are still trapped in stereotypical. Besides, as I have said earlier, race is not an issue for Asian, they don't care as they associate skin color more to social class and beauty standards, and it is hailed way back before any foreigners even there and the beauty standards are still pretty much the same today.

28 minutes ago, Love Drought said:

I mean I don't recall whites doing commercials like these with black people or blacks doing commercials like these about white people tho. Maybe it's not even racism for them, maybe it's something normal like how they find us weird and they think we are/look funny. :saladga:

Caucasians get better, and still learning to get better, look up vintage ads and tv shows and cartoons and witness how we were just the same back in the day, racist and misogynist. Even Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry cartoons were very racist with stereotypical stuffs and demonizing POC agenda.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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1 hour ago, Love Drought said:

Even though insensitive, the first one was kinda funny because of the massive plot twist. :rip: 

This one is downright offensive. I had no idea that Asian people are so racist, they always seem so friendly. :air:

There is a lot of racism in Asia, though not many people recognize it because it is mostly between Asians. Korea, japan, and China seem to switch between frenemies and full out hatred on a daily basis, meanwhile, I'm sure Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan and the rest have a distaste for China, Japan, and Korea. Though, that has to deal with the skin thing, as Thai, Taiwanese and I'm sure Vietnamese have darker skin than the naturally fairer Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people.

Also, in Malaysia, there is a lot of racism towards outsiders. Despite my friend having lived there since he was three he still experiences prejudice.

Oh and lets not get on the racism between Japanese and the native islanders of Japan. or at I believe the native islanders. I believe their named started with an M.

There's a lot of racism in Asian countries. It's just mostly towards other Asians. Though I'm just there is racism towards those outside the Asian race, but the Asian on Asian is most well known.

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