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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Why do people ignore Madonna's ephebophilic character?


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And how is this supposed to be alarming...? It didn't sound like she raped that boy at all, and nothing in this text tells us whether he was below the age of consent or not. This may be breaking news to you, but having sex with an underage person isn't illegal as long as this person has reached the age of consent. He was a teenager, not a child, take a chill pill.

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3 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Whether it was real or not, that is a pretty sick fantasy. Now, while there was no mention of him actually being underage, she sure put in a lot of graphic descriptions that suggested that he was very young, under-age young: "teenage boy," "a virgin," "barely any pubic hair," "he never went to school," "he wasn't very big, he was a baby." None of this is coincidental, it's meant to be titillating and appeal to your darker, creepy side. And that's all very well...but don't bring borderline underage characters into it. If they're young, make it blatantly clear that they are legal. But don't overemphasise the youth, don't fetishise the youth, don't make it sound like they are attractive purely because of their youth. But she's doing all these things here and its disgraceful.

Let's put this another way...take this passage and switch the genders. It's a man talking about sex with a teenage girl, that she was a virgin and had barely any pubic hair and didn't go to school and hung out at his house and slept over at his when her parents kicked her out. Now, would you say: "don't judge, it's just harmless fantasy?" No, a man wouldn't get away with writing this. Notice when the subject is a boy, some of you said he had barely any public hair because he was a late developer or shaved? That shouldn't be the train of thought you go down when you hear this. But if it was a girl described as having no pubic hair, would you assume she was a late developer or had shaved? No, you'd assume she was underage. Because we look at boys and girls sexual situations differently. At the end of the day, this was one hell of a creepy story, real or not. And it's wrong how women are not questioned when they appear to have sick fantasies involving very young boys but when men do it, they're villified. Some feminism.

thank you!  GGD doesn't deserve someone as articulate and thoughtful as you.

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At the end of the day it was about Dita's fantasies. It never happened. Dita died with Bedtime Stories. Madonna let the era alone and had success again in late 90's. Don't forget about buying Erotica! :poot:

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Fantasy or not, this is still disturbing. :wtf: If it wasn't Madonna who wrote this, or even a man, people would've been more upset. But of course it's Madonna and she has every right to do this cause she's da kween of pop, right?  

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The only thing I can say in her defense is that it was another time and having sex with minors wasn't such a big deal as it's now. Just search about baby groupies.

But I'm actually impressed seeing all these people defending this saying a teenager without pubic hair, virgin, living with his parents, with not so developed penis can be old enough to have sex with an adult. Not because it's wrong, because usually everyone here attacks male celebrities who do this.

Everytime the discussion appears people here are so fast to say "an underage woman isn't capable to decide if she wants to have sex or not with an adult". But suddenly everything changes when a woman has sex with an underage guy.

Double standards are not cute.

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Just now, thotiana said:

thank you!  GGD doesn't deserve someone as articulate and thoughtful as you.

What GGD would surely need is less full of **** people. I mean, digging into some stuff from 25 years ago to bring Madonna down, and suddenly act all shocked at the fact she was and still is controversial? I mean, wake up people. It's like criticizing water for being wet.

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Just now, HOMODRAKE said:

Fantasy or not, this is still disturbing. :wtf: If it wasn't Madonna who wrote this, or even a man, people would've been more upset. But of course it's Madonna and she has every right to do this cause she's da kween of pop, right?  

shhhh! you can't be sensible here

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Just now, elijahfan said:

What GGD would surely need is less full of **** people. I mean, digging into some stuff from 25 years ago to bring Madonna down, and suddenly act all shocked at the fact she was and still is controversial? I mean, wake up people. It's like criticizing water for being wet.

it doesn't make it right!!!!!!!!!!! what is this logic?

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3 minutes ago, HOMODRAKE said:

Fantasy or not, this is still disturbing. :wtf: If it wasn't Madonna who wrote this, or even a man, people would've been more upset. But of course it's Madonna and she has every right to do this cause she's da kween of pop, right?  

I would've said the same thing no matter who wrote this as there's nothing wrong here. Why is it so f*cking disturbing when the text DOES NOT say ANYTHING about a underaged boy? Jesus.

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Madonna wanted to have sex with. He wanted to have sex with her. She might've been in her early 20s when this happened. Maybe this has never happened. The end.

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9 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Whether it was real or not, that is a pretty sick fantasy. Now, while there was no mention of him actually being underage, she sure put in a lot of graphic descriptions that suggested that he was very young, under-age young: "teenage boy," "a virgin," "barely any pubic hair," "he never went to school," "he wasn't very big, he was a baby." None of this is coincidental, it's meant to be titillating and appeal to your darker, creepy side. And that's all very well...but don't bring borderline underage characters into it. If they're young, make it blatantly clear that they are legal. But don't overemphasise the youth, don't fetishise the youth, don't make it sound like they are attractive purely because of their youth. But she's doing all these things here and its disgraceful.

Let's put this another way...take this passage and switch the genders. It's a man talking about sex with a teenage girl, that she was a virgin and had barely any pubic hair and didn't go to school and hung out at his house and slept over at his when her parents kicked her out. Now, would you say: "don't judge, it's just harmless fantasy?" No, a man wouldn't get away with writing this. Notice when the subject is a boy, some of you said he had barely any public hair because he was a late developer or shaved? That shouldn't be the train of thought you go down when you hear this. But if it was a girl described as having no pubic hair, would you assume she was a late developer or had shaved? No, you'd assume she was underage. Because we look at boys and girls sexual situations differently. At the end of the day, this was one hell of a creepy story, real or not. And it's wrong how women are not questioned when they appear to have sick fantasies involving very young boys but when men do it, they're villified. Some feminism.

Thank you. default_mad50_zpse4b33994.jpg

it wasn't laaaahv
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9 minutes ago, DrewStevens said:

But I'm actually impressed seeing all these people defending this saying a teenager without pubic hair, virgin, living with his parents, with not so developed penis can be old enough to have sex with an adult. Not because it's wrong, because usually everyone here attacks male celebrities who do this.

Oh really? What I can see for sure is old guys getting married to young chicks without anyone saying anything. On the other hand, an older woman doing the same with younger guys is despised and called names. I have no idea what world you seem to be living in here, but that is the real double standard of this situation, not the other way around.

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1. It's a FANTASY book, nothing in there really happened!

2. TEENager can be, eightTEEN or nine TEEN!

3. Even as a fantasy, the story isn't telling she is raping him or anything

4. People have fantasies of ALL KIND, welcome to this UNIVERSE, does not mean we're all gonna take them to reality.

5. Thank you for creating yet another thread that even without any strong points that confirm Madonna is doing anything bad, it will be useful for all these pressed people who love hating on her. LET THEM VENT, yet again, it will never be enough, I guess!

6. Someone close this, before that person with the Lana avatar starts writing Bibles about how sexuality should be limited to what a certain group of people think it's right. Especially NOT in a forum dedicated to an artist that fight for the right of people with different types of sexuality.

7. NOBODY IS COMITTING A CRIME HERE. Go back to Curch for your narrow-mindind way of thinking opinions. PLEASE

15 minutes ago, thotiana said:

thank you!  GGD doesn't deserve someone as articulate and thoughtful as you.

Of course GGD doesn't deserve soemone like that. Gaga and her fans fight for right to freedom of being, freedom of expressing yourself, expressing your sexuality, (of course without compromising some else's integrity... something which isn't happening here, AND NEVER HAPPENS WHENEVER THIS PERSON WRITES HER ESSAYS, SOOOO...)



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