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So What Ship will be the Ship to End all Ships in KH3? (Also general HoYay)


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As we come closer and closer to the unknown release date of KH3 (also, LG5) we get closer and closer to knowing what couple will be canon!

So, will it be Sora/Riku at the end, or will the most popular ship in Kingdom Hearts end up like the Titanic: grand and enchanting and heading straight towards disaster? Will Sora or Riku end up actually being straight and going for Kairi?

Or will none of the main three get together and we get a pairing out of left field like Lea/Ven?

I know, this thread is stupid, please just let it be stupid.

But let's honestly talk about hoyay in games and other media, and how much of a tease it is, despite not being intentional.

Though, seriously, does anyone believe those boys are straight?

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Aren't they like 12? :neyde:



jk, I don't know s**t about KH :laughga: All I know is that its like FF and Disney combined? 

One Banned Boi
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It'll probably be Kairi and Sora.

I have never shipped anyone from those games, though. I feel like it has a lot of work to do in terms of making me invest emotionally in characters in that way.

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34 minutes ago, Sizzliy said:

Aren't they like 12? :neyde:



jk, I don't know s**t about KH :laughga: All I know is that its like FF and Disney combined? 

Nope. Sora, as of 3DS is sixteen, maybe 17, and he may be older in KH3. Riku is 18 and maybe older in KH3 as well. They have never actually been twelve in the series.

And not to mention KH1 was released in 2002. The KH fandom is older than most would think.

And it really isn't that, since none of the FF casts make up the main roles (though they have a lot of supporting roles. And while Disney does also have a lot of characters well, anything outside of the main five (Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Goofy, and Donald) and a few villains are irrelevant. While the first KH had a lot to deal with KH and FF in some ways, since Chain of Memories, the storyline is far more focused on being original and original characters.

18 minutes ago, Leo said:

It'll probably be Kairi and Sora.

I have never shipped anyone from those games, though. I feel like it has a lot of work to do in terms of making me invest emotionally in characters in that way.

Well, I think the thing is, with games, due to how I gre up with them (KH especially) I tend to get emotionally invested automatically. Unless the game sucks.

And I'm not sure if I really am emotionally invested really. That sounds far too serious. Many people ship for fun and don't really have any investments.

I'm really just asking out of curiousity, and due to the fact when comparing how Sora treats Riku as compared to Kairi, can anyone really blame the fandom for believing these boys are gay. And it's a little far past bromance.

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