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Millennials find Madonna 'desperate', study finds


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Duella Dvil

Maybe it's because she's 














reverse madonnian expedition 

One second I'm being sought for

Suddenly I'm seeking me

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5 hours ago, Snow said:

Rolf :D:D

This thread is so full of ppl who just don't get it. But The most hilarious part is that someone actually thinks teenagers opinion matter at ALL in society. Its so funny when Kids think they rule The world :D

Educate yourself.

Millenials are not teenagers. They are people born from 1980 to 2000, so it's wide span of adults through young adults to older teens. 

You can think they don't matter, but they are the main consumers of pop music so for Madonna, this is bad news indeed. 

The Taylor Brigade: KNOCKOUT
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Duella Dvil

I don't give a fuh fuh fuh fuh 

I don't give a fuh fuh fuh ****

Don't tell her to stop

Don't push her

Don't justify her

It's human nature to express yourself

Give Me evidence of its relevance cuz I'm still gonna bop to 13 albums two soundtracks and a **** load of singles and unreleased stuff



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16 hours ago, Ferrer Zorola said:

YAAASS where are the lies, finally some FACTS about Madonna's current status.
I refuse to call this woman the queen of pop, that status should be earned with every album. It's not that her recent albums have been flops, it has nothing to do with that, actually. I don't consider her queen of anything because of the lack of quality her recent songs have. Bitch I'm Madonna is a bop but it's a generic song made for the radio, not something to be expected from a woman with almost 40 years in the game. Björk is making music with much more quality and artistic approach. Also her RH tour sucks and it's disrespectful to show up late AND drunk to your shows. "Rebel heart" is such a basic ass concept for an album, at least she could have taken more advantage of the duality theme like ARTPOP to offer better explanations but no, that album and any other album she has released isn't as consistent and round as a Lady Gaga album. 


I think madonna can make a quality album. I mean to say she's trying to be young, her young sounding music is good for someone her age. I believe she can still create a quality album and after losing Rocco, she started perform her 90s work that haven't been performed in years, and they sounded great live. I think this will affect her writing process for her new album

Lady Gaga/ Madonna/Lana /Azealia Banks/ Jazmine Sullivan/ DEEE-LITE/ Moko
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4 hours ago, BoysBoysBoys652 said:

Wikipedia. Lol


good job, ignorant.


Generation Y isn't just Millennials, so by calling Generation Y Millennials you're shitting all over people who aren't born on a cusp. 



Tbh, I don't know what got you so butthurt from my comment. :wtf: If you have deeper knowledge in that field I'm sure you could demonstrate it in much nicer way than calling people stupid/ignorant. I asked a question (wasn't even you whom I quoted) and suddenly you come with this attitude. Do you have issues? 


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10 hours ago, Snow said:

Rolf :D:D

This thread is so full of ppl who just don't get it. But The most hilarious part is that someone actually thinks teenagers opinion matter at ALL in society. Its so funny when Kids think they rule The world :D

Most music buyers are young people. Most people over 30 don't have a clue what's #1 or who's the most popular acts of the moment. They can recall the music from their generation, but not what came before or after. It's been the same with every generation before the current one since the dawn of time. That's why artists are encouraged by labels to appeal to the current youth market and the trends they're supporting. That's why artists like Madonna use the hottest, most talked about acts of the moment, like Britney and Justin, to sell their new work and keep their name relevant, but ditch them as soon as they're on a break/are no longer popular. And try to mirror the current music trend - remember when going urban was the key to success? And then it became dance pop? And now it's back to urban again? J.Lo's a good example of that - she only makes the kind of music that's popular at the time. She was all about Latin beats at first, then when that died out, she moved on to urban and when that died out, she moved on to dance pop and now she's back to urban again. When she realised that Pitbull collabs were no longer getting anywhere, she stopped using him and even replaced his feature with an Iggy feature because she's younger and more popular, hence, will help to sell and maintain relevance. She's only relying on trendhopping more and more the older she gets. Madonna's the same. The only difference is, she actually writes her own music. Older artists would not be resorting to this if it weren't for how much the youth market dictate what's popular. For all we're told that it's the oldies buying and the young are nothing but illegal downloaders, the facts are that the young also legally purchase the most music. This isn't a new thing either - its always been like this.

8 hours ago, Snow said:

Yet again one that has missunderstood everything. In what manner does Madonna try to appeal to teenagers? NONE! Her lyrics etc are not meant for teens and for teens to relate to. She is NOT trying to be a teen or anything even remotely like it. She is rebelling agains Social norms and trying to inspire older generation not to submit to ancient socal behaviour norms and live as everyone feels and pleases. Not Roll over and die once you hit fifthy.

Anyone who really think she's trying to apoeal for teens have clearly not listened her albums at ALL. 

And once AGAIN, Bitch Im Madonna is performance art andsarcasm, its not how she is NOR dresses. Its an expressin and exaggarated point of view of NOT caring of how you are supposed to be, but to validate yourself and do as you feel aka party at Clubs in you fifthies IF you please.

It IS ALL about sexism and ageism. 

Shes one of The most clever and intelligent ppl in The business and mother of teens. Does anyone think she is that delusional that she would think teens relate and listen to a sixty year old. No, she is not.

If this was her aim, why didn't she ever mention this in the development of the song and video? Look it up on Wiki - there's no mention of an ironic message or a social message. All she says is that she wanted to make a fun song. If Madonna wants to send a message, she doesn't just make it and expect you to understand what she was trying to say: she states her intentions so that no one misinterprets what she meant and so that more people hear the message in the first place. If she was intending it to have the message you claim, she would have stated so. Let's be real - the track has production by Diplo, it contains party lyrics and the video features a cameo-tastic list of young, current celebrities. This whole venture was built for nothing but sales and video views from the young and is yet again another failed attempt from Madonna to tap into the youth market. I don't know why she keeps doing it - it hasn't given her success for a long time. 4 Minutes was a fluke that will never be repeated and had it not featured JT and Timbaland, it likely wouldn't have been as big as it was.

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18 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Most music buyers are young people. Most people over 30 don't have a clue what's #1 or who's the most popular acts of the moment. They can recall the music from their generation, but not what came before or after. It's been the same with every generation before the current one since the dawn of time. That's why artists are encouraged by labels to appeal to the current youth market and the trends they're supporting. That's why artists like Madonna use the hottest, most talked about acts of the moment, like Britney and Justin, to sell their new work and keep their name relevant, but ditch them as soon as they're on a break/are no longer popular. And try to mirror the current music trend - remember when going urban was the key to success? And then it became dance pop? And now it's back to urban again? J.Lo's a good example of that - she only makes the kind of music that's popular at the time. She was all about Latin beats at first, then when that died out, she moved on to urban and when that died out, she moved on to dance pop and now she's back to urban again. When she realised that Pitbull collabs were no longer getting anywhere, she stopped using him and even replaced his feature with an Iggy feature because she's younger and more popular, hence, will help to sell and maintain relevance. She's only relying on trendhopping more and more the older she gets. Madonna's the same. The only difference is, she actually writes her own music. Older artists would not be resorting to this if it weren't for how much the youth market dictate what's popular. For all we're told that it's the oldies buying and the young are nothing but illegal downloaders, the facts are that the young also legally purchase the most music. This isn't a new thing either - its always been like this.

If this was her aim, why didn't she ever mention this in the development of the song and video? Look it up on Wiki - there's no mention of an ironic message or a social message. All she says is that she wanted to make a fun song. If Madonna wants to send a message, she doesn't just make it and expect you to understand what she was trying to say: she states her intentions so that no one misinterprets what she meant and so that more people hear the message in the first place. If she was intending it to have the message you claim, she would have stated so. Let's be real - the track has production by Diplo, it contains party lyrics and the video features a cameo-tastic list of young, current celebrities. This whole venture was built for nothing but sales and video views from the young and is yet again another failed attempt from Madonna to tap into the youth market. I don't know why she keeps doing it - it hasn't given her success for a long time. 4 Minutes was a fluke that will never be repeated and had it not featured JT and Timbaland, it likely wouldn't have been as big as it was.

Yes lets get real. You try to talk and sound ALL expert yet you are NOT. You use Wikipedia for your source? Really? 

Yes she has said as I said, not just mere fun dance song. Thats The surface. However not The purpose, which it is made for. So go get educated, I don't bother finding you links. But stop acting like you know something about it. Maybe you first lesson could be that M very rarely even finds The need to spell out her work. She doesnt care if they are understood. It is still The audience who needs The decide how they see things and understand them. According to M her job is to raise conversation, even uproar of topics. Thats exactly what she did and accomplished now. Ppl have been talking about how a woman of age should and should not behave etc. Mission accomplished Madonna!

You are just too wrapped up in your own "truth" you are too blind to see that she already did what she set out to do. You do realize here we are, topic after topic talking about her.

And again, how on earth is she desperate?! She doesnt care how things chart or sell anymore, not even tours. She has said this too numerous times. She does ALL that she does to provoke ppl in to discussion and hopefully some progress shall be made in The future. This has always been The case with M. Whether it was sex, gays, AIDS whatever.

And 4 mins is a fluke?! Oh please... Its a great bob and its that simple. Nothing more to say about that.

And The rest of your post have nothing to do with M. 

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Well if she just release materials like her late 90s/early 00's than she'll do fine and people wouldn't be giving her $hit. Instead she wants to release these songs that sound like it belongs to Selena Gomez/Miley Cyrus. Rebel heart was a breath of fresh air though...:awkney:

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funny how M's fans don't want to admit that the "teenage" opinions DID matter when she became a star..... who the hell supported her back i the early 80's? rocket scientists? Madonna is a PRODUCT of our society, not the VICTIM

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You wanna know what's more desperate than Madonna being desperate? People making articles about it, and people looking them up to make a thread in this site! 




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Omar Vela

Nobody that their birthday was after the Triasic period like her. She should retire with the little dignity she still has

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Brian Ryan

1,000 teens omg... great representation. Thanks for speaking for me. I never been a fan of statistics... just a short cut for people to get an answer. They wanted that answer before they even did the interviews. She has nothing to be desperate about considering her tour sales.

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