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Do you think Rihanna is mean and rude?


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3 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Oh, nice. What did I ever do you, Person I've Only Just Met Today? If you think Rihanna is such a goddess of a level that Gaga could never achieve and makes better albums than Gaga, why are you here? Go to a Rihanna forum.

I don't pirate every album. I stream them (which is also part of my music reviewing) and then decide if I like them enough to buy. I'm an old school music buyer and only buy physical copies, so I prefer not to have CDs building up. And I don't see the point of buying singles from artists who I'm going to be buying the whole album from anyway. Buying work from their faves and streaming everyone else is how most people operate when it comes to music nowadays.

i only come here because your all so ****ing obsessed with gaga , i've been on this forum since 2011 , GGD 1.0 since 2010 , grow up , learn that there are other artists , learn that gaga isnt the best , expand your ****ing horizons 

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GloZell Green
15 minutes ago, UltralightBeam said:

listen here you tiny piece of garbage , Rihanna is a goddess and gaga wishes she could achieve that , ANTI is better then any of the **** gaga has put out since 2013 so take that and shove it where the sun dont shine. 

Ironically 2013 was the last year since she put out original material besides TIHTY, so thanks for that pathetic statement :awkney: And most ANTI sucks

Lady Gaga | Shakira
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14 minutes ago, UltralightBeam said:

listen here you tiny piece of garbage , Rihanna is a goddess and gaga wishes she could achieve that , ANTI is better then any of the **** gaga has put out since 2013 so take that and shove it where the sun dont shine. 

No need to go to the extreme of calling someone a piece of garbage tbh. I don't necessarily agree with her, but it's not cool to disrespect her like that 

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1 minute ago, UltralightBeam said:

i only come here because your all so ****ing obsessed with gaga , i've been on this forum since 2011 , GGD 1.0 since 2010 , grow up , learn that there are other artists , learn that gaga isnt the best , expand your ****ing horizons 

If you think Rihanna is better the Gaga in terms of music quality, then you really need Jesus. Nobody cares when you joined GGD. Your statement is bullshit.



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8 minutes ago, CrazyMonster said:

I'm truly shocked by this video, I'm glad I don't stan for this kind of pop star.

I love that video ngl :rip: 

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I think Rihanna is very much in her own head. She doesn't act to please anyone. So if she wants to be nice and all that she will be, but if she's not feeling something I think it may come off in a bad way. But I'd much rather her be real than be a Rihanna Perry. 

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8 minutes ago, Harry said:

why are you being so rude to someone you've never even spoken to before? reinforces the case that you're not very pleasant at all :wtf:

Because they were rude to me first. They called me a piece of garbage! You think I'm just going to lie down and take that? If someone insults you, you have a right to defend yourself. You of all people advocate that. And I didn't swear at them or call them names, even though they did that to me. Because that's how a pleasant person deals with hate.

6 minutes ago, UltralightBeam said:

i only come here because your all so ****ing obsessed with gaga , i've been on this forum since 2011 , GGD 1.0 since 2010 , grow up , learn that there are other artists , learn that gaga isnt the best , expand your ****ing horizons 

We're so obsessed with her because it's a Gaga forum, duh! I've been here since 2010 too, what's that got to do with anything? I do like a lot of other artists (I even like some Kanye stuff - shout out to your name and avatar), but I like Gaga the best, hence why I've joined her fan forum. If you truly like someone else better, go to where they're worshipped. As it's not a Rihanna forum, we have no obligation to be nice about her. And I do expand my horizons - that's why I do music reviews, reviewing about 100 albums a year.

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3 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Because they were rude to me first. They called me a piece of garbage! You think I'm just going to lie down and take that? If someone insults you, you have a right to defend yourself. You of all people advocate that. And I didn't swear at them or call them names, even though they did that to me. Because that's how a pleasant person deals with hate.

We're so obsessed with her because it's a Gaga forum, duh! I've been here since 2010 too, what's that got to do with anything? I do like a lot of other artists (I even like some Kanye stuff - shout out to your name and avatar), but I like Gaga the best, hence why I've joined her fan forum. If you truly like someone else better, go to where they're worshipped. As it's not a Rihanna forum, we have no obligation to be nice about her. And I do expand my horizons - that's why I do music reviews, reviewing about 100 albums a year.

Why are you always picking fights with me?

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32 minutes ago, UltralightBeam said:

listen here you tiny piece of garbage , Rihanna is a goddess and gaga wishes she could achieve that , ANTI is better then any of the **** gaga has put out since 2013 so take that and shove it where the sun dont shine. 

nnnnnnnnnnnnnnn gurl.... :emma:

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Lord Temptation
1 hour ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Of course she is. Haven't liked her in years. Her album, Good Girl Gone Bad, really was an apt name because it's at this point she stopped being a sweet girl. Chris beating her really did have an effect on her because it was after Rated R that she really took on a new personality and it was perhaps like she was hurting inside and was guarding herself by acting tough. So, it was maybe more understandable in retrospect. But she's been well over Chris for several years now and she's still not improved her attitude. So, I can conclude that fame changed her. She got fame so young and was exposed to a lot of vices and just had to try them and now she is where she is. And I can't support artists who are not only not involved in their music but are mean into the bargain.

I'm genuinely intrigued as to why people think she's nice because I've seen nothing but nastiness from her from years and I don't know why some people don't see it.

There's the moment where she hit a fan's hand with a mic when they tried to grab at her on tour (I understand defending yourself but that was too much), when Liz Jones criticised her for being a bad role model to her young fans in an article, Rihanna fired back on Instagram, calling her "a menopausal mess." When a fan criticised her on Twitter for getting back with Chris, she responded by telling the girl she looked like a goat. And as previously posted here, when a fan posted a picture of her prom outfit on Twitter which she said was inspired by Rihanna's look, she responded by laughing at how ridiculous she looked (we all know Gaga would never have done that - she always praises people who copy her looks). She's mean to everyone, including her fans, which is really irksome. One moment that really exposed her true nature was this:


Rock n roll? Gimme a break. Girl, you can't play an instrument. You can't even write a full song on your own. What right do you have to talk down to people who have talent you do not possess? She thinks they must be the only ones in the wrong when she came in too early. If anything, they were trying to keep up with her wrong timing so she wouldn't look bad and trying to keep up with the backing beat. And she tries to put them down? She doesn't even know how her own song goes (this is what everyone else said in the comments too, it's not just me). Blaming it on the band is so unprofessional and no real artist would do such a thing. This is the true nature of Rihanna - arrogant, rude, bitchy. Fame created a monster.

See above post. She said the girl looked ridiculous and like the WuTang symbol, posted the side-by-side comparison and a bunch of her fans joined in, laughing at her too.

She is a c*nt.

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Lord Temptation
1 hour ago, Harry said:

Well you're a borderline racist so obviously you'd only pinpoint the bad in her and call her 'a monster'

How? Rihanna is a cruel pig to her fans and her band. 

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22 minutes ago, Gaga is Mine said:

No need to go to the extreme of calling someone a piece of garbage tbh. I don't necessarily agree with her, but it's not cool to disrespect her like that 

well said. Rihannas music is really good tho but I agree she doesn't match gaga

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