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Azealia threatens Iggy's life

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1 hour ago, inuborg said:

Sis that all may be happening (even though I'm not gonna mention the irony of white "oppression" in south AFRICA). That has nothing to do with Azealia Banks, me calling Your fave the mayo devil, and the fact that reserve racism doesn't exist.Ā 

How is it ironic? Because whites are largely the most powerful race in South Africa? Because black people come from Africa, so should be allowed to oppress who they choose in their own land? (please don't say it's the latter). Oh, but it does have all to do with it. It's about accepting how it's ok to be racist to one race, it's ok to generalise one race, it's ok to claim that one race has no struggles. Hating on someone because of their race is racism, plain and simple.

1 hour ago, inuborg said:

AndĀ considerĀ this where white people ever denied basic human rights and services while being called mayo? Where they ever hung from trees, tard and feathered, and burned alive while POC chanted mayo? No. Ā And that will never be the case so SB's case that the use of the term mayo will transpire into any FRACTION of what my ancestors faced back then and what my people face now Ā is asinineĀ 

How do you know it won't ever happen? If enough minorities believe in it, it can happen. When majority thinking comes into play, it can happen. That's why we can't slip up when it comes to the definition of racism, we can't make it ok for one but not the other. It's not equal if it's sometimes. Put it this way - men have never been denied any basic human rights or services as a gender whereas women have. Does that make it acceptable to call men offensive names? No, and I say that as a woman. If we want sexism to end, men and women have to work together, not oppose one another. It annoys me how when it comes to race, this moral and basic logic is forgotten about. I know what it's like to be part of an oppressed group - I certainly wouldn't try to make another group feel bad either.

40 minutes ago, inuborg said:

Im not trying to make it a norm X.x

im not fighting for the right to call people mayo (unlike the whites who fight to use the n word), either. I'm just saying it does not carry the same weight and implications.Ā 

Well, by using it, you're contributing to it becoming a norm and by using it, you're advocating the right to use the word. It doesn't matter if it doesn't carry the same weight or implications. You don't call people names. It's called manners and courtesy.

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3 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

How is it ironic? Because whites are largely the most powerful race in South Africa? Because black people come from Africa, so should be allowed to oppress who they choose in their own land? (please don't say it's the latter). Oh, but it does have all to do with it. It's about accepting how it's ok to be racist to one race, it's ok to generalise one race, it's ok to claim that one race has no struggles. Hating on someone because of their race is racism, plain and simple.

How do you know it won't ever happen? If enough minorities believe in it, it can happen. When majority thinking comes into play, it can happen. That's why we can't slip up when it comes to the definition of racism, we can't make it ok for one but not the other. It's not equal if it's sometimes. Put it this way - men have never been denied any basic human rights or services as a gender whereas women have. Does that make it acceptable to call men offensive names? No, and I say that as a woman. If we want sexism to end, men and women have to work together, not oppose one another. It annoys me how when it comes to race, this moral and basic logic is forgotten about. I know what it's like to be part of an oppressed group - I certainly wouldn't try to make another group feel bad either.

Well, by using it, you're contributing to it becoming a norm and by using it, you're advocating the right to use the word. It doesn't matter if it doesn't carry the same weight or implications. You don't call people names. It's called manners and courtesy.

I'm not hating now on Iggy because of her race though. I'm not hating on Iggy at all, that would imply I feel anything about her. She doesn't occupy my thoughts.


I already told you I wasn't getting into a race discussion with you.Ā 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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10 minutes ago, inuborg said:

I'm not hating now on Iggy because of her race though. I'm not hating on Iggy at all, that would imply I feel anything about her. She doesn't occupy my thoughts.


I already told you I wasn't getting into a race discussion with you.Ā 

You're not hating on her because of her race? So...you call her a mayo devil? She doesn't occupy your thoughts? So...you post on topics that say negative things about her? Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

You were happy to get into a race discussion with me when you had an answer to the things I said. But now you're backing out because I'm saying things that you know are right, meaning you can't argue back. That comparing sexism to racism bit was a killer. It always is. It really makes people realise that the "reverse racism doesn't exist" argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.

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After looking a theseĀ the second time, I'm not sure if she was being serious? Looks like she is trolling for laughs to me.

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Wait, why are they feuding again?

I don't really get this feud. They exist on two completely different spheres in the music world, they shouldn't even have to acknowledge each other. Iggy has the chart hits, is Hip-POP, and makes popular radio bops. She's pretty harmless. Azealia has the critical claim, massive respect for her talent,Ā street cred, and is the definitive queen of Alternative Rap. I doubt very much anyone is mistaking the two artists.Ā 

They've both led interesting lives, have faced their share of highs andĀ lows, and had to struggle to get to this point in their lives. Is a name really worth a focus of any of their time? Iggy is pretty much known as Iggy, and when you say "Azealia" people automatically think Banks. They are both successful, relatively speaking.Ā It just seems like they both have better things to do. Azealia has all these musical projects she is working on and probably would like to persue acting again,Ā and Iggy is planning for a comeback and has immense pressure to follow through with her sophmore album. Am I wrong for finding all this extremely petty?

Make Art, Not War.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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6 hours ago, inuborg said:

I can't reply to all of this cause I'm on my phone. But your transgender analogy doesn't work because those are two unprivilegedĀ minorities.

AndĀ considerĀ this where white people ever denied basic human rights and services while being called mayo? Where they ever hung from trees, tard and feathered, and burned alive while POC chanted mayo? No. Ā And that will never be the case so SB's case that the use of the term mayo will transpire into any FRACTION of what my ancestors faced back then and what my people face now Ā is asinineĀ 

You're using your ancestors suffering to justify your hatred, and your excuse for doing so is a very bad one, just this year several "impossible" things happened. There is a reason MLK was such a powerful speaker and it wasn't because he used petty insults. There is no justification for insulting someone based on their skin color, you just cause rifts when you do it.

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17 minutes ago, uo111 said:

You're using your ancestors suffering to justify your hatred, and your excuse for doing so is a very bad one, just this year several "impossible" things happened. There is a reason MLK was such a powerful speaker and it wasn't because he used petty insults. There is no justification for insulting someone based on their skin color, you just cause rifts when you do it.

Hatred? :air:Ā okay sisĀ 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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Just now, inuborg said:

Hatred? :air:Ā okay sisĀ 

Disdain? Dislike?

Whatever word you prefer I used, you can replace it. The point is, being nice isn't hard and you should try it sometime because it makes your arguments more convincing.

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5 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

You're not hating on her because of her race? So...you call her a mayo devil? She doesn't occupy your thoughts? So...you post on topics that say negative things about her? Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

You were happy to get into a race discussion with me when you had an answer to the things I said. But now you're backing out because I'm saying things that you know are right, meaning you can't argue back. That comparing sexism to racism bit was a killer. It always is. It really makes people realise that the "reverse racism doesn't exist" argument doesn't have a leg to stand on.

In my very first post to you, I told you I didnt want to discuss race with you but you hammered on.

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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Just now, uo111 said:

Disdain? Dislike?

Whatever word you prefer I used, you can replace it. The point is, being nice isn't hard and you should try it sometime because it makes your arguments more convincing.

Literally NONE of these words are applicable. I have not once implied that I hated anyone or anything, and if you thought otherwise, you thought wrong.Ā 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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Just now, inuborg said:

Literally NONE of these words are applicable. I have not once implied that I hated anyone or anything, and if you thought otherwise, you thought wrong.Ā 


Sorry. Mayo devil implies hatred, now you know ^_^

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