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Is Dr. Luke any different than R. Kelly and Terry Richardson?


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1 hour ago, Whispering said:

R. Kelly is like David Bowie, Jimmy Page, Elvis, Steven Tyler, Iggy Pop, Jerry Lee Lewis, Mick Jagger and the rest of the Rolling Stones. He has sex with young teens. 

Dr. Luke is like Bill Cosby. He drugged someone and had sex with them while they were unconscious. 

Yeah, I never understood why we drag R. Kelly, but absolve the old rock legends of basically doing the same thing. History gives them a pass for some weird reason. 

I think Terry Richardson is really sweet to her, and she has probably never seen the more lurid side of him. I don't know if she will ever wake up and see that there's something up with him, but hopefully this will happen someday. Lena Dunham saw the light, so it could happen  - Lena's friend said something to the effect of "she just tried to see the good in people" in regards to Terry, and I feel like that could completely apply to Gaga as well. Sky Ferreria mentioned it was not her place to doubt people who have had encounters with him, but then went on to call Terry a supportive friend of hers in the same breath. :air: Gaga probably feels the same way.

In any case, when it comes to stuff like this, like people going after Emma Stone and Cate Blanchett for working with Woody Allen for example, I feel it kind of takes focus away from the actual person we should be going after, which is the perpetrator himself. 

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Drake kept his mouth shut about the injustice and he was not abused. Should victims just stay quiet? Until we have the evidence we have no opinion. 

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32 minutes ago, miroe said:

Drake kept his mouth shut about the injustice and he was not abused. Should victims just stay quiet? Until we have the evidence we have no opinion. 

Drake? I'm confused. Please explain.

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1 minute ago, F AM E said:

Enlighten me

rumor has it he and terry have been exploiting the models and actors/actress in the industry for their own profit and gain. and there's a lot of news regarding his vulgarity and explicitness.



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He is like Terry Richardson, in my opinion. Both have been accused of very bad things but there isn't any hard evidence. And I find both slimy. 

R. Kelly though has actually been video-taped peeing on an under-aged girl. 

But it's like I said in the Katy/Dr.Luke thread...

People like these guys (are suspected of being) may present a very charming facade in person. If you work closely or spend a lot of time with them you may have a hard time believing the things people say they did, even with evidence. They may even be able to convince you that they themselves were somehow victimized or it never happened. It seems a bit far fetched until you meet a deviant sociopath, but they do exist. And they looooove to manipulate, even if it isn't for sex. They feed off it.

Ted Bundy was a very charming guy, ya know. And Karla Holmolka got a lot of people on her side UNTIL police saw footage of her facilitating the rape, torture, and murders of three girls, including her own sister. Know where she is at right now? Free, married to her lawyer and running an infant clothing line (last I checked). 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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