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Most likeable Disney girl?


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4 hours ago, CustomGueseppi said:

I like Selena the most because she's going on tour with my future husband (Joe Jonas) and tweeted support for cheek to cheek. Her voice is really easy to listen and can be very sensual.

Miley tries too hard and her music simply isn't good to me at all.

Demi is annoying and takes herself too seriously. Her voice is just annoying to me but her Lionel tribute was amazing.

Ariana is just so kitch but I enjoy her singles a lot.

Selena is touring with DNCE?



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Selena is the most likeable and has the best image.  Especially with her recent album which has really catapulted her into stardom.  

Demi is seen as a cringe,  especially after MugGate and these recent tweets.  

Miley is try hard and I don't think people really like or take her seriously.  

Ariana isnt really known globally enough yet so I don't think many even know who she is.  

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1 hour ago, Brahyun said:

Based on the GP:





Personally for me:





So do you think DonutGate didn't damage her image in the long run and she is fine now? I really don't know tbh

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If only the Can't Be Tamed era was more successful... I stanned so hard for Miley until she had to show her *** for a hit, that really lost me :( 

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23 hours ago, Creyk said:

So do you think DonutGate didn't damage her image in the long run and she is fine now? I really don't know tbh

She was really popular with teenagers during the My Everything era. She was more popular among teens than Selena is right now. I definitely think Donutgate turned people off hence why Focus kind of under performed. But it could also be because Adele and Justin were clogging like, the Top 3 spots.

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On 23 de febrero de 2016 at 5:17 PM, Mister Gaga said:

Miley is by far the most likeable girl. She has talent, and appeal to both boys and girls. Straight boys like her. Good music + good videos can keep her relevant. Cool, rebel girl. I have a problem with glamorazing drugs and make apology of them. But to the GP, she's likeable.

Selena is like Katy tbh, but little. Nice bops, sexy girl, doesn't sing, talentless. Likeable, but much less controversial. Plays safe. Straight boys bop her, like with Katy/Rihanna. Cool girl. 

Demi is polarizing, kinda like Gaga. Love her or hate her. The girl has talent, she has that thing that miley also has, but in less quantity. I guess she fails to bring enough emotion/adrenalin to a performance. Not in the same way that Miley does. But if she plays the cards right, she could have a great career. She's not for everyone tho...

Ariana is like Selena, but with talent. Unfortunately, she doesn't use it. Again, if she plays the cards right, she could have a great career. She's likeable, she makes nice bops, she's hot.

Demi is only polarazing on GGD, irl she's just a non-factor and Selegend ended her 


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I would have said Miley if it was a few years back. Idk, when she came back hard with her Bangerz album I was hella feeling it. I could see myself hanging out with this chick. She's fun, crazy, and down to have a good time. Now... Idk, I feel like it's a little messy and I'm over her continuing to try and use shock value in everything she does. I've always really liked Selena. I think she's super down to earth and a overall good person. I used to like Demi, but Idk, lately she has just left a bad taste in my mouth:crossed:. And I don't really have much of an opinion on Ariana.

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On February 24, 2016 at 2:48 AM, Creyk said:

Selena is touring with DNCE?


What? I might have to see her tour now. King Joe. 

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