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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Losing Respect for Beyonce/Taylor


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Maybe they have been supportive behind the scenes? This is a very, very big issue, depending on how well they knew Kesha (personally, not just professionally) they may already have reached out to her outside of social media. There's nothing wrong with being publicly supportive, but they may feel this is too intimate an issue to speak in any way but privately. I agree it would probably be a good idea to say something about the general issue itself and showing public support for victims of rape and sexual abuse for both women and men. As for Luke himself, they can probably get sued or blacklisted even if they outright accuse him or even make an reference to him being guilty. He hasn't been convicted, and as much as I believe Kesha more and more there just doesn't appear to be any hard evidence to support her claims. It's a very tricky issue. Or, as I've said in other posts, they may know a very different side of Luke and be close enough with him that they believe his side. 

The problem is, even though, from what I've seen, it seems that at least something went down based on how Kesha is acting and the risks she took to bring up this lawsuit, HOWEVER, without hard evidence and considering her disagreements with the direction of her musical career at work, it's very easy for Luke and his lawyers to argue that she made the whole thing up because she wanted out of her contract and thought he would cave right away. I imagine this is what Luke is telling everyone in the industry, likely with Sony and their business partners backing him up. That's big, big money and influence on his side. That can intimidate people, that can shift opinion of people in the industry. Let's say one of Bey or Tay's close producer friends has a buddy who works with someone at Sony or Luke's camps who claims to have insider info? How easy could it be to start whispering things about Kesha being unstable or a habitual liar or whatever they need to say to smear Kesha's rep? Maybe they say she was consentually intimate with Luke to get hit singles and then when she wanted to reinvent herself he said "no" and now she is being "vindictive?" It's so easy to plant these seeds when you have a powerful global conglomerate with their hands in different pools of the industry and a well known, well used hitmaker going up against a single performer and her family. I don't know if she has any industry support. It doesn't sound like she has too many people taking her side directly, claiming to have witness things that she says has happened. 

I think one of the best things that could happen for Kesha is to have more people in the industry to come out and say Luke did similar things to them. The more prominent the names, the better. But with just her word and no hard evidence, she may very much have an up-hill climb to convince many of her colleagues. 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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Katsuki Bakugo
8 hours ago, DiscoHeaven23 said:

I have to say, I've lost some respect for both Beyonce and Taylor Swift. I feel that if you build your brand on feminism and talk about how you're such a feminist, you should act by those words. I don't expect it, I just would hope that would be the case. Its disappointing to me that neither of them has spoken out in support of Kesha. I don't care that Beyonce is under Sony. If she's this Godly person that everyone makes her out to be, including her PR team, then that shouldn't matter. I single these two women out, not just because of their "feminist values", but because they're also female singers in the industry. I feel like there needs to be that united front. I'm very happy that Demi Lovato spoke up last night about this. I'm a fan of both Beyonce and Taylor, but I'm having some doubts about that now. 


Whilst I agree, I am not sure what they are doing behind the scenes to stop it or support Kesha- so lets not call them out JUST yet. But we need to bring this to the surface though and really shine a light on the scum that is Dr Luke and Sony's execs. 

Beyonce is a brand and as the years go on it is clear and she can't destroy this brand, YET if she actually stood up for what was right i.e her Feminist views, and did it properly like she should. She would be using her brand for a better cause.

Tay and Bey have become this Feminist-Lite icons because of the Feminist power wave that is flooding through music, yet they don't actually stand up for fellow female artists at all besides giving some speech that seems like they do but really its for themselves ( I could be wrong here and happy to be educated on this)

I personally don't feel that Bey and Tay are doing enough and are using Feminism for their own benefit. 

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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Oh please, support Kesha? How exactly.

Many of those supporter worked with Terry Richardson and now they are supporting Kesha. Gaga even worked with R.Kelly. Its all just publicity, nothing more.

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Princess Die
8 hours ago, Bryan Tee said:

inb4 Dr. Luke proves that he actually didn't rape Kesha and everyone get's rekt...

Except that's never going to happen. :green:

Nod if you wanna make love with the enemy. ❤
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Lord Temptation
6 hours ago, JeffSwift said:

Whatever will they do with themselves! LOL 

Couldn't care less what they do. But one thing I know for sure is that they WON'T be publicly supporting Kesha or any other sex abuse survivors. 

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You are honestly making far too big of a deal of this. This is Ke$ha's personal drama that has been exposed to the outside world because she believed it was the right thing to do.

Honestly, whether or not a person's publicly declares support for a person is their business, and they may be helping more or less behind the scenes. And also, who knows, maybe Beyonce and Taylor are too busy with their own lives? or maybe they're going through personal drama they're keeping secret? Or maybe they're waiting for evidence? Rape accusations are a horrid thing.

Social media has done godawful things to our youth. We expect far too much from people we don't know personally.

The entire situation is sh!tty. Leave celebrities alone. What they do, is what you do.

What if something is going on and you were attacked just because you didn't comment on it? How would you feel? Especially if you just didn't have a handle on it? What if you said the exact wrong thing? Did you ever consider that?

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Like, this has literally nothing to do with either of them. Being feminists doesn't mean that they're required to publicly comment on anything. It's up to them, and if they choose not to involve themselves in a situation in which they have zero involvement, then that's fine. They shouldn't be criticised for it.

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Lord Temptation
8 minutes ago, ryhanna said:

Like, this has literally nothing to do with either of them. Being feminists doesn't mean that they're required to publicly comment on anything. It's up to them, and if they choose not to involve themselves in a situation in which they have zero involvement, then that's fine. They shouldn't be criticised for it.

Beyonce and Taylor Swift are not feminists. But you're right. They are not contractually obligated to say anything. But they are public figures, and silence also says a lot. People have perceptions, and when a celebrity stays silent about an issue that means a lot to them, their perception of that celebrity changes. This can damage their brand. It's just human nature. All Gaga said was "People around the world love you Kesha. I am in awe of your bravery". That's all she said. Yet the impact will be heard all around the world. Even from a PR perspective, let alone a feminist one, sending a message of support is a small action that can have great positive repercussions.

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Lord Temptation
16 minutes ago, Seeka said:

You are honestly making far too big of a deal of this. This is Ke$ha's personal drama that has been exposed to the outside world because she believed it was the right thing to do.

Honestly, whether or not a person's publicly declares support for a person is their business, and they may be helping more or less behind the scenes. And also, who knows, maybe Beyonce and Taylor are too busy with their own lives? or maybe they're going through personal drama they're keeping secret? Or maybe they're waiting for evidence? Rape accusations are a horrid thing.

Social media has done godawful things to our youth. We expect far too much from people we don't know personally.

The entire situation is sh!tty. Leave celebrities alone. What they do, is what you do.

What if something is going on and you were attacked just because you didn't comment on it? How would you feel? Especially if you just didn't have a handle on it? What if you said the exact wrong thing? Did you ever consider that?

You're saying that social media is a bad thing? Aside from the hypocrisy of using an online forum to share your opinion, are you saying that it is worse than rape? 

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21 minutes ago, Seeka said:

You are honestly making far too big of a deal of this.


Says the person who just left this comment...

21 minutes ago, Seeka said:

You are honestly making far too big of a deal of this. This is Ke$ha's personal drama that has been exposed to the outside world because she believed it was the right thing to do.

Honestly, whether or not a person's publicly declares support for a person is their business, and they may be helping more or less behind the scenes. And also, who knows, maybe Beyonce and Taylor are too busy with their own lives? or maybe they're going through personal drama they're keeping secret? Or maybe they're waiting for evidence? Rape accusations are a horrid thing.

Social media has done godawful things to our youth. We expect far too much from people we don't know personally.

The entire situation is sh!tty. Leave celebrities alone. What they do, is what you do.

What if something is going on and you were attacked just because you didn't comment on it? How would you feel? Especially if you just didn't have a handle on it? What if you said the exact wrong thing? Did you ever consider that?


I don't EXPECT anything from anyone, if you actually saw that in my original post. I'm saying i personally hoped they would have and because they didn't, I have PERSONALLY lost some respect from them. You can still fully respect them, that's fine with me. 

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I agree and believe that if all of the current "on top" female artists all came together and did something about this, we might ALL get further in the world on this issue, it would at least get powerful attention.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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Taylor is a selfish greedy literal fake ass trash, like how blind are people to see her true face?

On the other hand Beyonce cares about nothing but how to enhance her diva personality.

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