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Katy Perry "sides" with Dr Luke in Kesha case


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4 hours ago, AdAstra said:

I like how when a user posts about a supposed Gaga "insider" they get dragged to the pits of hell because they're not considered a credible source, but when someone posts some bizzare, possible damaging and wildly unsubstantiated rumor about Katy, some will instantly believe it as proven fact just because it paints her in a negative light and opens the floor for 48 pages of dragging. 

I wish I had more likes to give. This is too true and it is embarrassing. They are basically letting the media create a feud between Katy and Kesha over a rape accusation- how ****ing gross is that?

i don't even like Katy but this is bogus. 

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5 hours ago, AdAstra said:

I like how when a user posts about a supposed Gaga "insider" they get dragged to the pits of hell because they're not considered a credible source, but when someone posts some bizzare, possible damaging and wildly unsubstantiated rumor about Katy, some will instantly believe it as proven fact just because it paints her in a negative light and opens the floor for 48 pages of dragging. 


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Alcina Dimitrescu

oh, i read there that gaga made Interscope lose 35 millions of dollars with ARTPOP and that she had a cock. Must be true too :proud:

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Ferrer Zorola
8 hours ago, monketsharona said:

If this is true and she works with him again she can say goodbye to her career... She'll be trashed to death;

I'm sorry but you know that's gonna happen... she should be, though... 

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Isn't she friends with Kesha? Didn't Dr. Luke basically make her career a thing?

If i were her i'd just stay out of it, keep my thoughts to myself :emma:


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9 hours ago, gag said:

Katy Perry believes the lawsuit is just "sourgrapes" and blames Kesha's supposed lack of talent for the situation, reports say.


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I mean if this did turn out to be true would literally get rid of all of Katy on my phone. Never would I ever support her again. And the sad thing is, it sounds like something she would say.

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To be fair to Katy, while I mostly believe Kesha there is no hard evidence to support her allegations, and if Katy is already close to Luke (which she seems to be) than I can see why she would side with him. I would think that Katy isn't the type of person to stand by knowing someone victimized a colleague, even if she is competition. Can you imagine having knowledge of something like this? It would eat away any decent human being. It's possible that Luke did vile things to Kesha but not Katy, and since they worked together so much they may have bonded. If someone came up to any of us and said they heard a good friend of ours did vile things, would you believe them if it was someone you were close too? If Luke is the kind of guy Kesha says, he may be very good at manipulating others. I'm going to give her the benefit of a doubt. 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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I mean in all honesty i wouldent blame her for siding with him.

Therese no credible evidence she was raped, she seems to be friends with him aswell as close business partners when it comes to producing her sounds and she might not have the same experience Kesha may or may not have had. As bad as I feel for Kesha and her musical freedom  people really need to open there minds to both sides of this. There is no proof of abuse. Music is a business that she signed on to. Unless there is proof there is no reason for katy to take her side.


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3 hours ago, LoveandMagic said:

To be fair to Katy, while I mostly believe Kesha there is no hard evidence to support her allegations, and if Katy is already close to Luke (which she seems to be) than I can see why she would side with him. I would think that Katy isn't the type of person to stand by knowing someone victimized a colleague, even if she is competition. Can you imagine having knowledge of something like this? It would eat away any decent human being. It's possible that Luke did vile things to Kesha but not Katy, and since they worked together so much they may have bonded. If someone came up to any of us and said they heard a good friend of ours did vile things, would you believe them if it was someone you were close too? If Luke is the kind of guy Kesha says, he may be very good at manipulating others. I'm going to give her the benefit of a doubt. 

Lol I wrote the same thing you did practically without seeing it. #muchtruth

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Rabbit Heart

Probably true but it'll turn ot to be a fake article. Idk why only i have a feeling that she's a trash person, wheter you like it or not girl basicly has almost no talents, her singing is bad even on studio versions, her dance moves are for 5yr olds, her songwriting skills are lame as F, she can't play any instruments. She's just a proof you can sell anything these days with enough money and right promo. 

And if she really called Kesha untalented, I hardly diisagree, cuz vocally they're the same, in term of songwriting skills, Kesha is much more talented (she wrote for Britney...). 

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Rabbit Heart
13 hours ago, Kabexuela said:

Who is this woman?

She looks like ultra fat verision of that skinny girl from OITNB that is obsessed with God xD

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