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Under 18's banned from the BTWBall in South Korea


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I think that's abolsutely ridiculous. If it were say under 12, then I'd probably be ok with it, but seriously under 18, that seems far too harsh. I hope it gets revoked before the show.

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They didn't even saw how the show will look like, LGBT support is not the excuse to ban under age fans from the show, i think they just hate gays. They could have said it that under age fans would be banned because of the curse words, nudity or something, that would have sounded more convincing...

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Because banning kids from pop concerts will make the world a better place! :)


Lol this!

And that's so damn stupid! If they're gonna ban kids, ban like 14 and younger or sumthin, but not 18 and younger. So lame...

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It's so stupid. And she probably won't be allowed to sing all of her songs because of the "SEXUAL GAY MESSSAGE WHICH CAN KILL PEOPLE IN SOUTH KOREA"

April 27th in my ass, the whole show will be censored.

The real tour starts May 2 tbh :nails:

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Why isn't anybody from Interscope contesting this ruling? And why Gaga, when almost every other pop star in Korea has gone s-xual?

It's almost like someone is trying to actively spoil Gaga's tour. Already her Manila date has been lynched.

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Wow, that sucks for Korean monsters who are under 18. I could understand the show being 15 & over, but not an over 18 show.

You'll probably find that homos-xuality is more taboo in South Korea than western countries, but I have a lot of (young) Korean friends, and they all seem accepting of gays and don't really care. I think it's more the older generation, etc who deny it/don't like it.

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