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list why you like or dislike hotel


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Personally, I think it was the worst season. The plot didn't really go anywhere and lacked substance or intention, and too many sub-plots that didn't add anything to the show. The writing just wasn't up to scratch with other seasons. 

I mean if you look at Asylum and the themes it explored, the symbolism and the metaphors; it was all beautifully executed through the plot and you actually feel for the characters and get something from watching the show. This season however I didn't get any of that. Everything seemed so pointless, unattached and non-immersive. 

The acting was great from almost everyone (I'm looking at you John Lowe), including Gaga- so that wasn't the problem. And the set was beautiful too.

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The only bad thing was John 

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Also, I know you all disagree with me, but Evan Peters as Mr. March was awkward. He tried his best but the character doesn't fit him at all.

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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I loved all the storylines when I look at them individually or the concept of them. However, none of them were played out to their full potential. E.g. I thought the 10CK was an extremely smart idea, but it should have been the central storyline throughout the entire season where subplots derived from that one plot line affecting the characters- I didn't mind that John was it but I wouldn't have minded a bit of suspense or doubt that it was him all along. 

The storylines didn't intertwine enough for me to create that one story. I was a bit annoyed they didn't mention Bartholomew in the last episode, even just a scene with the Countess holding him, just to confirm that she is still devoted to protecting + loving him, making that massive deal for 2 seconds mid-season was pointless imo (but i did love that scene where Alex was with him and the Countess thanked her)

What I really loved was Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters and Denis O'Hare - their performances were absolutely outstanding and I hope they get the recognition at some point during award season, especially Sarah and Denis. I loved that Evan Peters really stepped out of his "AHS Comfort Zone" - I didn't call his character "Tate" once the entire season because I literally couldn't. Gaga was outstanding too, I wasn't too sure in it in the first few episodes, but she grew into her role so well and after reading the V Magazine interview, she said they didn't even know what the Countess was going to be for the first few episodes so that might explain why her character didn't strike me at first. It seems as soon as they knew where they were going, she threw herself in and played the role perfectly. 

Part of me wants Murphy to step away from the one-season stories, because the writing is starting to lack imo and I feel like he has all these ideas that he wants to incorporate into one story but 13 episodes just isn't enough to execute them all to their greatest potential anymore.

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It was an amazing, once in a lifetime experience seeing my favorite fave who has been with me through so much go through this incredible transformation, getting praise and winning a Golden Globe for it. Being able to see Gaga on TV once a week was a blessing. From the announcement tweet to the last shot of the season. I loved it.

That being said, this season was mediocre at best. I was not that sold on the concept for this season but I was like "**** it, let's go with it". It started off well enough, and I don't know if it was the hiatus or the fact that I waited until today to watch the two episodes back to back, but when I started thinking about what had happened last, I realized that the plot lines were all over the place and it just became a mess. The previous seasons were suffocating with their bleakness and darkness and depressing moments. Hotel felt like the Disney Channel version of what AHS used to be with random ass scenes thrown in for shock factor. And that cold cut ending sucked ass and left a lot of unresolved plot lines. I truly HATED the way they were desperately trying to come up with ways to connect this season to the others by pulling characters and dropping names. The writers were so transparently pulling it out of their asses to attempt a shared universe now that those are a thing and it was just a try-hard, cringe-inducing mess. Maybe when I'll re-watch it once I buy it I won't have such a negative opinion towards it, but idk.

I did like a lot of the characters and a few moments though. Liz, Ramona, The Countess, March, Miss Evers, Sally, all were amazing and I am looking forward to next season. Will Slayssica be back? Will Gaga be back, even if it's at a reduced capacity? It's going to be an even numbered season, so it's going to be set in the past, that's exciting. What is the theme going to be? etc. But they have to make it great again. I'll even take the sucky Freak Show, that even if it was kind of a mess, it was still enjoyable and still felt like AHS. This season didn't.

who will love me when the night is over
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9 minutes ago, Spock said:

I truly HATED the way they were desperately trying to come up with ways to connect this season to the others by pulling characters and dropping names.

And the fact they didn't connect anything at all, they just brought old characters to pointlessly die :rip: 

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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Like: the atmosphere, the setting, Liz (Denis should get an emmy) , Sally, the original concept overall, Gaga

Dislike: the way the concept was carried out. The real Ryan Murphy problem, aka a great number of storylines which go nowhere


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Azor Ahai


-The Comedy and horror mix

-How unpredictable the season went (After John was revealed)

-Characters actually evolving to better or worse

-How random it all was

-Happy ending

-Closure for every single important character



-The lack of a solid script and the changing of pace from episode to episode (One episode super slow drama, next one slasher horror, next one action thriller)

-John's story before he realises who he is

-Gaga's vampire kids

-Cheesy lines in general

-Will Drake only playing for very few episodes , so we couldn't really understand his character or care for him


AHS seasons order : Asylum>Hotel>Murder House>Coven>Freak show



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- unsympathetic main character - too many characters 

The main issue for me is that John is the central character and the one I as a viewer was supposed to be rooting for, but I couldn't care less about him or his future. All the other characters like Sally or The Countess spoke to me a lot more but there were so many it almost never got really deep. I guess I'll just remember this series by the stories of each individual cast member, not the story as a whole. But looking back on each characters story alone, it leaves so many questions unanswered. But that's the same with life I guess.


I already knew after the first few episodes that things would be left unsaid and the finale might not be closure so I'm not disappointed at all, I really enjoyed the ending.

I do love the underlying themes of addiction and finding a purpose. Art direction was to die for. I want this place to be real, it is so beautiful. The wardrobe was gorgeous too. Acting was great especially from Dennis and Sarah. Loved seeing Gaga spread her wings. To me this didn't yet show she's a great actress yet but she will be.

This was my first AHS season and I will definitely watch the others. 

According to Gaga I'm a ****ing rad bitch
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-Gaga's constant outfit changes. They make it look unrealistic

-Unnecessary characters (like Lachlan, Billie Dean, the school kids..)

-Some dialogues are kind of awkward. For example, when Sally is stitching The Countess' bullet wounds and she's about to die, The Countess asks something like "how do you know to stitch so well?" And it's like, if I was about to die, I would be concentrated in not fainting or whatever but I won't ask stupid questions.

-Some especial effects look fake (Gaga's silicone head, the blood, etc)

-Too much sex

-Some characters like Ramona deserved more screentime and other ones like Alex and John deserved less


-Gaga's fashion (I don't like that she changes so much but I like her clothes)

-Sarah Paulson. She is a fantastic actress

-Gaga's and Evan Peter's characters. They were really interesting characters.

-The hotel and the visuals of the serie in general.

-AHS not being too scary. I couldn't watch it if it was actually scary.


-Ryan Murphy incluiding things that happened in real life, like Valentino, The Lady in Black and all that. 

-Some scenes are awesome. For example, I thought the scene where Ramona and Elizabeth are in the elevator and the date changes and it shows their relationship changing over the years was a great idea.

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Mister Gaga
On 14/1/2016 at 2:01 AM, Steve Nasty said:

I didn't like the ending. And I didn't like the Will Drake subplot. Also the baby in room 33 subplot went nowhere.

Other than that I loved it.

all of this. The ending was a mess. Also, Sarah/Sally deserved more time on screen. Such a wasted character.

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