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Gaga's criticism of being "wooden" on AHS is misguided


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Well obviously some people haven't read the OP before posting. 

I agree with people saying that she wasn't amazing during the first episodes and that she has grown on the show. Some of her first scenes were just ok, but saying that she doesn't know how to express emotion is quite an exaggeration. The character's arc was supposed to show how she goes from frigid and calculated to helpless and vulnerable. I think she did a great job portraying that.

So yes, I agree. That criticism is misguided... but I agree with some criticism about her diction. Also I blame the writing for some of that criticism, not her. Most critics have agreed with this.

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5 hours ago, LebaneseDude said:

This forum is full of condescending little shits with superiority complexes.

u srs? Look who's talking. It certainly seems to me that you can't handle people having one negative view of Gaga. And its not like members here are say she's horrible or she sucks.

One Banned Boi
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I think the criticism comes from the fact she is not very experienced as an actor but still thanks to her name she got the award. And this is kind of true , I agree she has progressed a lot towards the end of season, but coming from average to good does not look award-worthy to me. It should be given to someone brilliant from start to Finnish. Don't get me wrong, I love Gaga but in this case I don't think she deserved it.

Maybe it feels so easy to me to be more neutral in judging her because last times she's changed more into celebrity imho, which I hate.

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1 hour ago, mic said:

I think the criticism comes from the fact she is not very experienced as an actor but still thanks to her name she got the award. And this is kind of true , I agree she has progressed a lot towards the end of season, but coming from average to good does not look award-worthy to me. It should be given to someone brilliant from start to Finnish. Don't get me wrong, I love Gaga but in this case I don't think she deserved it.

Maybe it feels so easy to me to be more neutral in judging her because last times she's changed more into celebrity imho, which I hate.

The criticism that the OP is stating existed even before she was nominated. The mention of the Golden Globes in the OP was to say that people understood that the stiff acting was intentional. 

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7 hours ago, Didymus said:


Here you are telling everyone they don't know **** and they shouldn't judge anything because they don't know if it's proper acting or not and then you post this.

In every single thread I see you correcting people when you clearly never take your own advice (or orders, I should say). Just stop, let people say what they wanna say :air: This is a forum.

Damn what I said flew right over your head I see. That tends to happen when you're intent on mocking someone.

If you focus on someone's acting for the sake of seeing them act then anything they do seems off.

Had I watched Kirsten without the intent of judging her acting, the scene would have seemed fine if not great.

Also why are you quoting me and talking about me as if we know each other? 

Considering that your current post included mocking, ad hominem, and an ironic statement regarding censorship, I wouldn't talk **** about anyone.

Since we apparently know each other so well, let me tell you something. You think you're smarter than you really are. You really aren't. :huh:

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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4 hours ago, Kylo Ren said:

u srs? Look who's talking. It certainly seems to me that you can't handle people having one negative view of Gaga. And its not like members here are say she's horrible or she sucks.

I know you are but what am I?


I mean... really?

Have your negative views. Just don't think you can nonchalantly post them on a public forum and expect nobody to question them, especially when they're wrong.

Yes, contrary to what you think, your opinions can be wrong, misguided, or formed from incomplete information. So can mine, except I don't post opinions on things I don't know. I only say **** when I have something to say not when I have to say something. Most of the times people's opinion is all they have, with no foundation whatsoever.

This isn't a blog and I'm not here to coddle you. If you don't want to venture into a discussion then don't reply. It's as simple as that. 

Everyone has their opinion. Everyone can have an opinion on your opinion. 

You can't handle that I have a negative view on people having a negative view. Deal with it.

Learn to separate your opinions from yourself. If I'm being supercilious towards your opinion, that doesn't imply I'm being condescending towards you or your person. How else would debate happen if everyone thought everyone was right? That's a difference many people here can't seem to grasp. You don't see me calling you an idiot while we have a discussion, nor do I include obnoxious gifs and smileys and laughter like "CACKLING", unless it's wholly my intent to mock you. I'm not subtle, so it'll be blatantly obvious when I do.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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Even taking into account Elizabeth's overall attitude, Gaga's acting was rough around the edges at first, with regards to the line delivery. Noticeable with the occasional flat line reading, or emphasizing the wrong words, rushing a few sentences, etc. Novice mistakes, nothing disastrous. Her facial expressions and physicality were, even from her first seconds, outstanding.

However, she has clearly improved in every aspect. Over the season, more emotions were asked of her, the takes became longer, and she was able to find that very tricky balance of playing someone lacking any discernible soul while also giving her depth with layers of sadness and maternal warmth. What started out as unsure and tentative has become a really terrific performance.

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This is the only thread were I truly agree with you. 

The Countesses character is not mean't to be emotional nor relatable (apart from some scenes that she pulled off well). I am fed up of the criticism and I am more ashamed that most of it comes FROM this fanbase. 

She won a Golden effin Globe whose votes were by professionals - that obviously amounts to something.

Wooden my ass. I for one is glad that Gaga does not give a **** about the publics opinions AND her fans. 

In my messy era.
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12 minutes ago, djBuffoon said:

Even taking into account Elizabeth's overall attitude, Gaga's acting was rough around the edges at first, with regards to the line delivery. Noticeable with the occasional flat line reading, or emphasizing the wrong words, rushing a few sentences, etc. Novice mistakes, nothing disastrous. Her facial expressions and physicality were, even from her first seconds, outstanding.

However, she has clearly improved in every aspect. Over the season, more emotions were asked of her, the takes became longer, and she was able to find that very tricky balance of playing someone lacking any discernible soul while also giving her depth with layers of sadness and paternal warmth. What started out as unsure and tentative has become a really terrific performance.

Exactly. "Wooden" is a wrong description, because that implies she was rigid in her body and facial motions too. It has a lot of negative connotations that just don't apply.

She had issues with intonation as some people said here. That's all it is. Considering the role she was playing as an ice queen, I can imagine that it may have been difficult.

She was also trying that accent which, while not very noticeable to many people, was very noticeable by her fans.


Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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15 hours ago, Enigma said:


I have seen that many people have called Gaga's performance on AHS "wooden". People in this forum and in the GP say that she doesn't know how to express emotion and that she is very monotonous. But I think that this criticism is very misguided. The reason I say this is because being wooden and emotionless is part of her character. In other words she is supposed to show that almost nothing really impresses/shocks here anymore since she has been alive for 100 years. The people criticizing her for being "wooden" obviously don't pay much attention to the story and to what her character is supposed to be. Notice, how Gaga excels in showing emotion (happy, scared, in pain, angry, ect.) when she is actually moved by something. Anyways, the Golden Globes obviously noticed her good performance and understood what The Countess is supposed to be.

But some may say there were a couple other actresses such as Kirsten Dunst and Felicity Huffman's performances were much better and should have been noticed. Same with characters Jessica Lange & Sarah Paulson played on AHS that didn't win a Globe. 

Go see A Star is Born
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Alcina Dimitrescu

I dont think she deserved the GG more than Kirsten, but it's less her and more like "the role isnt award worthy

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Evan Peters

i think she looks so wooden because she's not seasoned like every other actor/actress on the show. it was her first, actual acting job, and while she was good as the countess, some actors overshadowed her performance because you know....they've been acting for a while. I mean, that's really no excuse since the shittest of actors could be acting for years, but everyone this season in generally good. 

i would agree with some people that there's a lot to improve on but i wouldn't say she's a terrible actress. she got better as the season went on i've obeserved. my only complaint really is that her screaming scenes are very..awkward. like, it doesn't sound geunine. 

however, saying she's putting on a better performance than Evan Peters or Mare Winningham, or even Sarah Paulson is complete delusion though :rip: i get some of you defend gaga through everything but she isn't the best actor on this season, though i suppose that's subjective. and i think it's funny when you all act like gaga affected this season so much despite the ratings have stayed the same as they were for the past two seasons :rip: 

the people flat out saying she's horrible are, i feel, complaining for the sake of complaining. same goes for her winning a golden globe. i know award shows can be rigged but she did a decent job with countess. 

emma roberts is an abuser
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5 hours ago, LebaneseDude said:

Damn what I said flew right over your head I see. That tends to happen when you're intent on mocking someone.

If you focus on someone's acting for the sake of seeing them act then anything they do seems off.

Had I watched Kirsten without the intent of judging her acting, the scene would have seemed fine if not great.

Also why are you quoting me and talking about me as if we know each other? 

Considering that your current post included mocking, ad hominem, and an ironic statement regarding censorship, I wouldn't talk **** about anyone.

Since we apparently know each other so well, let me tell you something. You think you're smarter than you really are. You really aren't. :huh:

That's such bullshit though :rip:

"except I don't post opinions on things I don't know" my ass.

You can't prove that and in my experience it's absolutely untrue. And by the way, good spin on things. That is not what you said. You said that people were intent on criticizing instead of enjoying a show. How is that the same as focusing on someone's acting with an open mind? So yeah, I did read what you said, and I don't need that insult thrown at my head when you said something different to what you're claiming now.

I'm not talking as if I know you.. we're on a forum, I've seen countless posts of yours and I'm just saying what I've seen, not to attack you, but mostly to defend the people who you insult for their simple opinion.

The last part though :flop: Talk about talking as if you know someone. You have no idea how low I rate my own intelligence, but I don't even see how that's relevant in this discussion. This is about Gaga acting in a ****ing tv show and you boiling because of people posting their opinions. Observing and commenting on that doesn't require a lot of skills.

I mean, you're contradicting yourself constantly in one thread, like with this ****:

"Learn to separate your opinions from yourself. If I'm being supercilious towards your opinion, that doesn't imply I'm being condescending towards you or your person."

You have been condescending to a lot of people here, incl. me and not for anything but the opinions they posted. Some examples (from this thread only):

"Fun fact: You know nothing."

"How is your opinion remotely relevant?"

"You and all the "Little Critics" have to point out every single flaw, as if your opinion means anything."

"This forum is full of condescending little shits with superiority complexes."

"Ad hominem is the way to go when you have nothing of importance to say."

"Take some criticism. It might be good for you."

"You think you're smarter than you really are. You really aren't."

All of these are personal insults, barely relevant to the discussed topic and they're all in 100% contradiction to the lectures you decide to give to the people you don't agree with.

So you might wanna take your own advice and turn it down a notch.

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30 minutes ago, Didymus said:

"Fun fact: You know nothing."

"How is your opinion remotely relevant?"

"You and all the "Little Critics" have to point out every single flaw, as if your opinion means anything."

"This forum is full of condescending little shits with superiority complexes."

"Ad hominem is the way to go when you have nothing of importance to say."

"Take some criticism. It might be good for you."

"You think you're smarter than you really are. You really aren't."

All of these are personal insults, barely relevant to the discussed topic and they're all in 100% contradiction to the lectures you decide to give to the people you don't agree with.

So you might wanna take your own advice and turn it down a notch.

Talk about taking things out of context lmao. I'll elaborate point for point to help you a little.

The first was the truth. We know nothing... (wait for it)...about what happened behind the scenes. Are you contesting that, or do you wish to continue speculating while claiming it as fact? 

How is your opinion relevant... (wait for it) to improving Gaga's performance. Your input means nothing at all, so attempting to "teach her" on a forum is pointless at best. If you believe otherwise, continue in your grand delusion.

You and the little critics have to point out every single flaw as if your opinion means anything. Refer to the previous statement, also hardly a hyperbole considering the people (Critics) being discussed. Nitpicking flaws regarding Gaga while disregarding the notion of doing the same to Kirsten for example is the height of a biased argument. You'll note I personally never said Kirsten didn't deserve a win, merely that Gaga did. 

Oh that's an insult alright. One among many that you have spewed over the course of many discussions. Note that I didn't actually point the finger at anyone with my observation. If you think I'm talking about you personally, then your self-awareness does you credit. I didn't actually call you out personally.

The discussion devolved into ad hominem, so clearly there was nothing more important to say. How is that an insult? Did I mock his character or the defense of one's opinion running out of options?

"Take some criticism. It might be good for you." was a play on Gaga's critics claiming that criticism can do be good for her. It was a joke, clearly. Notice the wheelchair emoji. 

Note the pretext on my statement regarding your intelligence. Considering your entire post reeked of mockery, it was merely fitting I return the gesture with equal amounts of ignorance regarding your actual person.


Stop trying to clapback me. You're failing miserably at it, and only continuing to prove how much of a failure you are at reading comprehension.

Also don't play the forum police. I don't have the power to actually stop people from voicing their opinion, but I have the right to comment on people's opinions, so whatever you're trying to do is as pointless as what I am doing, except mine is from a position of being happy (a good feeling!) for Gaga while yours is one of disdain (a bad one!) on her fan site. Like... talk about a shitty as all hell time and place to do it scant days after she received the award. It's as if you want to be a center of attention. Zip it up.

While you're at it, quit the holier-than-thou position please. I may sometimes come off a stern nanny, but you're a bully if I ever saw one. You're a mean girl through and through, resorting to mockery and "CACKLING" whenever you read a post you disagree with. Sit down and close that burn book. 


Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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2 hours ago, SecretWeapon said:

I dont think she deserved the GG more than Kirsten, but it's less her and more like "the role isnt award worthy

What makes you say that?

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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