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'Bad Romance' sold more copies than any of Madonna's #1 singles. Why?


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It's GGD. What do you expect, child. It's filled with half pressed souls, 1/4 sane and 1/4 stans of others (I think I'm being generous with calling the 1/4 sane). 

Yeah, you were really generous :)

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What an idiot thread yet again... You cant compare those sales. You have probably no idea how huge M songs were and  are still? 

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Newbie, I fear you aren't going to last here long. 

Digital downloads weren't available then and the majority of people didn't want to buy a physical single. Most people bought the album or complete CD. Of course, that meant higher album sales and also more album purchases without hearing the whole album as a whole. 

That's why in the digital age we have higher single numbers, but before that we had higher album numbers overall. Then, there are the issues of streaming and piracy...but that's a whole other subject.

Basically, different times, different outcomes. 



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This also proves sharply that numbers and charts do not amount to much. Consider that Kesha's unimportant song beat out Bad Romance at number one. Why do people obsess over the charts and numbers!

An impressive career is enough proof, Madonna has one and Gaga is heading for one, while Kesha is left behind.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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What an idiot thread yet again... You cant compare those sales. You have probably no idea how huge M songs were and  are still? 


Bish where?

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It's way easier now to buy music than it was in the 80s/90s ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's also easier to pirate it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Older artists should have more sales

Gaga x Nicki x Azealia x Ariana x Kesha x Bey
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madonna has pop classic

this is known no need to play dumb 


He was talking about sales, which huge release did she have recently?

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It's also easier to pirate it  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Older artists should have more sales

When it comes to singles piracy sort of existed back then too. People used to record the songs from the radio on tapes. That way people got the singles and could buy the album instead so you can't compare a single release from the 80s and 00s.

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He was talking about sales, which huge release did she have recently?

" huge M songs were and  are still? '

its not really hard to understand that snow was talking about her classics 


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" huge M songs were and  are still? '

its not really hard to understand that snow was talking about her classics 


Read the whole post. The whole thread is about sales too, are we going off-topic? :fan: 

And don't you know Snow?

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