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Adele previews new music


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I can't wait. I loved her first two albums and this will be nostalgia something fierce. Very excited!

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i know :(

i hope Gaga works with Sia :legend:

or sia works with gaga.

esp that now she's collaborating w/ greg kurstin

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Before I begin, people, please look up the definition of "opinion." I don't see why I should always take flack from everyone for simply stating the way I feel about a piece of art (which is what you're meant to do with art). I'm sorry if you're sad to see your fave get criticism, but this is a forum where we're allowed to speak our minds. I always research facts so I build a knowledgable opinion based on them. If I am basing my opinion on untruths, tell me, but if not, respectfully decide to agree to disagree. I'm not going to put a disclaimer of "this is my opinion" before every post for the benefit of those of you who think that I'm trying to put my opinion down as a fact (plus, I have my pride). Isn't it obvious that it's all opinion? Use your brains! 


Oh woaw, Take a chill pill! Here you are again putting down and dimishing value of those you don't prefer personnally. You are trying to present you OPINION as god given truth. 

First, I think Lana is indeed a excelent writer. But not for The reasons you listed, but on terms of actual musical merrit. Like melody lines, use of couter melodies, chord progression, harmony structure etc. Production isnt that important nor orchestration since its probably made in collaboration with others. Her lyrics are great too.

How about Adele on those same criteria? She is pretty much as good though quite different, more "traditional" in many ways. That doesnt make her bad writer or lyricist on termss I mentioned. She perfectly fine! Her songs could be altered/produced/orchestrated too to sound something "more" however she chooses to present her art in very minimalistic way, in its essence. Lana doesnt, but essence in her work isnt that much superior if stripped down. So don't even try to dimish Adeles talents on the grounds of song writing, not to mention her abilities as singer/interpreter.

And nothing over rated about Adele, her music touches a huuuge amount of ppl. That merrited it's rating! And it not just a question of sales, its about connection to the listener.

And having couple of seconds of same type lyrics that are very very common frases in both songs, doesnt make it copy, so you tried. Lets get back to your pathetic attempt to discredit her after we hear the song. Until that, you just sound pathetic with those accusations. 

For the last time, my opinion is an opinion. I will sometimes insert some facts into it, though and you'd have to be a biased fan not to see it. It's hardly out of line to say that Adele relies on the same formula and takes inspiration from many songs of old.

Yes, I think Lana is good on actual musical merit too. But I think her production and lyrics are on a higher level, no question. There's a lot more diversity and she uses turns of phrases you don't hear every day. I think Adele's style too samey and closely resembles that of others and there's plenty of people who do her same style better. One thing I've been very disappointed to see with Adele is that she's given up using instruments on stage. Now, I don't have much evidence other than a photo on her Wikipedia page, but before 21, Adele played instruments live and according to her fans, she can play piano and acoustic guitar. She didn't play any instruments in any of her live performances in the 21 era and therefore, I doubt she did it on tour either. When you see people like Gaga use more instruments over time and sing and play piano simultaneously, using all her talents, you have to wonder why Adele stopped doing it. What kind of musician stops playing live instruments? I find her lazy, in more ways than one. But this is never brought up, never criticised. I'm sure if Gaga were to stop playing piano and keytar from here on, people would criticise her for dumbing down her talent and not trying hard enough any more. Adele doesn't suffer from criticisms other artists do - that's partly what annoys me.

Now who's trying to present their opinion as god given fact? You're telling me to stop diminishing Adele's abilities, you're telling me there is nothing over-rated about her. You're telling me what to think based on what you believe. Ever heard the phrase "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?" You can critique my opinion but to call me out for doing the same things you're doing is another matter. Listen, I don't care how famous an artist is, how long they've been around, how much they're loved - I'm just here for good music. And if I feel they're not making it, or they're not that good an artist to begin with, I'll say so. That's what an opinion is. On the contrary, I find that when an artist is loved by all, it usually is a sign that they're very mediocre and that's why they appeal - because they're un-challenging and safe.

I sound pathetic with these accusations? The public had to really dig deep to see the similarities with BTW and EY. This is almost a clear copy, in words, right from the very beginning, hitting you between the eyes, giving you an automatic flashback to another song. So, no, I don't think it's pathetic. Even if it was unintentional, I don't like how certain artists can get away with this and others cannot.

well, if you listen 19 and 21 they're pretty different yet is the style of Adele, so...

I think they're very similar - Chasing Pavements, Hometown Glory, Make You Feel My Love etc. could all have been on 21 and vice versa.

Come on guys. Don't fight about these two iconic and incredible women. They're both amazing in their own way :hi5: 

It's my opinion. And I don't think they're as equally incredible. Please don't try to colour my view with yours. I get accused of doing this all the time and get criticised for it but other people do not.

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To be honest I'm absolutely not feeling it. I see no reason for everyone to freak out for Gaga's career, she's gonna slay :whitney:

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To be honest I'm absolutely not feeling it. I see no reason for everyone to freak out for Gaga's career, she's gonna slay :whitney:

Gaga will. Ariana Grande is over though.

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Riot Poof

I'm unimpressed with this song so far. :coffee:

I'm not a woman. I'm not a man. I am something that you'll never understand.
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Why does Adele not play guitar on stage like Gaga does with the piano?  Well, that's an easy answer...because Adele is not a guitar player in the way that Gaga is a piano player. Gaga is more than simply someone who can play the piano. 

Adele still uses the guitar to write songs, but she isn't really a guitar player and she isn't one of those artists who is going to use it as a prop. (She actually plays several instruments, just not as well as she does the guitar) 

By the way, Adele often plays the guitar on Someone Like You in concert. She also goes with just the piano sometimes. I would imagine it was an artistic choice, either way. 

Adele's voice is her primary instrument, and with a vocal ability like hers, that makes perfect sense! 

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Why does Adele not play guitar on stage like Gaga does with the piano?  Well, that's an easy answer...because Adele is not a guitar player in the way that Gaga is a piano player. Gaga is more than simply someone who can play the piano. 

Adele still uses the guitar to write songs, but she isn't really a guitar player and she isn't one of those artists who is going to use it as a prop. (She actually plays several instruments, just not as well as she does the guitar) 

By the way, Adele often plays the guitar on Someone Like You in concert. She also goes with just the piano sometimes. I would imagine it was an artistic choice, either way. 

Adele's voice is her primary instrument, and with a vocal ability like hers, that makes perfect sense! 

I have to say, that is very weak reasoning. Especially from a Taylor fan, when she's always done simple guitar and piano playing, but continues to use both extensively live even so. Since instruments were invented, all musicians have used them to varying talents and to varying degrees. But the general idea is that if you can play an instrument and you're a singer, you sing with that instrument, even if you only know the basics. Most of the "white guy with acoustic guitar" genre is made up of people who do the most basic guitar strumming to the same chords but you betcha they take that guitar with them everywhere. I think a lot of new artists are doing it now to prove they're talented and stand out from artists who don't play instruments. Because even if you can only play the basics you learned in lessons, it's better than playing nothing at all. Now, I can't play instruments, but if I could, I'd be accompanying one with my singing wherever possible because I always think an instrument could take you deeper into the song you're singing. I found a clip of Adele playing guitar to Someone Like You and she abandons the guitar after the first verse! She can't even get through one slngle song with an instrument! Now, that truly says "can't be bothered."

I don't believe that the voice is an instrument (and I sing as well as being good at different accents) but it really is a matter of opinion, by the looks of it. Nevertheless, I think it's an artsy fartsy thing to consider it an instrument. An instrument has to be an external force, an inanimate object, something that is much harder to control than an internal voice that is part of you. And if Adele's voice really is an instrument, well, she needs to cut back on the smoking because those pipes are gathering dust.

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Why is it better to play instruments than not? She plays them on occasion, but that's not her primary focus and isn't the vibe she was going for with this last album. Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable doing so in front of large crowds. She does have performance anxiety. Maybe she has found that concentrating on her vocal performance is her priority. 

No, believing the voice is an instrument is not an artsy fartsy thing, it is a belief held by many, many music experts. You will hear and read music experts refer to this concept over and over...in countless music schools, in conferences and in music journals and publications. I can't tell you how many times I've heard or read well respected choral and vocal experts refer to the voice as an instrument...vocal experts with doctorates, people who are vocal coaches on Broadway or in Operas. They know a little more about music than someone who sings a little for fun. 

Adele hasn't smoked for years. She quit cold turkey years ago. But if she does smoke again, it is her decision as it is her body and her career. 

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Why is it better to play instruments than not? She plays them on occasion, but that's not her primary focus and isn't the vibe she was going for with this last album. Maybe she doesn't feel comfortable doing so in front of large crowds. She does have performance anxiety. Maybe she has found that concentrating on her vocal performance is her priority. 

No, believing the voice is an instrument is not an artsy fartsy thing, it is a belief held by many, many music experts. You will hear and read music experts refer to this concept over and over...in countless music schools, in conferences and in music journals and publications. I can't tell you how many times I've heard or read well respected choral and vocal experts refer to the voice as an instrument...vocal experts with doctorates, people who are vocal coaches on Broadway or in Operas. They know a little more about music than someone who sings a little for fun. 

Adele hasn't smoked for years. She quit cold turkey years ago. But if she does smoke again, it is her decision as it is her body and her career. 

Because the whole art of music is based around, you know, making music. Therefore, you should try to make music with whatever you have around you - your voice, an instrument, banging a random object. There's a reason why when we hear a song we like, we click our fingers, tap our feet, clap our hands, etc. We're embodying the whole spirit of music, which is producing sound. That improvision is what we do because we don't have an instrument at hand or can't play one. Doing air guitar to a guitar solo is a sign that deep down, a lot of us harbour a desire to play an instrument if we could. So, if you could, why would you choose not to if music is your career? That's like having a Ferrari but keeping it in the garage. Considering that the more musical talents you have (vocals, writing, instrumentation, etc). the more talented of an artist you are deemed to be, why would any artist hide instrumental talent away other than they just couldn't be bothered?

Yes, I know a lot of people believe it to an instrument, even the experts. But I just don't personally agree. I made that perfectly clear, so there's no need for you to make out that I'm ignorant. As there is no hard evidence that the voice could be classed as an instrument, it's a matter of interpretation. I think because there is usually a limit to where someone's voice will go, even with extensive training, it can't be classed as an instrument. With the right training and attitude, anyone could become a truly great musician, because it's a skill that has a set formula that you can master and there's a clear definition of what is good and bad playing. A voice is totally different and there's no set formula for success. And what's considered good singing and bad singing varies depending on your taste (some people prefer it simple, others consider only the most impressive stuff good and vice versa). Some people just can't sing, no matter how hard they try. Some people can sing if they study the art well enough. Some people can sing very well naturally, without ever being taught. It's an internal talent, or lack thereof. It's something you either have or you don't and lessons aren't always successful if you just weren't made to sing. Instrument lessons are rarely that unsuccessful. But just my two cents.

No, she still smokes. She's been pictured smoking numerous times in the last few years. I believe she gave up briefly when she was pregnant but was pictured smoking not long after the birth. The smoking was the whole reason she got that famous vocal haemorrage in the first place. So, she didn't give up a few years ago. I think for the sake of her career, she should give up, considering how she's clearly one of those people for whom smoking affects greatly. For the record, I think Gaga should quit completely too, but it doesn't bother me as much, as unlike Adele, she seems to be better adapted to smoking and it doesn't affect her voice or health.

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Before I begin, people, please look up the definition of "opinion." I don't see why I should always take flack from everyone for simply stating the way I feel about a piece of art (which is what you're meant to do with art). I'm sorry if you're sad to see your fave get criticism, but this is a forum where we're allowed to speak our minds.

She ain't even my fave & i love Lana too, but saying that Lana is more versatile than Adele :air:  if you ask a non Lana fan they will tell you that all of her music sounds the same, she keeps her style yet her work is different, and that's how i see Adele too, she keeps her style yet the sound of 19 it is different from 21

𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗚𝗮𝗴𝗮 • 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘆 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗿𝗲 • 𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲-𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗼𝗿 • 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗼𝗻
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From the Oxford English Dictionary

instrument: "that which is used by an agent in or for the performance of an action; a thing with or through which something is done or effected; anything that serves or contributes to the accomplishment of a purpose or end"


'All our dreams can come true IF we have the courage to pursue them'-Walt Disney
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She doesn't want to play guitar in her live performances. That doesn't make her lazy or a mediocre artist.

Lana plays the guitar. Why doesn't she accompany herself with all het songs on stage with her guitar? Does she feel she isn't good enough at playing? Why doesn't she practice to get better? Does this make her a lazy artist? Kelly Clarkson can play guitar, but you rarely see her use it...does that make her less of an artist? 

Yes, you do disagree with the majority of vocal experts and you are not an expert. I agree completely with this. 

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I'm unimpressed with this song so far. :coffee:

oh no :noparty:

𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗚𝗮𝗴𝗮 • 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘆 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗿𝗲 • 𝗦𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗲-𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗶𝘀 𝗕𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗼𝗿 • 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀𝗼𝗻
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