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More praise, this time from Canada (Globe&Mail)


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I was a bit surprised to find this in the Globe&Mail, one of the most influential newspaper in Canada, It is a rather long article so I just highlighted the following.

Lady Gaga finds herself with American Horror Story all-glamour role

If you’ve seen any red-carpet photos of Lady Gaga lately, you’ll be struck by how decidedly “normal” she looks. Gone are the meat dresses, machine-gun bras and mermaid getups, her over-the-top costuming now replaced with a more subdued, altogether surprising Old Hollywood glamour. Gaga, now 29, seems to be aware that we got collectively bored with the shock, and in response did the most out-there thing available to her – tone it all down. Whether it’s a genius PR move or simply because she got exhausted with all the wardrobe changes, it’s exactly the logical progression in her chameleon persona.

Like her, hate her or be totally confused by her, it’s hard to deny that Gaga is culturally important. She injected herself into our social consciousness in 2008, with the critically acclaimed and wildly popular album The Fame...


Then, in February, Gaga announced (or rather, tweeted) that she’d been cast in Hotel, the fifth season of Ryan Murphy’s anthology television series,American Horror Story. While it would be easy to assume the decision was a ratings gimmick (one that worked, incidentally, with 5.81 million viewers tuning in for the first episode), the problem with that theory is that Gaga is genuinely good in her role as the hotel owner Countess Elizabeth. So good, in fact, that Murphy asked her to come back for season six.

The all-glamour character is not only a perfect fit for Gaga and her affectations, but her well-tuned artificial identity fits seamlessly into the show’s signature campy, high-gloss carnage. 


Despite all its horrific content, American Horror Story has long been a show that doesn’t take itself seriously by, well, taking itself too seriously – a description that could also easily be applied to Gaga’s entire career. Now in its fifth season, the series is an effort that understands itself, delivering solid casting, compelling writing and a damn-good gross-out scare. While critical reactions to the first few episodes of Hotel have been mixed – citing odd pacing, unnecessary s-xual violence and convoluted story lines, or par for the course in a Ryan Murphy production – one thing everyone agrees on is that Gaga’s performance goes beyond mere stunt-casting.

To say that Gaga is the best thing going for Hotel sounds like an insult but is a high compliment. Despite early shakiness, the rest of the show’s gears are turning just as well as they always did. While there’s still a fair bit of shock-value mess, I have a real investment in the characters, and Gaga is the biggest part of that. The fact that the pop singer doesn’t look out of place next to an Oscar-winner such as Kathy Bates, or the amazingly dexterous Sarah Paulson, is an amazing achievement. Impressive for what is Gaga’s first-ever recurring television role in which she’s not playing herself, and unsurprising if you consider that, in some ways, she’s been acting her entire career.

Oddly, it feels as if Gaga’s trajectory has been chugging along toward this ultimate, perfect-fit role – all visceral artifice, s-x, consumption, lavish violence and immortality. The Countess, like Gaga’s evolving career, simply won’t die.





"Fame Is A Boomerang" - Maria Callas
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Like her, hate her or be totally confused by her, it’s hard to deny that Gaga is culturally important.



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The praise omfg :air: And we're only two episodes in :air: 


Glad that they acknowledge the role is removed from who she is as a person.  It bothers me when AHS fans claim that she's playing herself in the show.

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I could paint the walls of my whole house with all the tweets, fb posts and articles praising Gaga that we got this year. 

Damn, I was joking. But wouldn't that be amazing? Lol. I will do it when I have my own house and a room with my Gaga collection. Just decided. :legend: 

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They did not lie when they said "culturally important." She truly is, and I feel that in 20 years her impact will be even more appreciated and we'll see more and more things written about her to this effect. 

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