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Rape triggers in AHS


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People need to realize that they are the ones who turn the show on.

The directer isn't forcing you to watch. You know it's horror related. You know the channel has it rated as TV-MA LSV for language, SEXUAL CONTENT, and VIOLENCE. Maybe people should think about these things before they watch the show. Maybe get someone else who watches it to tell them if there's anything that will trigger then, and then they will know when not to watch.

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I actually 100 percent agree with you, I had some involuntary responses when I watched the monster/electronic drill bit monstrosity. so thank you for that. @FATCAT has made a Gaga only version of the show for the sensitive to partake of without fear of being tooooo terribly disgusted.

I think it's pretty interesting to see how different people react to different things. When I watched the rape scene, I didn't feel much, I was sort of just sitting there watching it. On the other hand, I remember watching the scene from freak show where some girl's father mutilated her, tattooed her on her face and "turned her into a freak" and that really left an impact, seemingly for no apparent reason. I've never been mutilated or anything, but I thought a lot about that scene afterwards, while people I know didn't care at all. Same with the school massacre from season one.

I guess what I'm trying to say is just because someone personally isn't affected by something they watch on tv doesn't mean others aren't, and instead of just brushing it off and telling them to get it together or whatever, try to see it from their point of view.

Now, I'm all for artistic expression, and i personally don't have a problem with the rape scene, but since some people do, I think we should ask ourselves "is it necessary, both for the story and in the bigger picture?" Would it be wrong to censor it, or should we just run with it?

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American HORROR Story

*watches expecting the whole cast to run through a field singing 'The Sound of Music' for 13 Episodes*


I'll lift you 3 inches off the ground and drag you to a meter and a half
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If you can't handle that kind of scene (which I know a lot of people can't, My friend, who's a big Gaga fan, refuses to watch the show because she's can't stand violence and horror), that's totally fine, but maybe AHS isn't for you. It's meant to be disturbing. Besides, they do have a warning about the show containing scenes of violence and s-xual content. If you watch anyway, I say that's on you. 

Also, I'm pretty sure the rape scene had a very specific purpose. I read a theory somewhere that the reason the guy got raped by the Addiction Demon is because that's how he paid for his d--gs... by letting men f**** him. Makes sense, don't ya think? 

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Pure Adrenaline

Sorry but 18to 22minutes was my fave part of the show :excuseu:


It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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1. Her character didn't rape anyone
2. Her character wasn't raped
3. She's not the screenwriter

I don't see what the problem is :shrug: 



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Mmmmm.....its a HORROR show....what did u expect.....and there is a warning at the begining.....

I've got an "F" and a "C" and I got a "K" too And the only thing that is missing is a bitch like "U"
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I have gone through this whole discussion and I would love to know what you mean when you say "to be triggered by the scene". It sounds terrible and I'd love to know. What happens to someone who is triggered by it? Being rendered catatonic?

You will never please everyone.
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They put a warning before the show starts, even after commercial breaks. 

It's a horror show. People on the show have been beheaded, burn at the stake, injected with acids, impaled... 

If you are someone who is triggered by rape scenes you shouldn't be watching American Horror Story or any other horror show or movie.

EDIT: I'm glad you are warning other people who may be triggered by that scene, but my post is mainly addressing this part of the OP which I think it's unjustified and untrue: "but It's to bad that Ryan Murphy uses it so freely in his shows as entertainment[...] They didn't put a little warning".

this tbh. There has been tape on AHS before also so I don't know why people are losing it this season 

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Something I wasn't very aware of until last night was that victims of s-xual abuse and rape are often triggered by rape scenes on TV and in film. It's to bad that Ryan Murphy uses it so freely in his shows as entertainment. Last night a few of my friends had to turn off the show and were really upset from it. 

They didn't put a little warning, but if any of you are triggered by this please be aware to skip from 18 to about 22 minutes of the show! 

Don't be so sensitive, it did nothing for me. Everyone is triggered by something, you don't need to be a rape victim to be horrified by those images and not every rape victim will have a problem with the footage... you see this on tv all the time + it's been part of AHS since season 1, it's horror, of course it's going to be incorporated... You see much more murders/robbings etc and a lot of people have been affected by that to. You can't show anything anymore if you'd have to be scared a few people might have a problem with it. The world truly is becoming too sensitive

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It's a tv series, not real life nor real events so it makes 0 sense for someone to feel offended by that scene or any other scene. 


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Okay. The nature of the shows is completely triggered and including rape triggers or not won't change the fact the series can be considered as inappropiate / hurtful for others. Like, have you seen the series? It's full of murder, blood, hard s-x, d--gs. Of course it can be triggering for different targets / different people but that's for another thread. Defining what's wrong or right when it comes to developing a -non real- story is complicated and limits are very blurry.

Rape isn't the only thing people can feel triggered by. Murder is a trigger, everything about AHS is a trigger. The rape scene wasn't necessary at all but I guess Ryan wanted to cause a huge impact on people.


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It's a tv series, not real life nor real events so it makes 0 sense for someone to feel offended by that scene or any other scene. 


Well you cannot judge people on the things they feel offended by, people have different issues and reasons to feel  however they want. But if you can be easyly triggered by things that aren't real, don't watch AHS because it's full of triggers and uncomfortable moments



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this tbh. There has been tape on AHS before also so I don't know why people are losing it this season 

I'm not going to judge anyone for feeling triggered but the show is not responsible for how that. There's a warning before every episode and after every commercial break. If you are sensitive towards rape then you shouldn't watch a show that includes violence. They can't warn you about everything because that would spoil the whole episode. There are people who feel triggered by fire, needless, blood, guns, domestic violence, etc. If you have a problem with any of those things you should watch the show knowing that something can trigger you and don't complain about it because it's entirely your fault.

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When you watch a show full of blood, murders, children kidnaped, d--gs... and you don't worry about any of those but a rape scene is the reason to hate it and feeling dissapointed with the creator or even Gaga.

Says a lot more about you than what it says about them.


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