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"Bad Romance" references in "I Want Your Love"...

Ryan Reid

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WOW... I'm flabbergasted. Clearly you all need to take a refresher course in what it means to be a Little Monster. Just trying to have some fun interpreting meaning into the greatest pop act I've ever known. Didn't know that it would be so offensive to so many of you here. 

I don't think people are taking offense, it's just that they're disagreeing with you. And so do I: the lyrics are most likely just a coincidence (a funny one though), and the overall aesthetic has probably nothing to do with the Bad Romance video. This isn't a Gaga video - this is a presentation of Tom Ford's newest collection, and Gaga just happened to be involved. Not sure we should a--lyse things further than this.

Being a Little Monster doesn't mean we have to a--lyse everything through the Gaga prism, especially when the projects are not solely about her. But it was your observation, so fair enough. Don't take for yourself what people may throw around on forums - I mean, in the end we're all people alone behind our computers.

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This is what GagaDaily used to be all about. 

But this isn't want any of those things. His OP is litterally claiming that Gaga is hinting at Bad Romance because the name of the song, and in turn the lyrics, show up in Bad Romance. Just show up. Then, he insults anyone that thinks otherwise and then he insults GGD :lmao:

I get what you're saying, tho, and I do agree. GGD is a forum, for posting about new ideas and throwing back and forth new info, I whole heartedly agree! But this.. isn't that. :chica:

Purr more, hiss less.
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Dont pay attention to the idiots that try and come for you on here.... I understand your point.

It could very well be intentional on her part, But I think its mostly coincidence personally.

its perfectly reasonable to assume that since she is the artist. 


As far as the people saying she had no input ????

Newsflash Gaga doesnt work on projects she has no input on .


Have 1,000 seats and stay off this guys back.


No one asked for your nastiness! If you want to talk about a real shame its this hyper critical judgement when someone posts on here you dont agree with or comprehend.  Go home.

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I want your love does sound almost the same way she sings it in BR and I do get Bad Romance teasteas from the video. Nice a--lysis : )

Lady Gaga/ Madonna/Lana /Azealia Banks/ Jazmine Sullivan/ DEEE-LITE/ Moko
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Have you heard the original version of the song? I Want Your Love - Chic

She didn't sing the "I Want Your Love" that way BECAUSE her intentions were to draw attention to Bad Romance.

I didn't ask for a free ride, I only asked you to show me a real good time.
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It's shocking how much negativity there is on this site when Gaga is against this sort of thing. 

Gaga would want us all to interpret her work no matter how irrelevant small minded people think it is. She is an artist and creates art. Therefore her art is there for us to observe and interpret. Most things she does has a meaning but unfortunately most don't understand art. 

She has tried to teach us about art, this is why she champions young artists to do their thing.

Somebody mentioned ARTPOP being a throwaway trash album. It might not have been the best one to most people's tastes but as an artist that was Gaga's experimental album and throughout she tried to promote ART. Remember that Mona Lisa dress she wore? She was literally being the embodiment of art but it seems people missed that because they were too busy deciding that Gaga's work doesn't have a meaning. Everything she does, no matter how subtle has a meaning. 

Sorry for rambling but it pisses me off when people think what she does doesn't have a meaning to interpret. Use your imagination and you will see it.

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Yikes at people trying to get upset at others just because they realize the song was a cover and she didn't intentionally do anything. 




✿ cherry blossom girl ✿
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Gaga's darkness and rebellious side stems from peoples intolerance  of others and their ideas. What a large amount of you dont get is YOURE part of that group and problem if you choose to ignore her message of tolerance.  Just in the  same spirit as the extremists protesting her concert. Careful when you pass judgement... its not a good look.

Lol she meant it during Born This Way... some of you followers aren't here to stay much longer.


I agree with Glamourpuss,

Art is for everyone... but only as much you choose for it to be part of your soul.

And while Gaga has tried to show us the many sides to art.... there is no question there is always a deeper , and a--lytical meaning behind it.  For any of you to try and execute someone who has a genuine and very worthy a--lysis makes his ideas infinitely more valuable than the criticism without basis he has received.


While he's creating you're sitting on your ass complaining. Check yourself. 



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Damn you guys are fking ruthless. It's time to get offline if this is what you're stooping too. Love the idea of this thread (even if I didn't I would just leave because why even be here if you don't want to be???) And I totally got bad romance vibes from it too!

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mister max

how did this become a thread where people say peoplefrom ggd arent reall little monsters because rhey spread "negativity" :duck: 

Buy ARTPOP on itunes or smth?
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Gaga chose to cover this song due to the line in br. She often channels different things in the run up to an album release. It's no coincidence that she's working with Redone and then does this. It's a blatant hint at the level of work she's aiming for.

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