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Azealia being Racist to Black+Latino fan


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Angel Down

Has she like totally lost her mind? Lmao I don't even think she's sane. I used to think that she did everything based on the race card but this? :udidnt:

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Alien Tulip

She's going to regret all of this when she's older and isn't making millions anymore. She's rich now but that money won't last forever and clearly the music industry is done with her even though they were never here for her. She wont be selling out Glastonbury and other festivals out for too long since she's pretty much targeted every demographic known to man kind. She's not only sabotaging her own career but her life as well. When she can't sell music anymore, what is she going to do? She isn't rich enough to retire and live off the money. She's not established and unfortunately she's making it worse and worse for herself. I think it's safe to say she's deluded and convinced herself that she's true to herself but in reality she does have a mental illness and refuses to accept that. 

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