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Miley Cyrus On Nicki Minaj's VMAs Critique: "You Made It About You"


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Jesse Pinkman

True...not to mention that it only became about race and body type midway through her rant, which to me felt like "Oops, I messed up, let me pull these cards that nobody will dare atack from the bottom of the deck...".

Despite her motives, what she said abiut black women and pop culture was 100% truthful and someone other than Azealia needed to say it.

It's science, bitch
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Mister Gaga

I agree tbh. I still think that Nicki's complaint is valid, but it wasn't the best way to express it :lana:

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I've been agreeing a lot lately with Miley, I'm surprising myself.

She's very smart and down to Earth :yes: it's why I love her tbh

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She has a point... but at the same time, I think Nicki would be accused of this (not necessarily by Miley, just in general) no matter how she phrased it. 

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Despite her motives, what she said abiut black women and pop culture was 100% truthful and someone other than Azealia needed to say it.

I agree, black women and women with different body types should be valued and recognized for their contributions...and IF that was her main concern I'd be 100% on her side...but it didn't begin like that (it begun as "I'm pissed that Anaconda wasn't nominated") she only brought it up as a cop out and I can't respect that.

Even after the rant. If she had at least acknowledged her own responsability for how it all started, like "I'm sorry. It was a bit immature of me to complain about the nominations. It's just that we worked so hard on that video and to promote the song, I thought it deserved more attention from MTV. By the way, what I said about black women in this industry still stands", I'd understand, she's human. I'd be by her side.

ATTENTION: (bad) jokes and sarcasm are still a thing, so don't take everything I say literally. Thank you.
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I mean Miley didn't lie. Nicki had a valid point but she could have phrased it in a different way. 

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The Buzzfeed version of the article adds that while Nicki didn't respond to what Miley said, she favorited some tweets of other people saying what she most likely would have said had she herself responded.

Nicki had every right to be upset about "Anaconda" not being nominated cuz that's most likely the natural reaction to an artist's work getting the attention/praise he or she thinks is deserved, but Miley's completely right when she says Nicki went about her anger the wrong way. That's not even something to pull the race card about because that's a HUMAN thing, not a race thing.

And if Nicki wants nominated for a video representing a body type and empowering young girls with that body type, she can do a lot better than "Anaconda."

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Riot Poof

I'm delightfully surprised that Miley had that particular opinion about the Nicki vs. Taylor feud, especially since I thought Miley was anti-Taylor (I still think her "Bad Blood" comment was weak).

I don't know about Nicki being "not too kind" (I've heard Nicki doing very nice things as well as not-so-nice things), but I agree with everything else Miley said. I respect Miley a whole lot more now for not only saying what she said, but how she said those things. Miley seems genuinely compassionate and not really into pettiness. I applaud you, Miley. :applause:

The unfortunate thing is that now people are making Miley's comments out to be shots at Nicki, even though Miley explicitly stated that she doesn't like it when things devolve into pop star feud foolishness. In addition, it's gonna reignite the flames of the Nicki vs. Taylor feud, and this time, Miley might be the target of those on #TeamNicki.

And yes, I did post this in another thread at first. :stalkga:

I'm not a woman. I'm not a man. I am something that you'll never understand.
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Everyone's so surprised they're agreeing with her. Wow! It's almost as if someone's expression of their identity doesn't invalidate their personal opinions. Who knew?

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This is just being brought up again for a fresh reminder that you should watch this Sunday, for any drama. It is cheap, they just want more viewers.

This is the sad state of Pop Culture now~

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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That was ultimately what annoyed me as well - it was purely a rant because she didn't get what she wanted. She didn't ask why other videos didn't get nominated either, it was all about her. Not so much sticking up for artistic integrity as looking out for #1. I get it, it sucks to not get rewarded for stuff you worked hard on and are proud of but at Nicki's age, she should be aware by now that nominations for these shows are usually BS. Not for racial reasons, for many reasons. The only people that get nominated are the ones that sell the most, the ones who are the most family friendly, the ones who got the best critical reception, the ones who are young...this strict criteria is evident across many awards committees and the VMAs are no different. The real world doesn't remember how many awards you won or which specific ones you won. If your music sells and connects, you'll be remembered as someone who at least deserved awards. Nicki's been nominated for Grammys and there are plenty of great artists and legends who never achieved even that. She needs to look at the bigger picture.

Pullling the race card was so predictable and a last ditch effort to get people on her side. If white people don't get nominated or win, they just have to put up with it. They just have to realise it's down to luck of the draw or maybe they just weren't that good. But a black person can complain it's down to racism and people will wholeheartedly agree. It's not healthy to go through life believeing that the only reason someone could dislike you is because of your race. That leads to extreme arrogance, as seen with Nicki. Plus, the VMAs are clearly not racist. Britney didn't get her first win until 2008 despite being the perfect white popstar. Black artists feature prominently on the list of most VMA wins. Beyonce is the second most awarded artist in its history (and she represents the kind of body that Nicki was complaining never gets nominated/wins). The fact that Beyonce was up for awards and Anaconda had some nominations, just not one in particular, really showed up Nicki's argument to be rubbish. There's a time and place for racist accusations and it is relevant but this was completely the wrong moment for it. And yet Taylor was the one that ended up having to apologise for calling out the blatantly obvious. Because apparently when you bring up black women's representation in the media, all white people need to step out and have nothing of note to say. And by commenting on it we're showing our white privilege and not understanding the true issue here. Fact is that if Anaconda was by a white woman and wasn't nominated, nothing would ever be said about it and you know it. It was a terrible video no matter which race was behind it. I don't want awards institutions to start nominating and awarding terrible videos just to be PC.

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Nicki thinks her video was groundbreaking and had a "positive" message

However, it subjected women to being mere s-x objects, the video was a p0rn version of Roar, and the song was a rip off turned remix single


Overall, not surprised Nicki threw a fit cuz she feels she deserves every award and is full of herself

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