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Azealia says black media damaged her brand


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Now she doesn't even give interviews. She does documentaries. :rip: 

queen tbh

that way she wont say stupid **** 

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I don't understand the people saying "your twitter ruined your brand" like it's only twitter, what do Twitter beefs have to do with how many records she sells and how many spins she gets? 

I'm thinking her general attitude and personality on Twitter is a direct reflection of how she acts in real life towards everyone. There are reasons why record labels, management companies, and collabs drop her. 

I know that she is always full of excuses, but at some point, she needs to honestly look at her personality, attitude and her responsibility in all of these situations that seem to happen to her over and over again. 

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She is talented but I wonder if she has any mental health issues and I'm not even trying to be funny since that's not something to joke about. There were some AZ fans on Twitter saying she admitted to having a bipolar disorder once. Idk if that's true or not though. 

I was thinking so too.




The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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I wouldn't blame black media too much. As amazingly talented as Azealia is, she is extremely outspoken to the point where it seems like she just spouts the first thing that comes to her head without stopping to think about the impact her words might have. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with standing by her convictions and speaking out if she feels she has been wronged or sees wrongs, she tends too often to come off as volitale and unstable. There are better, more meaningful ways for her to say what she thinks and express her frustrations. On social media she comes off extremely combatative, cruel/malicious, racially insensitive, and every other way problematic. I think a lot of it has to do with the industry she is in, her life experiences, and her youth. I'm hoping she will find a more productive way to express herself as she grows. People bring up Beyonce because Beyonce is the master of her own image. She knows exactly how to express herself in a pointient way without damaging her brand (as in people can still focus on Beyonce "the performer" without letting the persona/personal views shade over it). I think it would be great if Azealia could get some PR advice from Bey. I hate to see such talent wasted. Had Azealia been a bit more choosey in the things she has said in the past (and now), I think she would be far more recognized as an intriguing, talented artist rather than an online trouble maker. Of course, I don't want her to feel she has to compromise who she is or "censor" herself, but a little diplomacy and etiquette can go a long way. A person can be open and respectful and still maintain their passion. The problem now though is hardly anyone wants to work with her and I'm sure she has lost potential listeners. From listening to her debut, she should be a bigger artist by now I feel. I wonder if she doesn't feel at some point that she herself may be standing in her own way. 

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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She is talented but I wonder if she has any mental health issues and I'm not even trying to be funny since that's not something to joke about. There were some AZ fans on Twitter saying she admitted to having a bipolar disorder once. Idk if that's true or not though. 

This is true. 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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How can she be so talented and so insane at the same time...? :sweat:

Because talented people are generally insane :teehee:

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Tbh I'm staring to think that she has some mental health issues. She blames EVERYTHING on other people. Iggy, white media, black media, white gays... 

She had her chance, the peak of her career was her feud with Iggy and she wasted that opportunity by saying some ignorant and stupid **** on Twitter over and over again. She dug her own grave and I'm glad she did. She is talented and she made good points before but she is also a hateful and negative human being.

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Giorno Giovanna

She is so....strange. She calls out white people for their bull**** for her to defend the black community but her boyfriend is white and now she's saying black media is responsible for damaging her brand :duck: 


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She is so....strange. She calls out white people for their bull**** for her to defend the black community but her boyfriend is white and now she's saying black media is responsible for damaging her brand :duck: 

My very best friends are white but that doesn't mean I won't call out white people on their discrimination  towards PoC. That also doesn't mean I won't call out the problems within the black community, like colorism for example. It's being objective. 

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Alien Tulip

My very best friends are white but that doesn't mean I won't call out white people on their discrimination  towards PoC. That also doesn't mean I won't call out the problems within the black community, like colorism for example. It's being objective. 

Yeah I totally understand but she needs to at least say "some" instead of "Black media" because without saying some she's simply implying every body in black media has treated her like **** and I'm sure there are some that supported her.

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This is it. She's done. If she's turned on the outlet that has supported her the most, there's no going back. I don't think she genuinely wants success, that she almost wants to fail so she can be a hipster making indie records. She ruined her brand with her racism, bigotry and bullying, no one else. But I still ultimately feel a bit sorry for her when I realise that this could point towards serious mental issues. Blaming everyone for your problems and turning on people who support you are two classic symptoms of several mental conditions. I really think she needs to take some time out from the limelight before she has a breakdown at this rate. It's sad enough to see talented artists destroy themselves with d--gs, but Azealia destroyed herself with her words. Every time she was given a chance, she squandered it. And the sad thing is, she can't even acknowledge that.

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The tea, o m g

Burn that R. Kelly penis, gurl. He won't be the drink in your cup



tryna go ask Alice, tryna catch that rabbit
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