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Did anyone buy The Fame Ball Tour HD DVDs from FeedMyPopHeart on Ebay?


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I recently had a chat with our old friend Danny, the creator of FeedMyPopHeart back in 2009 and 2010. FMPH was the epicenter for Media of Gaga back in the day, closely balanced (like a threelegged stool, perhaps?) with GagaDaily's own media section and GagaFrontRow.

He and I discovered on a little trip down memory lane just now that he had sold many of his files on USB drives on Ebay back in mid 2010.

He promoted his auctions primarily on GGD, so some of you may remember this. 

Sadly, in 2013, his computer crashed, and even though he and I spent $1,700.00 to restore the computer, the video files are likely lost, or in bad shape if at all.

If any of you happened to buy his USB sticks back in the day, or his DVDs, or CDs he listed, let me know! You might quite literally have saved history.


I just had the greatest idea. I would get so many more results if we asked Gaga herself to make an announcement for people and fans to send in their recordings of her and footage of her to this site :deadbanana: THAT IS NEXT, G*DD*MNIT <3

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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That is so sad. I think I remember watching it online... or maybe it was someone else. The name sounds familiar on the media section. Isn't it supposed to be on Youtube or somewhere else.

00026 † 10000
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That is so sad. I think I remember watching it online... or maybe it was someone else. The name sounds familiar on the media section. Isn't it supposed to be on Youtube or somewhere else.

Supposed to be, but not in HD, and also, not complete.

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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FeedMyPopHeart was the PLACE OH MY GODDDDDD. Audio fan's second home.

I don't have anything from there anymore I don't think. :(

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Wow that's such a shame that those files are just in limbo right now.

See, the thing is, it's so frustrating. 

They exist on computers, somewhere. Some fans probably have them. it's getting the fans to see the urgency of preserving digital files. Gaga fans are among the single most hardcore fanbase in this generation we are living in. They have it, they just don't know we want it.

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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See, the thing is, it's so frustrating. 

They exist on computers, somewhere. Some fans probably have them. it's getting the fans to see the urgency of preserving digital files. Gaga fans are among the single most hardcore fanbase in this generation we are living in. They have it, they just don't know we want it.

I can imagine the frustration because Gaga's so unbelievably iconic and the fan base is so astronomically ginormous. Whoever has the USB drives now may or may not be a Gaga fan or they were a fan at one point and no longer are. Let's hope they didn't recycle them if they stopped being a fan.

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I can imagine the frustration because Gaga's so unbelievably iconic and the fan base is so astronomically ginormous. Whoever has the USB drives now may or may not be a Gaga fan or they were a fan at one point and no longer are. Let's hope they didn't recycle them if they stopped being a fan.

or the everpresent (thank GOD it hasn't happened to me yet) "My computer crashed and I threw it out a long time ago...." The number of times I've heard that from people in the fanbase :emo:


Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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I don't have any, but I hope that some is recovered

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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