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Scream TV series [spoilers] One Killer Revealed!!!! Post predictions here)


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God I do not want another season. The acting in this is so bad but at least I'm entertained with the story. If they keep dragging this I'm gonna be so mad.

I wouldn't mind another season if they have a whole new story with the same characters a la AHS... But if it's the same story dragged for multiple seasons it will test my patience

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I've also been reading therories online of it being Kieran and Noah.... and it also seems very plausible. Ugh anyone can be a suspect!

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This turned out a lot longer than I thought, oops. If you like this show and don't want to hear some negative thoughts about it, don't read this. 


This show is terrible, and I say this as a person who actually likes MTV's Teen Wolf and as a person who has watched every episode of Pretty Little Liars (I think). 

Teen Wolf does horror in a much better way than this show. Even Pretty Little Liars (which I also think is rather bad, if you've seen my posts in that thread) does horror better. MTV's Scream is basically just pages of shredded Pretty Little Liars scripts glued back together. 

The last episode was a step up in what the show should have been all along, though. I could actually feel like it was a horror show at least. It actually put you on the edge of your seat. 

It's really a shame this show isn't better. I loved the original movie and I believed it had potential to be at least a guilty pleasure as an MTV show. There really isn't much of anything that's pleasurable about this show. There's no fun to it, and the characters are cardboard. Cardboard without acting skill—and to top it off, they're not even exceptionally attractive like MTV's other casts (which MTV tends to trade off acting ability for). I really wish that MTV would have put some comedy into the show, hired a better showrunner (even Marlene King is better than whoever runs this), and a better cinematographer because the show is visually as boring as Emma is.

I'm not sure how the show has been renewed because no one seems to be watching it. The ratings on going down more with every episode. But anyhow, I read that the writers are NOT planning to make this an anthology like many of you are hoping. My hopes are that MTV reboots the whole thing with season 2, though. Get rid of it all (the cast, crew) and start over. Hell, give the show to the person who made MTV's Eye Candy. That show, even, was better than this. Get Jeff Davis off Teen Wolf and give this to him. That would be fun, surely. Anything is better than what they have now. 

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??? Doesn't the show come out in September? How have you all watched it?

Edit: nvm I thought you were talking about Scream Queens :deadbanana:

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then using that logic Kieran is definitely one of the killers.... And I think Piper or Branson is the other. Jake does seem a little too obvious... But I thought the show tried to throw us off with the knife wound. 


But it isn't it weird we don't see Jake attacked on screen? The only other off screen attack is Tyler, and even he died. I have a feeling Jake and the other killer calculated well where to stab him and how long it would take for help to come 

That's what I love/hate(?) about the show! We don't know whether they're deliberately making things obvious (like Kieran suddenly appearing in the bowling alley JUST after the killer runs off) or are they throwing us off with Jake getting stabbed but still being highly suspicious himself. Can't wait to see the killer unmasked but I'm pretty sure the explanation will be pretty facepalmy

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That's what I love/hate(?) about the show! We don't know whether they're deliberately making things obvious (like Kieran suddenly appearing in the bowling alley JUST after the killer runs off) or are they throwing us off with Jake getting stabbed but still being highly suspicious himself. Can't wait to see the killer unmasked but I'm pretty sure the explanation will be pretty facepalmy

I know it's gonna be such a "I can't believe I didn't see that!"


Noah seems more suspicious by the day... Piper does too. Then again Kieran Jake and Audrey also look suspicious.... Ugh I dunno I wanna know now!

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That's what I love/hate(?) about the show! We don't know whether they're deliberately making things obvious (like Kieran suddenly appearing in the bowling alley JUST after the killer runs off) or are they throwing us off with Jake getting stabbed but still being highly suspicious himself. Can't wait to see the killer unmasked but I'm pretty sure the explanation will be pretty facepalmy

Can't be worse than CeCe...

The Taylor Brigade: KNOCKOUT
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Has anyone seen this week's episode? So we found out that the killer is probably Brandon James' child but who could it be? I don't think it's Mr Branson but by the preview of next week's episode maybe he is involved somehow. Piper said that she can never see her father again, maybe that was a hint but wouldn't that be too obvious?

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Has anyone seen this week's episode? So we found out that the killer is probably Brandon James' child but who could it be? I don't think it's Mr Branson but by the preview of next week's episode maybe he is involved somehow. Piper said that she can never see her father again, maybe that was a hint but wouldn't that be too obvious?

it can't be Branson anymore... He's already suspect in episode 9 and for a couple of episodes... He has to be a red herring. At Thai point I'm convinced Piper is one of the killers.... She never has an alibi during the murders and she said to Emma that her mother was "a fighter".... That's odd it was never made public information that Maggie was Daisy. Piper is so guilty and I think Noah is the other killer... Kieran is suspect next week too and j think he's a red herring 

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it can't be Branson anymore... He's already suspect in episode 9 and for a couple of episodes... He has to be a red herring. At Thai point I'm convinced Piper is one of the killers.... She never has an alibi during the murders and she said to Emma that her mother was "a fighter".... That's odd it was never made public information that Maggie was Daisy. Piper is so guilty and I think Noah is the other killer... Kieran is suspect next week too and j think he's a red herring 

My money is on Piper and Noah too. They're the only ones that got hurt in front of other people and survived.

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My money is on Piper and Noah too. They're the only ones that got hurt in front of other people and survived.

Audrey is another good suspect but I'm pretty sure she dies in episode 10 based on the trailers... Or at least is very hurt. Brooke's archetype character should have been dead by now... But she has survived the killer on like 3-4 instances now. But all those times were when she wasn't in front of another person ... I can't imagine she is the killer doing it for show. I hope she survives .... She is the most interesting character on the show and it would be refreshing to see a character like Brooke who is supposed to be the Tatum of the show survive... I like her over Emma

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Not to mention Piper was quick to show the Sheriff the tape of Quinn Maddox, wanting to frame him for the murders. Also she was quick to show the Sheriff her head wound... Almost to seem like an innocent victim


and Piper keeps encouraging Emma to discover the truth... Just like the killer.

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I think it's Piper

Please correct me if I make any grammar mistakes, I want to master English as much as possible.
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