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RQ: Sexxx Dreams (Best Swinefest Studio version??)

Sia Daily

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Sia Daily

I know this question has been done to death since 2013 but I would like your guys opinion,

What is the best studio version (obviously fan made) that is most like the godly production used at swinefest (iTunes festival?). I was reading youtube comments (after trailing through a load of fan made ones..which to me still sounded quite like the album version) and someone hit the nail on the head when they said the use of real instruments and the over-produced beats from DJs really tells between this particular live performance of the song.


Kinda like this production:

Although the album version isn't miles apart from the live version, something just doesn't click as great as it does with the godly swinefest (which I pretty much listen to more than the actual ARTPOP album).

Anyway, hit me upppp

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