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Nicki Minaj vs. Taylor Swift drama, Katy Perry joins

Crescent Bloom

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WHY is she making this about race?

Idk if I get a WP (feel free lol) but what a STUPID BITCH.

She started this and it was obvious she was referring to Taylor. She even favorited a tweet mentioning her. 

"White media" my ass. Sit down and come back when your video isn't all about shaking your ass and laughing like a maniac in the middle of the song. 

Exactly! :applause:to every word! Why is Nicki backing off coming for Taylor's video now that she got called on it? Who was she talking about with the "slim women" comment? Beyonce? Kendrick? Bruno? Ed? Nope...the only one left is Taylor!

Truth be told...Beyonce or Kendrick took her spot. Why doesn't she go after one of them? 

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... now the media is going to attack Taylor simply because this b---h is White...

If you say so sis. :hunty:

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Taylor harshly tried to drag her name into a feud that didn't even involve Katy.

Katy also needs to get involved because people like Ryan Seacrest don't care what a black female has to say. 

I'm so glad Nicki is not biting her tongue.

Katy doesn't get involved in these types of situations. 

Barbie elitist - Weaboo - Sissy
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I hate this b---h on so many levels. How dare she promote her ****ty feelings on not having a nomination on Race. SHE made this about race and now the media is going to attack Taylor simply because this b---h is White.


Nicki Minaj is a vile attention seeker. Those dead black people she gives no ****S about. Its all about herself and her miserable career.

She just started talking about RACE!!!!11! to save face. I mean, the biggest kii is her now pretending that she wasn't shading Taylor at all and that what she was saying wasn't about her

who will love me when the night is over
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Nicki Minaj is just being ridiculous.

I am sorry, and I dont give a **** about Taylor (or Nicki) but Minaj started this. And she ****ted her pants and tried to make it look as something racial when taylor (who has x10 times more power than her) responded. And now you talk about racism? Wth is this?

Your video is ****ty and messy. Deal with it. 

If the only way you have to justify how unffair is that you didn't get a nom is that a girl got a shower curtain with your ass on it...

The woman who made a video about black women reduced to a big ass moving and dancing to Drake's dick... talking about racism and discrimination of women... bye. :toofunny: 


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Lest we forget this:



tbf, that pic was taken in Norway, where there are hardly going to be any person of colour :toofunny:

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn
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nicki is so wrong here :smh:  

She's not wrong per se, she's just saying the things she wants to say in an entirely wrong way. Hopefully she turns off Twitter for a bit.

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I mean the impact Anaconda had... It is insane that she wasn't nominated. Thinking Out Loud? Alright? They weren't even hits!

Where's Anaconda? Where's BBHMM? Who decided on the nominees? 

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She's not wrong per se, she's just saying the things she wants to say in an entirely wrong way. Hopefully she turns off Twitter for a bit.

shes still wrong

the whole vma rant and then the tidal tweet 


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tbf, that pic was taken in Norway, where there are hardly going to be any person of colour :toofunny:


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