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Nicki Minaj vs. Taylor Swift drama, Katy Perry joins

Crescent Bloom

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someone call her manager

make her stop :neyde:please 

Is she talking about Bad Blood?

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She has the right to complain when a homemade video like 7/11 got nominated for VOTY.

Nicki is no Gaga, and she's in her right to voice her opinion. One that I agree to some extent, even when I'm not a fan of hers.

I agree with this part. That nomination is what made me decide not to watch the show this year.

I can agree that it is unfair. But I find it stupid to talk about it, and even worse if it is the way she is talking about it. Which gets even worse with every tweet she posts.

That last tweet about skinny people was the cherry on the cake.

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I get being upset over no Grammy noms (which she did get one of), but no VMAs? Have a bit of pride. Even pop fans don't put too much stock in VMAs these days. She should be lucky she's even getting any noms for that objectifying, s-xist and borderline racist video. Just like Azealia, she tries to make it all about race when it's clear to anyone with a brain that that's not the reason. Even awards shows have standards and if you create a trashy video, you're not getting nominated. It doesn't matter if it made an impact, if it's not a good video, no award. It's not called Most impactful Video, it's called Best Video. I think the fact that she's got almost 1 million dislikes on that video, her most disliked to date, even more than Stupid Hoe, should tell her that a nomination would make the awards look bad.

If Banks were a white girl and spouted just 1/4 the bigotry she does, she wouldn't even have a career.

Fantastic point. I've seen plenty of white artists get snubbed for being opinionated, bratty, whatever. Yet Rihanna still has a career despite having one of the worst attitudes around, as do plenty of black rappers. I think it's more to do with gender than race. If a man is opinionated, he's a straight-talking real man. If a woman does it, she's a b***h. Don't get me wrong, the world is harsh on people of colour, but I think s-xism is an even bigger problem. Not worse, just bigger.

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That Giselle Bronk person is SO annoying omg. All those tweets :deadbanana:

Like who the fcuk do they think they are? :toofunny: pathetic mess

who will love me when the night is over
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Dorothy Gale

I'm glad I stopped stanning for her in 2011. She's just being rude. 

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taylor has shown nothing but love for her 

the skinny comment was not needed 



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I'm so here for Nicki to present VOTY and hand it to Taylor



She's just being tragic now :deadbanana:

who will love me when the night is over
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I get being upset over no Grammy noms (which she did get one of), but no VMAs? Have a bit of pride. Even pop fans don't put too much stock in VMAs these days. She should be lucky she's even getting any noms for that objectifying, s-xist and borderline racist video. Just like Azealia, she tries to make it all about race when it's clear to anyone with a brain that that's not the reason. Even awards shows have standards and if you create a trashy video, you're not getting nominated. It doesn't matter if it made an impact, if it's not a good video, no award. It's not called Most impactful Video, it's called Best Video. I think the fact that she's got almost 1 million dislikes on that video, her most disliked to date, even more than Stupid Hoe, should tell her that a nomination would make the awards look bad.


while i agree with some of your points ( not the racist s-xist stuff lol) 

she did get 2 million likes on anaconda video  

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