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"She created the world we live in," Diplo says about Madonna


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 challenging social taboos. This time around she's battling with ageism.

by acting like a teenager and surrounding herself with teenagers, implying that only youth is attractive?

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So to me, all the artists that the anti-Madonna guys have mentioned in this thread, are scientists that created each different substances and Madonna is the big lab that took all of them and created a powerful medication that was sold to the masses. She lost the patent in the new millenium and ever since we have thousands of generic labs trying to replicate that formula by adding a substance of their own. NOTE: I don't mean generic in the way most peole use it here, it's just a reference.

At the end she IS a pioneer, but in the formula, not the substances. 

Your about 2/3 right. Yes Madonna's genius is for combination rather than invention - something that Kylie and Gaga are also good at in their own right.

Madonna was lucky that dance-pop and synth pop were fresh and exciting when she began, as was the new medium of the music video. Her key bit of combining was Old Hollywood glamour and a flair for visuals with modern dance-pop (something Blondie and Olivia N-J and others were moving towards but none pulled it off with the impact as Madonna).

She didn't manage to include everything is her new "medicine" - excellent vocals and genius songwriting for example. But her limitations in these areas, and her interest in dancing and acting, inspired her to be creative in other ways. Relying on cleverness rather than sheer vocal ability.

Without Madonna? I suspect the technology of music videos and the influence of late 70s and early 80s singers would have lead female pop in the same direction. Kylie, for example, also started as an actress, loved classic Hollywood, grow up idolizing Olivia N-J and Debbie Harry, and is naturally flirty.

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by acting like a teenager and surrounding herself with teenagers, implying that only youth is attractive?


By still being s-xually provocative and adventurous, not having her age affect her as a performer or having it censor her artistry or her way of self expression. 
Bitch I'm Madonna was one of those moments where she gave a big middle finger to everyone saying that she can't act a certain specific way, that by no means means that she is endorsing that lifestyle as much as shes representing one.
When she was told not to be s-xual she made a s-x book.
Now when she's told to stop trying to act young she pulls off a video like Bitch I'm Madonna.
Point is : do not try to define her / tell her what to do, because that will just trigger her to do it as a form of resistance.

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Your about 2/3 right. Yes Madonna's genius is for combination rather than invention - something that Kylie and Gaga are also good at in their own right.

Madonna was lucky that dance-pop and synth pop were fresh and exciting when she began, as was the new medium of the music video. Her key bit of combining was Old Hollywood glamour and a flair for visuals with modern dance-pop (something Blondie and Olivia N-J and others were moving towards but none pulled it off with the impact as Madonna).

She didn't manage to include everything is her new "medicine" - excellent vocals and genius songwriting for example. But her limitations in these areas, and her interest in dancing and acting, inspired her to be creative in other ways. Relying on cleverness rather than sheer vocal ability.

Without Madonna? I suspect the technology of music videos and the influence of late 70s and early 80s singers would have lead female pop in the same direction. Kylie, for example, also started as an actress, loved classic Hollywood, grow up idolizing Olivia N-J and Debbie Harry, and is naturally flirty.

I have mentioned the thing about the vocal part before that's probably why skipped it in what you just read. Madonna herself is aware of that and that's why she relies more on her stronger points, dancing and pushing people's buttons. An example of this is that her dancing seems to have improved with time rather than deteriorate, she knew her voice was never strong so she barely works on that (though she should). 

Kylie was always a better singer than Madonna but wasn't perfect either, although now she seems to have worked harder on it than on her dancing, even though she once danced very well, but her voice with time has improved fantastically and now she relies more on what she does better, and barely dances. Kyilie has always looked up to Madonna too, and in her early days took a lot of inspiration from her and got away with using the formula without looking like a ripoff as, like you implied, she incorporated her own elements and made her own brand.

Things changed from 2000 onwards, Madonna ever since, has took much more inpiration from Kylie than vice versa, although M never credits her the way Kylie does her. That must be because of the natural overwhelming pride and/or lack of humbleness Madonna has, something complety opposite in Kylie's attitude. 

Each their own... I guess, to me they are the perfect yin yang of pop music. I just wish Kylie had more recognition in the US as in the rest of the world to make it even.

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Well i'm sorry to say but all of that doesn't reflect onto who Madonna is as a person now. Really speaks volumes as to how she's declined. She hasn't done anything useful for LGBT or Aids in the past 10+ yrs.


Lady gaga is a better musician than Madonna could ever be. Madonna could never pull off a Fame, ARTPOP or C2C era. Madonna still relied a lot on her physical beauty, something Gaga doesn't. That's something GAGA has contributed that donna hasn't

Also marilyn monroe was only 1 example sis

:rip: sigworthy tbh

Madonna has Ray of Light, Confessions on a Dance Floor, Like A Prayer, Music, American Life, and Erotica (and Sex book) under her belt. I bet you never listened to Madonna's discography. 

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:rip: sigworthy tbh

Madonna has Ray of Light, Confessions on a Dance Floor, Like A Prayer, Music, American Life, and Erotica (and Sex book) under her belt. I bet you never listened to Madonna's discography. 

Yea she also has that book where she admits to having s-xual relations with an under-aged south american boy.

Iconic huh?

Gaga x Nicki x Azealia x Ariana x Kesha x Bey
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Yea she also has that book where she admits to having s-xual relations with an under-aged south american boy.

Iconic huh?

More iconic than gaga's meat dress

MJ ha impact I guess

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Waiting for his tweet "I can't hold it in any more I am actually a gay man"

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People have talked sh!t about Madonna way long before she even had a legacy and STILL managed to get one, so I don't think this is damaging anything, on the contrary she keeps building it, maybe not in the same way, but still putting bricks on top... while others choose to sit down and just observe to criticize.

And desperation is you, opinating and having so much interest in someone you dislike to a big extent. At least Madonna is STILL making money out of her "desperation"

oh, I see you're one of those "she has mmoney so your comments are invalid" queens. 

Her legacy is being tarnished. Face it.

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I have a problem with the way that he stated it, but Madonna DID set the standard for the pop princess to reign, it is only fair, to say. I am over giving all of this credit and fighting over it, but without ,Madonna, girls would have a lot more of a hard time of making it, she was in control and very aggressive throughout her career, she fought for  things and got it, she did a lot for us women. All women should appreciate her career.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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Yeah, she did shape the pop cultural landscape, but to quote Nicki Minaj "If you ain't sh*tting, get off the pot."

Nobody owes Madonna anything.

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Ghost town is a good song in spite of annoying Autotune.  In fact it's an example of a  musical direction I could see Gaga taking.

BIM is just horrid.   Overall she's had a bad set of music between MDNA and Rebel Heart.   

She should be setting the standard for a mature, well respected pop artist.  That doesn't means she has to "act her age", but reaching down to disney pop audiences just seems desperate and much of MDNA and Rebel Heart seem targeted that way.

Honest, good pop music that doesn't seem like a desperate grab for attention would do wonders for her.   Why does everyone forget that Adele existed and slayed pop radio?  Good music that is outside the "norm" will get played.  Madonna is above playing the games she has been.  It seems more like she's trying to feel young herself by associating with trendy current pop acts than being the leader that she should be.



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