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Adele reportedly not releasing new album until she has second child


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Who does Adele think she is?

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Riot Poof

I hope this means no drama with the media and the Little Debbies because Adele won't compete against Gaga...

I'm not a woman. I'm not a man. I am something that you'll never understand.
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Eh...didn't care since it sounded like she was making the same sound :shrug:


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Battle 4 Ur Life

OMFG. lol. :lmao: 

I can't understand why anyone would be so desperate to have kids. I can't think of anything more unnecessary, clichè, basic, old-fashioned and boring than having a little brat.

a child isn't worth even half of an album like 21, imo. and now she gotta have another one! just crazy imo but to each his/her own.

Imagine the meltdowns if Gaga done this? I dunno how Adele fans cope :toofunny:  

Gurl, Gaga isn't even crazy...

I bet she's doing this to piss off the lil' Adeles. they must be a pain on her ass, way worse than monsters.

"We own the Downtown, hear our sound."
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You know, I'm waiting for you guys when Gaga decides to have a baby. I would definitely bet Gaga is one of those conventional moms who would love to stay at home with their baby and raise a whole fooball team. (she is more "homie" then people think, specially now that she's got Taylor). Then, all there will be are a few covers in tribute ceremonies and jazz renditions once in a while. Let's see if you stay mad then.

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I can't understand why anyone would be so desperate to have kids. I can't think of anything more unnecessary, clichè, basic, old-fashioned and boring than having a little brat.


Millions of years of evolution have worked to weed anti-kid thinking out of the gene pool. Besides, what happens If only the religious and old-fashioned have kids?

Feminism likely won't be sustainable long-term if feminist women and cultures reproduce at rates dramatically lower than non-feminist women and cultures.

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Take your time :green: Don't hurry nature :green: 

OMFG. lol. :lmao: 

I can't understand why anyone would be so desperate to have kids. I can't think of anything more unnecessary, clichè, basic, old-fashioned and boring than having a little brat.

a child isn't worth even half of an album like 21, imo. and now she gotta have another one! just crazy imo but to each his/her own.

Gurl, Gaga isn't even crazy...

I bet she's doing this to piss off the lil' Adeles. they must be a pain on her ass, way worse than monsters.

good thing most people don't think like that or else the human race would be doomed :green: 

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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Before Beyonce did her surprise release, I remember there were tons of these articles floating around the internet saying she had "scrapped" her album and whatnot...made the surprise release even more of a surprise, just sayin

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Ferrer Zorola

how egoistical of her and how egoistical of her fans too :duck:

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Before Beyonce did her surprise release, I remember there were tons of these articles floating around the internet saying she had "scrapped" her album and whatnot...made the surprise release even more of a surprise, just sayin

u got a pointgum.gif

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I think Whispering said it best :

You are dead wrong on this one Strawberry Blonde... I always see you on this website typing essays on what you think others should do. Maybe it's time to do some self evaluation and realise that maybe YOU should do what you think is best and let others make those choices for themselves. In that process, try not to judge others for their decisions either. This is not about a style choice or a musical direction or whatever it is we all judge artists and celebrities for. This is Adele's life and she's pretty much made it clear her success was more than she bargained for. This is a woman who went to work in a record store after she won a Grammy. She's rarely seen in public, yet the paps camp out on her front yard daily. She wants to live her life and that's her choice. Wether you like it or not, it's hers to make and the public can deal with it. Or not. I'm sure Adele doesn't give two sh*ts about a girl on a forum giving her opinion about what "a female artist in the 21st century should do". You don't even know her reasoning behind staying home. Maybe it's not even for her kid, maybe she's picked up an instrument or decided she'd redo her garden by herself, who knows? You don't, I don't. Why are you so sure that what you think is the motivation behind her taking time out for herself is her motivation? 

And FYI, Britney DID take time out for herself and her children. So did Madonna. Madonna didn't tour for Ray Of Light because of Lourdes and she still schedules her tours around her children. In 2012 she cancelled the Australian leg of her MDNA Tour because at that point it was clear Lourdes would leave for college soon. Cher? Cher is in and out of the limelight all the time, has taken major breaks from music. Whitney was deeply troubled and didn't even release or perform for years. Mariah hasn't done a real tour since her children. She's done Australian and Asian shows for a couple of weeks, tops. Now she's picked up a residency with a lot of time in between dates. Hardly an intensive touring schedule. Celine Dion basically IS Vegas at this point, so I'm not even going to argue on that one.

Have a seat.

My thoughts are just suggestions and just me thinking out loud. As if the actual person I'm talking about reads it, right? I don't intend to preach to people what they should think/do unless it's an issue of legality. If it's a general topic, I just write my thoughts. It's up to Adele to do what she wants but I'm allowed to say that I'm disappointed in her decision, if it's true. And I'm saying that a child is her reason for staying at home because that's what it says in the article in the OP.

Yes, those women took time out too but they didn't take huge breaks and they certainly didn't give up making music and touring. Doesn't matter if their touring isn't extensive or it's just residencies, they're still doing their job. As I keep saying, male artists don't feel the need to take time out when they become dads, so why do women? Why do women think they should be the primary care givers and be the one to spend the most time with their children? And why, in the case of Kate Bush, who basically put her career on hold when she had her baby, still isn't actively making albums despite that baby now being 17? I don't believe you can be so busy looking after one child that you can only make 2 albums in 17 years, one of which is only 7 tracks long. How long can an artist make the "I have children and need to make time for them" excuse? Celebrities have the luxury of having a much more flexible working schedule and the ability to take breaks from work without comment or getting fired but some of them just take it too far. If a regular citizen did that, they'd be called lazy and overdramatic. Why do we let it fly with celebrities? That's what I'm critiquing, not just giving up work for children in general.

Be honest, how would you feel if Gaga gave it all up for kids? I don't think she will, but what if she did? You'd feel disappointed that all her talent is getting wasted. Thing is, Adele's only made 2 albums and she's only 27. She should have a lot more musical adventures left in her. Where's her drive? Why did she get into the business if she prefers to avoid the limelight and can't produce music frequently? She didn't know she was going to get so famous but she got picked up by a major label, so the chance was always there. If you do anything that puts you into the public eye and makes people know your name, you have to be prepared to put the hard work in and give the people what they want. If that's not the life you want, don't pursue that path. Contrary to what some celebrities think, their careers aren't hobbies that they can just pick and dip into whenever they choose, it's a full-time job. You can't just write a book series and then never write again, you can't just release an album and then never make music again, you can't just direct a film and then leave the film business. These are jobs where the public expect something of you and you can't just abandon a fanbase you've just gained.

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If a regular citizen did that, they'd be called lazy and overdramatic. Why do we let it fly with celebrities? That's what I'm critiquing, not just giving up work for children in general.

Be honest, how would you feel if Gaga gave it all up for kids? I don't think she will, but what if she did? You'd feel disappointed that all her talent is getting wasted. Thing is, Adele's only made 2 albums and she's only 27. She should have a lot more musical adventures left in her. Where's her drive? Why did she get into the business if she prefers to avoid the limelight and can't produce music frequently? She didn't know she was going to get so famous but she got picked up by a major label, so the chance was always there. If you do anything that puts you into the public eye and makes people know your name, you have to be prepared to put the hard work in and give the people what they want. If that's not the life you want, don't pursue that path.

Contrary to what some celebrities think, their careers aren't hobbies that they can just pick and dip into whenever they choose, it's a full-time job. You can't just write a book series and then never write again, you can't just release an album and then never make music again, you can't just direct a film and then leave the film business. These are jobs where the public expect something of you and you can't just abandon a fanbase you've just gained.

If a regular citizen had the money and means to stay at home and be a full time parent, take care of the home, be involved in her kids lives and other pursuits outside of a paying career, who am I to decide that it isn't an acceptable decision? Why do we let it fly? Because it is THEIR LIFE, therefore it is their choice! This goes for celebrities or regular citizens. 

If Gaga made this choice, I would be bummed, but she doesn't owe me anything other than a show when I pay for a ticket. I'm not her partner, her record label or her child. She has no binding professional or personal contract with me, just because I'm a fan. She could stop singing and making records for a while of forever, after her two more she owes to Interscope, and that is fully her decision and she has every right to do so! 

Celebrities have the right, like every other human being, to change careers and/or life paths at anytime. Some are under a contract, but even then, they can usually buy it out if they want to change directions. If they can't, then they can change after their contract is fulfilled. And yes, artists can simply stop writing, painting, recording, directing, etc. It is called free will, and all individuals have this right, whether they are celebrities or regular citizens. Celebrities and artists really can simply stop...it happens all the time, for various reasons. They don't owe a bunch of strangers anything more than what they already gave them. They aren't slaves. How do you not get the simple concept that these are human beings who have choices in life? 

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Most people here want to believe this because they're scared she may release it soon and compete against Gaga one more time (even if it won't be a real competion to me knowing they seem to be very good friends, plus a possible collaboration with Gaga, whatever...)

Just to say : don't believe it too much, I don't think Adele would have been recording recently if she has no plans to release it soon. To me it's going to be a surprise release between September and November.

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