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Wendy Williams calls Iggy Azalea a failure

The Child

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Its funny though. 1Month ago she was praising Iggy and everyone was like "Wendy Williams only attacks black women" etc :rip: now she's talking **** about Iggy daily...

Barbie elitist - Weaboo - Sissy
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I can't stand these people! :wtf:

Please think before you say something. Or don't that would be worse in this case... :fan:

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God how awful can this woman be...and her audience are just....

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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Its funny though. 1Month ago she was praising Iggy and everyone was like "Wendy Williams only attacks black women" etc :rip: now she's talking **** about Iggy daily...

​I swear if she bad-mouths Gaga next era, I'm gonna become a MONSTER:saladga:

See talent here-->http://bit.ly/2eqeUxK
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Just like her marriage :later:

It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences. - Audre Lorde
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Don't forget this one :neyde:


(go to 3:03)

She's a hypocrite

Next era, she'll be bashing her





​I loved when Mimi dragged her



See talent here-->http://bit.ly/2eqeUxK
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I don't care much for Iggy, but of course Wendy has no qualms recklessly insulting artists left and right. She doesn't seem to have any concept of what talent is.

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A while ago she was defending Iggy, "you're just a hater this and hater that just because she's crossed over and manged to make it" blah blah blah. Just shows how two-faced Wendy is as always.

Love Trumps Hate
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I'm not a fan of Iggy Azalea, but I think people should stop attacking her all the time, I mean we don't know how Iggy feels being attacked the way she is, or what her mental state is, all this bullying by people in media and online could be very damaging for Iggy's wellbeing. 

​Totally agree. The worst part for me is that the Iggy hate crowd also tends to be the same crowd who will reblog "It Gets Better" and other anti-bullying posts. If you're going to be anti-bullying, you don't get to pick and choose who you get to bully, you have to be anti-bullying for EVERYONE. 

If people don't like her, that's fine, but you can make constructive criticisms of her music, actions etc. without resorting to name-calling, making fun of her looks etc. 

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Star does something good: WE LOVE HER, RIGHT???? I'll be always by your side girl.

The next day, that same star wears a bad outfit: Oooh, she's kinda losing it. This is a no no.

2 hours later, the same star eats a salad: Oh yeah, she's one of us, we love her!!

30 minutes later, the same star dinks coke: Coke? Really? No, no, no girl, what are you doing? Ooh, what happened to you?

The next day the same star wears a white dress: Yes, she look good, she always looks good, and that's why we love her! you go girl! 

❝Is not blue, not turquoise, not lapis. It's actually cerulean❞.
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I'm curious, what has Wendy accomplished in her own life that makes her a success? Who is her core audience? How did she get her job? And what does she do?

I'll tell you what I see. I see a sad, bitter women with no talent, no charisma, nothing to contribute to the world of entertainment. She sits smugly on a chair ridiculing and b---hing about every celeb she sees. She doesn't have anything insightful, inspirational, or witty to say. Her show could be cancelled tomorrow and no one would miss it. She has no fans. She probably has no real friends. She comes across as bitter and superficial. The only people that pay any attention are pop culture websites, and it's becoming a real rarity to even see her mentioned anymore. 

She reminds me a lot of Perez or Greg Gutfield. Nobodies that couldn't make it anywhere, yet think they are the **** because they have a blog/show and a little money in the bank. People like them (and Wendy) know deep down that despite their high and mighty attitudes that they are the bottom tier of the entertainment world. No one respects them and they are easy to replace. When they are gone, they will not be missed and have made zero impact. They either slept their way, bought their way, or bribed their way to getting what little they have. They overinflate themselves to be a big deal but it's all smoke and mirrors. Meanwhile the people they attack are the real contributors to culture. The ones they bully WILL BE REMEMBERED. Must chap their ass.

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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I'm curious, what has Wendy accomplished in her own life that makes her a success? Who is her core audience? How did she get her job? And what does she do?

I'll tell you what I see. I see a sad, bitter women with no talent, no charisma, nothing to contribute to the world of entertainment. She sits smugly on a chair ridiculing and b---hing about every celeb she sees. She doesn't have anything insightful, inspirational, or witty to say. Her show could be cancelled tomorrow and no one would miss it. She has no fans. She probably has no real friends. She comes across as bitter and superficial. The only people that pay any attention are pop culture websites, and it's becoming a real rarity to even see her mentioned anymore. 

She reminds me a lot of Perez or Greg Gutfield. Nobodies that couldn't make it anywhere, yet think they are the **** because they have a blog/show and a little money in the bank. People like them (and Wendy) know deep down that despite their high and mighty attitudes that they are the bottom tier of the entertainment world. No one respects them and they are easy to replace. When they are gone, they will not be missed and have made zero impact. They either slept their way, bought their way, or bribed their way to getting what little they have. They overinflate themselves to be a big deal but it's all smoke and mirrors. Meanwhile the people they attack are the real contributors to culture. The ones they bully WILL BE REMEMBERED. Must chap their ass.


She has no respect from others

When looked back in the future, she will only be hated because she has contributed nothing good to humanity

See talent here-->http://bit.ly/2eqeUxK
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She has no respect from others

When looked back in the future, she will only be hated because she has contributed nothing good to humanity

​Actually, she won't be remembered. At all. Which I bet hurts her more. Serves her and her ilk right. :toofunny:

Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show. I should really just relax."
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