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Lady Gaga & Kendrick Lamar - PARTYNAUSEOUS


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Bloody hooker

I have been waiting for this moment :giveup:

This mutual gaze was a “longing to touch” or a "pre-coitus" stare.
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I kinda like it but I don't get it... Where's the part that starts with "Hi, I want to, come and make peace with you but they won't let me..." 

Also, "My name is Lady Cackaa" lol :rip:

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It didn't leak in HQ? :awkney:
MIght as well still listen to the artRAVE stream version. :awkney:

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Lady Palutena

Um...yeah, it's nice to hear new music from her but this is one track I would rather not put on my mp3 player. :sweat:

Adoremus in caelum, Palutena. Dea luminis.
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Lady Palutena

I kinda like it but I don't get it... Where's the part that starts with "Hi, I want to, come and make peace with you but they won't let me..." 

Also, "My name is Lady Cackaa" lol :rip:

​Something tells me that particular verse was intended for a solo version.

Adoremus in caelum, Palutena. Dea luminis.
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OMG ITS A dream come true❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I prefer the artRave versions more so I don't really mind this not being released ...it's boring and I don't think I'd have used it that much 

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Her team obviously leaked this admist all the Bad Blood hype. 

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Ok... it's pretty bad.

ARTRAVE version >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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OMG. So this was true?!?! :udidnt:

​yes,this is what i was talking about. :sweat:
whoever leaked this song,deserves :worship:

Call me by your name and I'll call you by mine
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