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Miley Cyrus' long armpit hair raises eyebrows


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​It did fit my descriptions. You gave counterpoints to which I didn't agree with. The fact of the matter is that we see things from completely different perspectives. You lean far closer to the mindset that I despise and the points that I find to be a toxifying reality you see as progression. We don't even nearly see eye to eye and we're not going to provide arguments for eachother that propel us forward we'll just go in circles as we already have.

And you want to write off my saying that as some sort of pathetic validation for yourself that my point of view holds no validity. Which kind of shows the difference between our mindsets, I see you as having a completely different view than I. You see it as I am wrong and you are right.

​I don't consider it progression, I consider it paranoiac fiction. 

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​I don't consider it progression, I consider it paranoiac fiction. 

​Eh **** being humble. Continue conforming to this nu-wave of social justice bull****. Ill be living in the real world.

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​Eh **** being humble. Continue conforming to this nu-wave of social justice bull****. Ill be living in the real world.

​Eek.That's been the entire basis of this discussion, you don't live in the real world. These strawmen social warriors you claim are on the brink of societal collapse just don't exist in the world. These toxic mouthpieces you keep trying to deflect with are not a reality. No one agrees with the type of people you're describing, but the type of people you're describing with dystopian paranoia just generally don't exist, and the few that do affect nothing.


And nice job throwing in the buzzword "conform" as if your viewpoints are some martyred minority. Trust me your stance is far more common.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​Eek.That's been the entire basis of this discussion, you don't live in the real world. These strawmen social warriors you claim are on the brink of societal collapse just don't exist in the world. These toxic mouthpieces you keep trying to deflect with are not a reality. No one agrees with the type of people you're describing, but the type of people you're describing with dystopian paranoia just generally don't exist, and the few that do affect nothing.

They are a reality. They are an evergrowing breed within our generation and popular mindsets have acquired aspects of extremist mindsets. However, there are plenty of people that don't think that way and I think this entire time you've been annoyingly viewing my statements as incredibly one dimensional as if im implying the majority of the world is behaving this way. I was not. Nor am I saying our society as we know it is going to collapse. Youve been on a mission this entire time to knock down my arrogance and cynicism by defending social activism as if I was defying it all to begin with. And ultimately I zoned in and gave into your bull**** and elaborated extensively on this fringe group. Like I said, we view things from two completely different perspectives.

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They are a reality. They are an evergrowing breed within our generation and popular mindsets have acquired aspects of extremist mindsets. However, there are plenty of people that don't think that way and I think this entire time you've been annoyingly viewing my statements as incredibly one dimensional as if im implying the majority of the world is behaving this way. I was not. Nor am I saying our society as we know it is going to collapse. Youve been on a mission this entire time to knock down my arrogance and cynicism by defending social activism as if I was defying it all to begin with. And ultimately I zoned in and gave into your bull**** and elaborated extensively on this fringe group.


Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​Nice ad hominen, but poor substitute for reading comprehension.

I not telling women anything - I'm telling SJWs of both s-xes that they don't get to insult the majority of women as brainwashed just because they disagree with radical feminist positions. Some of us have more respect for women than to see them as easily malleable victims.


"And you can try and use demeaning names for me like SJW but that doesn't devalue what I'm saying."

It's not opinions that make someone a SJW, it's the venomous attitude revealed in your above response. 

​Lol no one is insulting women, it's about having the freedom to choose. There is weight to the argument that being 'normal' is seen as the only acceptable way to live by a lot of people - hence the reaction to Miley's pits. It's similar to the way that being skinny with big tits and ass is what a lot of us have been conditioned to believe is conventionally s-xy. Growing body hair isn't a 'radical feminist position', it's natural. And if some women do prefer to shave, then fair on them. But it's people like you that have an image of what a woman should be and then turn the argument back around to men that are the problem.

How is SJW even an insult? Are you telling me that social justice and equality is a bad thing? I suppose it's just another convenient way for you to cover up your bigotry and intolerance towards anyone that isn't a straight white male isn't it, craig?

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Cody Draco

​I definitely get what your saying. It's more like what society wants, and what both s-xes expect from each other. I myself hate lots of body hair (even on men), and I know men that hate the hair extensions, fake nails, "racoon" eyes, etc. Most of it's unfair to women, but some can be unfair to men too. 

​I just wanted to point out that it's not just one gender's fault or the other's.

That's the way a lot of people tend to spin it, placing on the blame on one party.

Thank you for understanding. I hate lots of body hair too. :hug:

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Gypsy Life

She can do whatever she wants, but we know the laughing-stock is just doing it for attention. Gross.

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Cody Draco

I swear u guys.....



​I know this thread became a mess. Some people just have to be "right". :smh:

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​Give women more credit. Feminist positions are in the minority among women on a lot of issues. It's insulting BS when radicals try to dismiss majority female opinion as patriarchal brainwashing. My experience is that mothers, girlfriends, and wives influence the fashion and aesthetic choices of straight men far more than the reverse.

In most cultures, women didn't show armpits in public. When it became normal, they started to shave. Male fashion generally doesn't reveal that part of the body - so they don't shave. (Also men were required by culture to shave facial hair before women were expected to shave their armpits.)

If you read my post again you'll see that i said its men who started 'mothers, girlfriends and wives' to think this way. But yeah thanks for implying I'm talking BS and am a radical feminist/SJW. 

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AquaFire Witch

Miley is still trying to figure out who she is as a person and an artist. And I don't say that like I am trying to understand her. I don't understand her at all. I thought I did, but it's getting silly. I know artists who did this to make a statement, like punk singer Kathleen Hanna who I adore. Miley recently started tweeting to Kathleen all this praise for being a rebel feminist female in music. Miley better figure it out soon or next I will expect her to start tweeting country artists and follow what they are doing. :miley:

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​Lol no one is insulting women, it's about having the freedom to choose. There is weight to the argument that being 'normal' is seen as the only acceptable way to live by a lot of people - hence the reaction to Miley's pits. It's similar to the way that being skinny with big tits and ass is what a lot of us have been conditioned to believe is conventionally s-xy. Growing body hair isn't a 'radical feminist position', it's natural. And if some women do prefer to shave, then fair on them. But it's people like you that have an image of what a woman should be and then turn the argument back around to men that are the problem.

How is SJW even an insult? Are you telling me that social justice and equality is a bad thing? I suppose it's just another convenient way for you to cover up your bigotry and intolerance towards anyone that isn't a straight white male isn't it, craig?

​You are attacking a straw man, since I never expressed any opinion on pit hair. I only took issue with those who claimed beauty and fashion ideals was some kind of patriarchal conspiracy invented by men and imposed on women. Anna Wintour, the women on the Fashion Police, all just innocent dupes, LOL.

Getting to spend time and money on clothes and physical adornment is typically a sign of wealth and status. See Louis XIV and the Aristocrats of the past. See wealthy celebrities male and female vs the working class. So why is it when WOMEN have this privilege, it's suddenly oppression. (Yes individual women may hate shaving their pits or wearing heels, just as I hate wearing a tie, but don't go looking for some other class of people to blame.)

Only a narrow-minded zealot would respond so hatefully about such a theoretical disagreement as if I was rejecting feminism in total.

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Affecting people how? Can you list worthy, concrete examples? And who is fighting hate with hate?

​Have you looked at the YouTube comments of literally any video? There's tons of examples of non-progressive cultural toxification on the Internet... Radicalism, and extreme self-entitlement ignite toxification. History provides tons of examples.

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