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Edit: Don't know what happened there

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​Then like I said you simply sound like you're being cynical for cynicism's sake and like you're just trying to insert yourself and lash out. Unless you're seeking those types of people out they're certainly avoidable.


And maybe you changed your username I don't know? Simply having a discussion with you prior on one artist where I might have found your comments off-putting isn't going to exactly make it a unique experience to remember as everyone on every music forum does that on the daily.

​Yes, I was making a cynical statement in regards to a certain kind of person. I was being cynical. Yes. Thats pretty obvious. You have a problem with that and then went on this tangent generalizing my mindset that you claim to know nothing about when it seems by your initial response to me that you had me pegged for some reason.

And I know you remembered me because you pointed me out on ATRL specifically. You knew who I was. Thats why.

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​No. Im not. You are mistaking those ranting on their radical mindsets as people trying to enlighten the world and im saying I don't agree that those specific kinds of radical people are enlightening anyone. I think they're poisoning people particularly impressionable kids/teens.

You're also assuming im generalizing every single person that voices an opinion, particularly one I might not agree with, as a social justice idiot but im not. I was ranting on a tangent in that post and you're taking that as me having some sort of bible oath against those that dare to have a voice. I was talking about extremists.

​Well I very much see those types of individuals on the daily, trolling or not so excuse me when you both have nearly identical speech patterns :gayb2:


And with that first bolded line you're giving them faaaaaaaaar much more influence than they actually have.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​Yes, I was making a cynical statement in regards to a certain kind of person. I was being cynical. Yes. Thats pretty obvious. You have a problem with that and then went on this tangent generalizing my mindset that you claim to know nothing about when it seems by your initial response to me that you had me pegged for some reason.

And I know you remembered me because you pointed me out on ATRL specifically. You knew who I was. Thats why.


And maybe you changed your username I don't know? 

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​Well I very much see those types of individuals on the daily, trolling or not so excuse me when you both have nearly identical speech patterns :gayb2:


And with that first bolded line you're giving them faaaaaaaaar much more influence than they actually have.

​I think they plant a seed and I think that makes a difference. The extremist mindset is something thats grown quite rapidly over the past year and a half or so. Particularly through social media like tumblr. Its a fraction of the population but one that I most certainly do think is growingly influential.

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​I think they plant a seed and I think that makes a difference. The extremist mindset is something thats grown quite rapidly over the past year and a half or so. Particularly through social media like tumblr. Its a fraction of the population but one that I most certainly do think is growingly influential.

​Based on?

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​Based on?

​Because that radical mindset has already seeped into popular media. Look at Iggy Azalea. The way shes so viciously **** on for appropriating black culture and this sort of passive aggressive white-hate mindset is seen as progression. That is an example of extremist mindsets becoming mainstream. Azealia Banks is a celebrity representation of that as well.

Now, theres a difference between discussing why or how Iggy Azalea appropriates black culture and acknowledging it and not being cool with it versus the mindset of "jump on this b---h and tear her to shreds and use my oppression to validate my hateful behavior" that I don't agree with.

And for the record, I can give a **** about Iggy Azalea and I don't like her music. The kind of lashings shes getting though are just a good example of the toxification of social activism.

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​Because that radical mindset has already seeped into popular media. Look at Iggy Azaleas treatment? The way shes so viciously **** on for appropriating black culture and this sort of passive aggressive white-hate mindset is seen as progression. That is an example of extremist mindsets becoming mainstream. Azealia Banks is a celebrity representation of that as well.

Now, theres a difference between discussing why or how Iggy Azalea appropriates black culture and acknowledging it and not being cool with it versus the mindset of "jump on this b---h and tear her to shreds and use my oppression to validate my hateful behavior" that I don't agree with.

And for the record, I can give a **** about Iggy Azalea and I don't like her music. The kind of lashings shes getting though is just a good example of what I don't agree with.

​viciously **** on? She's sparked a conversation that's not affected her one iota, she still has people wanting to work with her, she still received Grammy nods, she still has people coming out and supporting her, and she had a #1 single long after her infamous slave master line. No one generally gives a ****. Azealia can be over the top but once again her version of handling it is not how the majority of people engaged handled it, and she's not mainstream. You act like online discussions are actually tangibly affecting people when in reality it isn't. And if calling out bull**** is now a "passive aggressive white-hate mindset" then you're letting your own paranoia get the best of you.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​viciously **** on? She's sparked a conversation that's not affected her one iota, she still has people wanting to work with her, she still received Grammy nods, she still has people coming out and supporting her, and she had a #1 single long after her infamous slave master line. No one generally gives a ****. Azealia can be over the top but once again her version of handling it is not how the majority of people engaged handled it, and she's not mainstream. You act like online discussions are actually tangibly affecting people when in reality it isn't. And if calling out bull**** is now a "passive aggressive white-hate mindset" then you're letting your own paranoia get the best of you.

​It sparked a conversation which most certainly has affected her. A grammy nod doesn't mean **** because shes essentially now a pop pariah. People most certainly do give a **** and you're incredibly delusional to think otherwise. And im sorry but people have been pretty ****ing vicious towards her to the point that she became a viral meme. Maybe thats not being Azealia and going on radio and ruining her career but its still just as ****ing detrimental. Im not saying feel sorry for her, im not saying poor iggy, im saying there is this sort of passive aggressive mindset thats for some reason being seen as progressive and I find it to be complete and total bull****. Im going to link you to something someone wrote that hit every nail on the ****ing head for me. http://anythingeverythingblog.tumblr.com/post/107437591791/heres-a-friendly-reminder

And online discussions are most certainly affecting people. Wtf. Theres a difference between calling out bull**** and doing nothing more than further spreading hate and toxifying the world with more ****ing bull****. Thats what I find so contradictory and hypocritical, fighting hate with hate doesn't accomplish **** especially when these people are supposedly about progression. How is that not common ****ing sense? And are you seriously trying to say with how much the internet and social media has infiltrated everyones daily lives that **** that happens online doesnt matter? Like for real?

And Azealia Banks is mainstream to an extent, shes a public figure, shes become somewhat of a celebrity. She had major crowds at ****ing coachella. Yeah shes not on the radio and **** but shes not that under the radar at this point dude. Most pop stans are so clueless as to what is actually non-mainstream music/artists/etc.



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​It sparked a conversation which most certainly has affected her. A grammy nod doesn't mean **** because shes essentially now a pop pariah. People most certainly do give a **** and you're incredibly delusional to think otherwise. Im not saying feel sorry for her, im not saying poor iggy, im saying there is this sort of passive aggressive mindset thats for some reason being seen as progressive and I find it to be complete and total bull****. Im going to link you to something someone wrote that hit every nail on the ****ing head for me. http://anythingeverythingblog.tumblr.com/post/107437591791/heres-a-friendly-reminder



​I'm sorry but the link you posted is absolutely nothing new. He doesn't like the way the current discussion is going, he's entitled to that, but, like you, he consistently adds nothing to back himself up beyond conjecture. Yes, terrible attitudes and behavior towards those that are white and male for their race or s-x/gender is bad and it shouldn't happen, but to try and place it on the equivalent with those who also have an actual system that actively still discriminates against them is an absolute load of garbage and in no way adds to a "victim complex." Trust me we are FAR off from white males being treated the way minorities have been for most of America's history and its never going to happen. And why does it always have to lead to a victim complex? Why is it not possible that people are genuinely recognizing more and more examples of prejudice intentional or not? Once again I bring back an earlier statement I made that if you feel like someone gives half a **** more than you do than they're immediately relegated to "walking SJW victim complexes" in an effort to shut out conversation. And don't even get me started on labeling out victim complexes when earlier you tried to cite some kind of pervasive "passive aggressive white-hate mindset."



And online discussions are most certainly affecting people. Wtf. Theres a difference between calling out bull**** and doing nothing more than further spreading hate and toxifying the world with more ****ing bull****. Thats what I find so contradictory and hypocritical, fighting hate with hate doesn't accomplish **** especially when these people are supposedly about progression. How is that not common ****ing sense? And are you seriously trying to say with how much the internet and social media has infiltrated everyones daily lives that **** that happens online doesnt matter? Like for real?


Affecting people how? Can you list worthy, concrete examples? And who is fighting hate with hate? Sure like I said you have few that fit the bill, and a perceivable majority might have frustrations which is nowhere near hate, but you way over exaggerate the amount of people in this camp you keep trying to pass off as some great influential majority that's about to bring society to it's knees. And sure things online matter but it's certainly not the room full of people screaming into the dark depths of Tumblr.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​I'm sorry but the link you posted is absolutely nothing new. He doesn't like the way the current discussion is going, he's entitled to that, but like you consistently adds nothing to back himself up beyond conjecture. Yes, terrible attitudes and behavior towards those that are white and male for their race or s-x/gender is bad and it shouldn't happen, but to try and place it on the equivalent with those who also have an actual system that actively still discriminates them is an absolute load of garbage and in no way adds to a "victim complex." Why does it always have to lead to a victim complex? Why is it not possible that people are genuinely recognizing more and more examples of prejudice intentional or not? Once again I bring back an earlier statement I made that if you feel like someone gives half a **** more than you do than they're immediately relegated to "walking SJW victim complexes" in an effort to shut out conversation. And don't even get me started on labeling out victim complexes when earlier you tried to cite some kind of pervasive "passive aggressive white-hate mindset."




Affecting people how? Can you list worthy, concrete examples? And who is fighting hate with hate? Sure like I said you have few that fit the bill, and a perceivable majority might have frustrations which is nowhere near hate, but you way over exaggerate the amount of people in this camp you keep trying to pass off as some great influential majority that's about to bring society to it's knees. And sure things online matter but it's certainly not the room full of people screaming into the dark depths of Tumblr.

​Its exactly what I said it to be in a previous post, a growing mindset thats seeping into mainstream media. You don't see it that way and you refuse to. You're entitled to your opinion but I don't agree with you in the ****ing slightest. Not in the ****ing slightest. The concrete example your asking for is currently burgeoning. Open your ****ing eyes.

We see things from completely different perspectives and this conversation is going nowhere. I think it needs to end immediately.

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​Its exactly what I said it to be in a previous post, a growing mindset thats seeping into mainstream media. You don't see it that way and you refuse to. You're entitled to your opinion but I don't agree with you in the ****ing slightest. Not in the ****ing slightest. The concrete example your asking for is currently burgeoning. Open your ****ing eyes.

​But you can't just say these things without evidence or some kind of reference point. You gave Iggy to which I gave counterpoints on why that doesn't nearly fit your descriptions and then you just stopped.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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​But you can't just say these things without evidence or some kind of reference point. You gave Iggy to which I gave counterpoints on why that doesn't nearly fit your descriptions and then you just stopped.

​It did fit my descriptions. You gave counterpoints to which I didn't agree with. The fact of the matter is that we see things from completely different perspectives. You lean far closer to the mindset that I despise and the points that I find to be a toxifying reality you see as progression. We don't even nearly see eye to eye and we're not going to provide arguments for eachother that propel us forward we'll just go in circles as we already have.

And you want to write off my saying that as some sort of pathetic validation for yourself that my point of view holds no validity. Which kind of shows the difference between our mindsets, I see you as having a completely different view than I. You see it as I am wrong and you are right.

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