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Adam Levine serving Racism


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I don't like him, at all, but it's not like he said "she's an illiterate Colombian so praise god we got rid of her."

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Honestly I don't see anything bad with what he said. Most of you are over reacting. 

I myself work with a latina woman who is totally awesome and speaks english well but sometimes when we are all talking and stuff she doesn't catch stuff right away. Which is all Adam is saying. And i mean come on, guys say dirty jokes ALL the time... So i mean you can't really help that. 

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Ferrer Zorola

I'm the first one to throw stones at him but this time what he said wasn't racist at all? :huh: it was just plain stupid 
PS: I'm latino btw

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id like to push him in a river and watch him drown while trying to grasp for air

Barbie elitist - Weaboo - Sissy
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