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When did Gaga stop being "cool"


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I was completely obsessed with Gaga back during her Fame and Fame Monster days (hence the 6000+ posts lol) but I have to say even I was turned off after BTW. However, not the same reason as the GP.

To me, her first two albums were just effortlessly flawless and she effortlessly gave us iconic imagery and sayings. I almost think that after that the stress of having to produce and create something so out of this world (literally with BTW) to top herself destroyed what was initially Gaga. It was that, the desperation of creating Fame + Fame Monster level of work that turned me off. I felt like she was not being herself. Notice now, at her happiest and most well received yet again everyone is saying "The Fame teas SLAAAY" "Fame Monster teas GORGEOUS". She's being herself again and she's comfortable doing that, which is why I believe her next album will be huge. I have such high hopes for her, someone like Gaga can never fade away.

Also, what added substance to her first two albums and made them 'cool' was that she wasn't over-exploiting the message she was trying to push our way. There was always a level of mystery and darkness, even with a pure pop and fun album like The Fame. Overexposure, hype, and that 'album of the decade' line is what also played a part in her 'uncoolness'. And yes, I know it's not a word :awkney:

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The moment she started to talk like there is no tomorrow about everything. She lost immediately that mysterious aura she had around her and became just ordinary. 

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The moment she started to talk like there is no tomorrow about everything. She lost immediately that mysterious aura she had around her and became just ordinary. 

​I think this is true. I love that she is so open and revealing about her personal struggles but there is something innately cool about being mysterious/secretive/slightly aloof. Its like she was this being that arrived from another planet and everyone was trying to figure her out. It seemed like she didn't exist outside of performances/appearances/interviews. Like that was her entire life and when she wasn't in the public eye she was shut off somewhere recharging.

But I would still rather her be real and be able to relate to her even if it means sacrificing some coolness.

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I'd say in 2011 during BTW era : the rip-off accusations, bad singles choices, her tour ending because of her hip surgery, a huge blackout after this. ARTPOP era mess and I'd say CtC (yes it was successful but not really attractive for GP)

But let's hope she'll return strong for next era and win back that GP ;)


PS : and to me she's too 'gay' to be loved by the GP...

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Mitch XCX

i dont really remember her being "cool" and a new artist through social medias but i can imagine that after BTW was released she lost her coolness because the message was so preachy :unicorn:

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Son of Venus

I think during Born This Way.She lost most of the straights cause society dictates that if you like someone who supports gay rights you must be gay.The whole BTW era was a mistake ,imo,even though the music was flawless.TEOG as lead single would have been 10 times bigger but I don't think she'd would have been that big of a gay icon as she's now.

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Alejandro+BTW+Judas combo tbh

The religious controversy and gay preachingpreaching were really it, the first one deemed her satanic and the second one too gay for the homophobic gp

​This, even tho TEOG was a huge hit even after them

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Ever artist comes and goes bc the GP think they're so special that they have to be spoon fed garbage music, if I honestly hear normal people loving her randomly that's when I know that she'll be "uncool" to me because she'd have catered to them 

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I was completely obsessed with Gaga back during her Fame and Fame Monster days (hence the 6000+ posts lol) but I have to say even I was turned off after BTW. However, not the same reason as the GP.

To me, her first two albums were just effortlessly flawless and she effortlessly gave us iconic imagery and sayings. I almost think that after that the stress of having to produce and create something so out of this world (literally with BTW) to top herself destroyed what was initially Gaga. It was that, the desperation of creating Fame + Fame Monster level of work that turned me off. I felt like she was not being herself. Notice now, at her happiest and most well received yet again everyone is saying "The Fame teas SLAAAY" "Fame Monster teas GORGEOUS". She's being herself again and she's comfortable doing that, which is why I believe her next album will be huge. I have such high hopes for her, someone like Gaga can never fade away.

Also, what added substance to her first two albums and made them 'cool' was that she wasn't over-exploiting the message she was trying to push our way. There was always a level of mystery and darkness, even with a pure pop and fun album like The Fame. Overexposure, hype, and that 'album of the decade' line is what also played a part in her 'uncoolness'. And yes, I know it's not a word  default_awkney2.gif

I agree but I will say the pressure from her former management was the cause of needing to recreate past success, I bet her next album will be amazing bc she won't feel as stressed

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Pain of fame1

I think when she started preaching self-acceptance and started talking about the gays a lot during BTW :spin:

​Yeah sadly...BTW was a nice gift for all the fans and LGBT community but TOO MUCH fr the GP...and ARTPOP was supposed to be the one GP friendly dance music album but it failed. Now things are returning to their place after C2C, oscars, AHS etc.

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One word : Gay. She alienated ppl with all the gay things. Too much for GP, gay talk 24/7. So I would say Born This Way Era. But it has nothing to do with the Judas controversy tbh

The problem is that now she is seen like a Gay Icon.So sterotypicaly, if you like Gaga you're gay. I know a lot of people who liked Gaga's song, both from BTW or ARTPOP, but they don't admited it... I'm straight and, yes, I support gaga's equality message, but it's getting tired with ''Oh you like Gaga ?.. You must be gay so ?''... Hum... 

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I dont know when but i would say the meatdress. Always when something negative is said about her the meat dress also comes up. It also seems like she is more known for it then her music. In my school the meat dress is even in our school books :P

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I kinda agree with most of you about her being too 'gay', I think it hurt her popularity. I loved the fact she defended the gay community. Though I think it was too much during BTW... That's one reason I liked BTW era less than TF / TFM... She turned into a gay icon and her gay fans didn't helped sometimes (no hate in my words). The GP turned its back to her. That's when she 'stopped' being a cool thing for the GP...

Hopefully with LG5 we'll get something that will make her win back the GP and which is going to slay radios again !

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