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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Rob Fusari wants re-trial of Starland lawsuit, blames Gaga's fame for biasing jury


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​I'm a girl. And I admitted I was being disrespectful. Did you?

​Im sorry I called you a jerk... and a guy. Someone else said "he" and I assumed they knew your gender.

This thread is literally the most frustrating thing I have experienced in weeks. 

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​This is what I think it was as well. It was like "the casting couch." Its taking advantage of someone because of an imbalance of power. But I don't think it was illegal. Thats just my impression though, I could be wrong.

​Given the information and interviews. 

I there is no evidence of 'Rape' or 'Assault' or even circumstancial infomation.

Abuse,  thats how I would clarify events. 

Plus, if your offended by my opinion,  tough, rebut what I say , but I could care less about how you 'feel'

​A casting couch situation is still considered rape. It is illegal. It would probably be considered coerced rape.

"Rape and/or s-xual assault is forced, manipulated, or coerced s-xual contact by a stranger, friend or acquaintance.  It is an act of aggression and power combined with some form of s-x.  A person is forced into s-xual contact through verbal coercion, threats, physical restraint, and/or physical violence.  Consent is not given.

Coercion is the use of emotional manipulation to persuade someone to something they may not want to do – like being s-xual or performing certain s-xual acts.  Examples of some coercive statements include: “If you love me you would have s-x with me .”, “If you don't have s-x with me I will find someone who will.”, and “I'm not sure I can be with someone who doesn't want to have s-x with me.”  Coercive statements are often part of many campus acquaintance rapes.  Being coerced into having s-x or performing s-xual acts is not consenting to having s-x and is considered rape/s-xual assault.

Consent is clear permission between intimate partners that what they are doing is okay and safe.  To consent to something – like being s-xual – means you confidently agree to do it based on your own free will without any influence or pressure. "



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​Please enlighten me on your interpretation. Why are you claiming that she willingly slept with this producer to advance her career and simply regrets it now? What information made you come to this conclusion. Surely it wasn't when she said that

- she didn't understand what had happened until years later

- that she felt sick and paralyzed with fear when she saw him

- or that she thought it was what she was supposed to do as an adult.

- that she very clearly discusses it as a rape.

If you and Shane think that taking advantage of someone emotionally and physically with your power isn't rape, then you're dead wrong. Actually, don't even bother replying. I'm so disgusted.

​See Katie 14 if you want to 'discuss' the topic and the proper method to rebut an opinion. 

As for your personal opinion about me...heh ... to take a flying (****)

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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​Given the information and interviews. 

I there is no evidence of 'Rape' or 'Assault' or even circumstancial infomation.

Abuse,  thats how I would clarify events. 

Gaga said she was raped. That's all the evidence I need to believe her. 

If Gaga answered the question and said she was raped...she was raped.

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​A casting couch situation is still considered rape. It is illegal. It would probably be considered coerced rape.

"Rape and/or s-xual assault is forced, manipulated, or coerced s-xual contact by a stranger, friend or acquaintance.  It is an act of aggression and power combined with some form of s-x.  A person is forced into s-xual contact through verbal coercion, threats, physical restraint, and/or physical violence.  Consent is not given.

Coercion is the use of emotional manipulation to persuade someone to something they may not want to do – like being s-xual or performing certain s-xual acts.  Examples of some coercive statements include: “If you love me you would have s-x with me .”, “If you don't have s-x with me I will find someone who will.”, and “I'm not sure I can be with someone who doesn't want to have s-x with me.”  Coercive statements are often part of many campus acquaintance rapes.  Being coerced into having s-x or performing s-xual acts is not consenting to having s-x and is considered rape/s-xual assault.

Consent is clear permission between intimate partners that what they are doing is okay and safe.  To consent to something – like being s-xual – means you confidently agree to do it based on your own free will without any influence or pressure. "



​Good points.  Concent is defined by two willing parters agreeing mutually without coercion.

So the part where Fusari's ex-partner says that Gaga and Rob had s-x regularly at the studio is...

a lie ..?

was rape , regularly till the video's were completed. ?

Gaga was faking it to get money?


"she didn't understand what had happened until years later"  Would her regular d--g "abuse" be considered a contributing factor?

There is missing infomation imo...

I don't judge anyone here, but Gaga simply could have refused to visit the studio and continue to work with someone else. 

My opinion is unwavered.  I can't defend Rob's position, but to me the term Rape is too harsh here.


like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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Just remember no single person on earth is all bad or all good.

Each one of us has parts of good and bad in us. 


Well, of course they aren't unless they are a psychopath...and I guess even mass murderers could do a few "good things" in their lives at some points. 

Most criminals, such as murderers and rapists are "good" to their families and the people in their lives that they are getting something out of. The average number of victims for a rapist is eleven...ELEVEN victims and their families who have their world turned upside down. Personally, I could care less that these criminals are "nice" to their families or friends. 

If you were raped, would you want everyone who cared for you...or claimed to, looking for ways "to see the good" in the man who raped you? How would that make you feel? 

Gaga is the victim here. 

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Well, of course they aren't unless they are a psychopath...and I guess even mass murderers could do a few "good things" in their lives at some points. 

Most criminals, such as murderers and rapists are "good" to their families and the people in their lives that they are getting something out of. The average number of victims for a rapist is eleven...ELEVEN victims and their families who have their world turned upside down. Personally, I could care less that these criminals are "nice" to their families or friends. 

If you were raped, would you want everyone who cared for you...or claimed to, looking for ways "to see the good" in the man who raped you? How would that make you feel? 

Gaga is the victim here. 

​I am inclined to agree with that. 

Luckily for her, she was able to showcase her real talents to others in the industry and now has a huge fan following. 

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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​I am inclined to agree with that. 

Luckily for her, she was able to showcase her real talents to others in the industry and now has a huge fan following. 

WTF does that have to do with being raped? 

Being famous or rich doesn't make the pain of being a victim of rape go away.

Gaga is a human being like everyone else.

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WTF does that have to do with being raped

Being famous or rich doesn't make the pain of being a victim of rape go away.

Gaga is a human being like everyone else.

​Not all victims are able to escape the damage that they recieve. 

And your right, her pain isn't eased by her success

But we disagree on the term Rape here. 

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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​Not all victims are able to escape the damage that they recieve. 

And your right, her pain isn't eased by success within ones profession.

But we disagree on the term Rape here. 

It takes time to work through, a lot longer than people realize. Like all victims, Gaga didn't escape the damage. 

Gaga said she was raped. She was raped.

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​Good points.  Concent is defined by two willing parters agreeing mutually without coercion.

So the part where Fusari's ex-partner says that Gaga and Rob had s-x regularly at the studio is...

a lie ..?

was rape , regularly till the video's were completed. ?

Gaga was faking it to get money?


"she didn't understand what had happened until years later"  Would her regular d--g "abuse" be considered a contributing factor?

There is missing infomation imo...

I don't judge anyone here, but Gaga simply could have refused to visit the studio and continue to work with someone else. 

My opinion is unwavered.  I can't defend Rob's position, but to me the term Rape is too harsh here.


This doesn't mean anything.

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​Im sorry I called you a jerk... and a guy. Someone else said "he" and I assumed they knew your gender.

This thread is literally the most frustrating thing I have experienced in weeks. 

​No problem. Not knowing my gender isn't something that I take offense to. And I agree. I wish I didn't know it existed. I hope you understand why I'm so adamant about my opinion though.

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​Good points.  Concent is defined by two willing parters agreeing mutually without coercion.

So the part where Fusari's ex-partner says that Gaga and Rob had s-x regularly at the studio is...

a lie ..?

was rape , regularly till the video's were completed. ?

Gaga was faking it to get money?


"she didn't understand what had happened until years later"  Would her regular d--g "abuse" be considered a contributing factor?

There is missing infomation imo...

I don't judge anyone here, but Gaga simply could have refused to visit the studio and continue to work with someone else. 

My opinion is unwavered.  I can't defend Rob's position, but to me the term Rape is too harsh here.


​You know nothing about the situation except for what Gaga has told you and for some facts that you have placed out of context, like the part about "Fusari's ex-partner".

Katie is patient for trying to explain it to you, but I really think she was wasting her time. Especially when you still claim that "rape" is too harsh of a description.

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Gaga said she was raped. That's all the evidence I need to believe her. 

If Gaga answered the question and said she was raped...she was raped.

​I have only just stepped into this discussion and haven't read much but either way, I agree 100% with this statement.

Gaga wouldn't lie about this **** on live/national/global radio to make people pity her or to gain respect. She even said herself that she didn't want to be defined by it so no way is she lying. If she was raped, then she was, end of story. 

In terms of Rob, there isn't enough evidence to say it was definitely him and to point finger. It's a life destroyer to claim someone is a rapist  and imagine if it actually wasn't him? I'm not saying it's not but I'm not saying it is either. It isn't our place to demand answers or to attack Rob. It's Gaga's business and she can deal with it however she pleases. If she wants to tell the world who it was, so be it. If she doesn't and wants to keep it to herself or her close loved ones, so be it. It's her decision to make. We as fans just have to support her and help her through it without prying the answers out of her. The only thing we need to know as fans is that she WAS raped so we can help her through it as friends. Period.

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Gaga wouldn't lie about this **** on live/national/global radio to make people pity her or to gain respect. She even said herself that she didn't want to be defined by it so no way is she lying. If she was raped, then she was, end of story. 

In terms of Rob, there isn't enough evidence to say it was definitely him and to point finger. It's a life destroyer to claim someone is a rapist  and imagine if it actually wasn't him? 

​completely agree with you on BOTH POINTS.


Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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