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Rob Fusari wants re-trial of Starland lawsuit, blames Gaga's fame for biasing jury


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I wasn't being flippant. I was trying to see the good.

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Even without "do the math" part all of this^^ is pointing to Rob.

And when she talks in general she again mentions "19 year old girl from NY, talking about he's gonna make me a star, he worked with Beyonce!"

Guess who claims he worked with Beyonce?

​Exactly. Why would she bring up this information too? Obviously she's referring to someone who is publicly known. Why are people ignoring these things?

​Because it is 2 separate conversations. One conversation was about s-xual abuse in general which included multiple producers and the other was about one specific rapist. You can't just link that one quote from one conversation to the other one.

​Do you realize that s-xual abuse = abuse = rape = s-xual assault and so on. They're interchangeable. It's not separated when Howard specifically says in the second part: "When you're talking about depression and rape, and you're talking about producers who have done things to you..." he's carrying on the conversation from earlier. This is the point where she goes into specifics / the point in the interview that I transcribed. So yes, we can link the quotes and we should.

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I wasn't being flippant. I was trying to see the good.

​And that's admirable. Just not in this situation. You saying that you're not going to continue with this topic comes off as flippant to me because you're refusing to see the other side.

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Is it possible for Emma (where is she btw?) to find out, just to ask Gaga - is Swine written about Rob? If she nods or says yes, will it be enough for mods of Gagadaily not to give him any more promo on this site, no interviews, no info about his "new stuff", no demo talk, no leaks, nothing? No attention.

We cannot get him to jail, Gaga won't sue him. But at least we will know. And Gaga won't have to read about him if she ever visits ggd.

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​Exactly. Why would she bring up this information too? Because it's more private that the situations she was referring to early in the interview? Why are people ignoring these things?

​Do you realize that s-xual abuse = abuse = rape = s-xual assault and so on. They're interchangeable. It's not that separate when Howard specifically says in the second part: "When you're talking about depression and rape, and you're talking about producers who have done things to you..." he's carrying on the conversation. This is the point where she goes into specifics / the point in the interview that I transcribed.

​That is not true. Sexual abuse is a huge umbrella term. Rape is one type of s-xual abuse


Howard was carrying on the conversation and as you said she goes into specifics. But when she said the quote in question she was not going into specifics. She may have been talking about her rapist but she may also have been just talking about the other numerous producers who did things to her. That's why I said its unclear and we can't use that quote as evidence against Rob.

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Is it possible for Emma (where is she btw?) to find out, just to ask Gaga - is Swine written about Rob? If she nods or says yes, will it be enough for mods of Gagadaily not to give him any more promo on this site, no interviews, no info about his "new stuff", no demo talk, no leaks, nothing? No attention.

We cannot get him to jail, Gaga won't sue him. But at least we will know. And Gaga won't have to read about him if she ever visits ggd.

​No. Please don't ask Gaga these questions... Just leave her alone. It's extremely private and sensitive subject..

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​No. Please don't ask Gaga these questions... Just leave her alone. It's extremely private and sensitive subject..

I know it is. I see her as a little sister. She chose to speak about it and she still gave us all the hints she could. I think it would also hurt her to see, after all she said publicly, that  her own fans continue to praise him or feel sorry for him. 

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​That is not true. Sexual abuse is a huge umbrella term. Rape is one type of s-xual abuse


Howard was carrying on the conversation and as you said she goes into specifics. But when she said the quote in question she was not going into specifics. She may have been talking about her rapist but she may also have been just talking about the other numerous producers who did things to her. That's why I said its unclear and we can't use that quote as evidence against Rob.

​lol I wasn't saying they're the same thing only that they can be interchangeable according to whatever details you know. Is any form of abuse less important than another? You tell me.

She first said it was obvious who these people are and then she went on to give specifics about one of them. There's nothing unclear about this. You just want it to be.

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Can you guys stop debating her rape?

Rob is potentially an innocent man, Gaga doesn't want to pinpoint the person who raped her, so don't go pointing fingers?

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​Well to be brutally honest I am doubting my own straddling of the fence.  I can't talk about this anymore because it hurts me and my reputation to be too strongly for someone on such a shaky issue. I simply don't have enough facts to have my own opinion.


I love Gaga. She must have her reasons for this infuriating silence about the issue. I respect her right to privacy. I hope to God it wasn't him, for his sake, and for mine. 

If I associated with someone who later turns out to be her rapist how do you really think I will feel?





​You don't have to feel horrible about associating with him in the past. You should just acknowledge that the facts are what they are and stop giving him attention or defending him. That alone is all anyone can ask from you and shouldn't feel bad for being an excited fan. He's clearly manipulative.

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Is it possible for Emma (where is she btw?) to find out, just to ask Gaga - is Swine written about Rob? If she nods or says yes, will it be enough for mods of Gagadaily not to give him any more promo on this site, no interviews, no info about his "new stuff", no demo talk, no leaks, nothing? No attention.

We cannot get him to jail, Gaga won't sue him. But at least we will know. And Gaga won't have to read about him if she ever visits ggd.

​She legally can't say anything that would outrightly name him and it would be wrong to ask her about something this personal. It was hard enough listening to Howard question her. I think we're all (or should be) smart enough to tell that this man is no good and we should stop giving any form of validation or attention. At the very least, acknowledge that Gaga doesn't respect him and for good reason.

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​She legally can't say anything that would outrightly name him and it would be wrong to ask her about something this personal. It was hard enough listening to Howard question her. I think we're all (or should be) smart enough to tell that this man is no good and we should stop giving any form of validation or attention. At the very least, acknowledge that Gaga doesn't respect him and for good reason.

You are right. 

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Just remember no single person on earth is all bad or all good.

Each one of us has parts of good and bad in us. 


Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Can you guys stop debating her rape?

Rob is potentially an innocent man, Gaga doesn't want to pinpoint the person who raped her, so don't go pointing fingers?

​She said she LEGALLY CAN'T pinpoint him. We're not debating her rape. We're debating the fact that she outrightly said it was obvious who it is and that she gave details that point to only one person. It's obvious she doesn't want her fans to think that this man was her boyfriend.

This conversation isn't something that any of us are enjoying. But it needs to be clear that this man shouldn't be given attention or be defended on the basis that he is a potentially innocent man. He isn't going to jail. There's no reason to bring up the innocent until proven guilty idea unless he's being charged with something, which he obviously isn't. Lets just not pretend the facts don't exist. We all can use our heads.

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​She said she LEGALLY CAN'T pinpoint him. We're not debating her rape. We're debating the fact that she outrightly said it was obvious who it is and that she gave details that point to only one person. It's obvious she doesn't want her fans to think that this man was her boyfriend.

This conversation isn't something that any of us are enjoying. But it needs to be clear that this man shouldn't be given attention or be defended on the basis that he is a potentially innocent man. He isn't going to jail. There's no reason to bring up the innocent until proven guilty idea unless he's being charged with something, which he obviously isn't. Lets just not pretend the facts don't exist. We all can use our heads.

​This isn't your conversation to have. This was her experience that she did not feel comfortable talking about, so you guys should respect that and not try to debate over who it was (no matter how obvious YOU might think it may be.

It's actually kind of disgusting. Let her live in peace.

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