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Rob Fusari wants re-trial of Starland lawsuit, blames Gaga's fame for biasing jury


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​It doesn't matter.

If Gaga isn't on a witch hunt for him there is no reason for anyone else to be. She has moved on, she wants everyone else to move on. And you guys are completely disregarding her feelings on the subject because you think it's the "right thing" to do.

It's not. Let it go, everyone else involved in the situation has.

It actually does matter, considering he's still trying to profit off of Gaga and her fans' naivety. She's not on a witch hunt, why would she be? But try not to gloss over the fact that she revealed information that made it clear who he is and that she doesn't want her fans to have the perception that she was in a relationship with him. How do you know her feelings on the subject better than anyone else? She's clearly spoken out as a means to clear this all up, yet fans like you keep muddling it and trying to pass it off as if it doesn't matter.

Nobody is out to get him or is on a witch hunt for him. It would be great if he could just fade into obscurity. So I personally just don't understand or appreciate it when fans give him attention and praise. You'd think with all of the facts pointing towards his guilt that you all would be a little more conscientious and not validate him by giving him a platform to speak on or by trusting whatever he says.

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I remember someone explained it to me. I still do not agree with that explanation.  I relistened to the interview a few times and I stand by by interpretation. The interview is unclear. There are numerous ways of interpreting what she said. 

How can we know how many producers worked with Gaga when she was 19? Where is the proof that he was the only one?

​I can assure you, if anybody was working with Gaga, no matter what age she was, we would know about it. Her celebrity is huge and nobody would fail to mention that they've worked with her, especially just before she hit it big.

Also, the interview is not unclear at all. Maybe take another listen. She said it was obvious who it was, which means it would have to be someone we know that worked with Gaga at this time. C'mon. This isn't difficult. It really isn't.

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Rob really seems like a person who always tries to find benefit in every situation. That interview, Wendy's and Gaga's testimony only proves that he wanted to become wealthy no matter what. He used Gaga and Wendy. Not only he wanted the money from Gaga, but he also used his position to fulfill his s-xual needs with her. People like him know how to manipulate. They convince naive girls to have s-x and then they can cynically claim that it wasn't technically a rape and don't feel guilty at all. I guess that's exactly what happened to Gaga. 

And the saddest thing is that he's not the only one. This happens everyday in many spheres, not only music business, which is sad. 

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​I can assure you, if anybody was working with Gaga, no matter what age she was, we would know about it. Her celebrity is huge and nobody would fail to mention that they've worked with her, especially just before she hit it big.

Also, the interview is not unclear at all. Maybe take another listen. She said it was obvious who it was, which means it would have to be someone we know that worked with Gaga at this time. C'mon. This isn't difficult. It really isn't.

​I have listened to the interview many times. I would not be arguing in this thread if I didn't have my facts straight. When she said it was obvious who it was, she was not specifically talking about her rapist or even one person. (She did not infer that she was raped until later on it the interview. There were two separate conversations about s-xual abuse in the interview). She was talking about her many experiences with s-xually abusive producers overall. This could have included the producer who raped her but it also may not have. She wasn't clear.  And stop with the condescending "this isn't difficult. It really isn't". I can say the same thing about you. I really don't understand why nobody else seems to get this.

And I guarantee you there are tons of people Gaga has worked with who we don't know about. We know about the ones who have songs on her albums because they get credit.

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​I have listened to the interview many times. I would not be arguing in this thread if I didn't have my facts straight. When she said it was obvious who it was, she was not specifically talking about her rapist or even one person. (She did not infer that she was raped until later on it the interview. There were two separate conversations about s-xual abuse in the interview). She was talking about her many experiences with s-xually abusive producers overall. This could have included the producer who raped her but it also may not have. She wasn't clear.  And stop with the condescending "this isn't difficult. It really isn't". I can say the same thing about you. I really don't understand why nobody else seems to get this.

And I guarantee you there are tons of people Gaga has worked with who we don't know about. We know about the ones who have songs on her albums because they get credit.

​I guess I'll just have to transcribe the interview and we can break it down from there. I apologize for being condescending. This whole conversation is just frustrating. This man doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.

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I guess I'll just have to transcribe the interview and we can break it down from there. I apologize for being condescending. This whole conversation is just frustrating. This man doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.

​Do it then but I don't think there is anything you could say that would make me change my perspective.

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And I guarantee you there are tons of people Gaga has worked with who we don't know about. We know about the ones who have songs on her albums because they get credit.

I'm sure there are a handful, but there was only one producer she was working with at 19. There is only one producer who was working with her at 19, who was twice her age. There was only one producer who was working with her at 19, who was twice her age, who was telling everyone that they were dating. 

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​I have listened to the interview many times. I would not be arguing in this thread if I didn't have my facts straight. When she said it was obvious who it was, she was not specifically talking about her rapist or even one person. (She did not infer that she was raped until later on it the interview. There were two separate conversations about s-xual abuse in the interview). She was talking about her many experiences with s-xually abusive producers overall. This could have included the producer who raped her but it also may not have. She wasn't clear.  And stop with the condescending "this isn't difficult. It really isn't". I can say the same thing about you. I really don't understand why nobody else seems to get this.

And I guarantee you there are tons of people Gaga has worked with who we don't know about. We know about the ones who have songs on her albums because they get credit.

​Okay so I've transcribed most of it and it's very clear that you've probably been listening to the wrong interview.

Howard: Were you raped by a record producer? Is that what happened to you?

Gaga: I don’t want to…

Howard: I feel that happened to you

Gaga: …happy times. Lets talk about happy things.

Howard: No, but Gaga, or LG, what…seriously

Gaga: don’t call me a lady when we talk about rape, Howard.

H: No but seriously, it’s a serious topic…

G: It is a serious topic.

H: When you’re talking about pain and you’re talking about depression and rape and you’re talking about producers who have done things to you and you said you barely got into a studio where you weren’t in a weird, dangerous situation. I feel like you were raped by someone. I think that’s what you’re saying.

G: You know… I went through some horrific  things that I… I’m able to laugh now because I’ve gone through a lot of… you know, mental and physical therapy and emotional therapy to heal over the years. My music has been wonderful for me.

H: Right

G: But you know, I was a shell of my former self at one point. I was not myself and it… to be fair, I was about 19 (this is obviously an isolated, specific situation). So, you know, I went to Catholic school and then all this crazy stuff happened and I was going “oh is this just the way adults are” I don’t….

H: In other words you were protected in Catholic school. They talked about certain… you were kind of naive in a way

G: I was very naive.

H: Right and then you want to be a singer and then you’re starry eyed and you’re like “I just wanna sing… I love singing” and some guy swooped in and took advantage of that.

G: Well, you know it happens every day. It happens every day and it’s really scary and it’s sad and you know it didn’t affect me as much right after as it did about 4/5 years later. ("it didn't affect me" - again, isolation.)

H: It hit you.

G: It hit me so hard (is this getting repetitive?)

H: It’s a delayed reaction

Robin: You’re working so hard and…

G: I was so traumatized by it that I was just like “just keep going” because I just had to get out of there.

H: I have talked to other women who have gone through a similar experience where they were raped and they actually don’t even… it almost doesn’t register with them for a couple years.

G: Yeah…

H: Until they’re willing to talk to themselves about it

G: I wasn’t even willing to admit that it… that anything had even happened.

R: Well that’s exactly what’s happening with this whole Cosby thing. People are saying, “Why are they waiting so long”… because that reaction is: “did something happen to me?”

G: And I don’t want to be defined by it. I’ll be damned if you’re going to … I’ll be damned if somebody is going to say that every creatively intelligent thing that I ever did is all boiled down to ***one dickhead…. one dickhead that did that to me.*** You know, I’m going to take responsibility for all my pain looking beautiful and all the things that I’ve made out of my strife. You know, I did that.

H: Did you ever confront the guy who did that to you?

G: No.

H: They say that’s somehow healing. I don’t know if it is or not…

R: It may be for some people, but everything is not generic like that, Howard, in these situations.

H: I know. I’m asking…

G: I think I would be so… I don’t know how I would… I think it would terrify me… it would paralyze me. I saw him one time in a store (she's obviously referring to after the fact when she realized what abuse had taken place) and I was so paralyzed by fear and I just… you know it was just… because it wasn’t until I was a little bit older that I went “wow, that was really messed up”.

H: and you know whats worse, is to see him in a store and for him to act smug, like nothing happened.

G: Or tell people that we used to date. (Didn't Rob claim Gaga was his girlfriend? Don't answer that. He totally did)

R: Right.

H: wow. That would drive me insane

G: …in public. (Again, this is someone the public knows. This is someone who claimed to the media that he used to date Gaga) I’ve got to wake up and (she's implying that she woke up one day and had to read this bs in the media) “oh.. my ex-girlfriend” Oh we were dating?

H: I didn’t know that was a date.

G: Oh I didn’t know that was a date. You were 20 years older than me. I was a kid. How was that a date?

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I'm sure there are a handful, but there was only one producer she was working with at 19. There is only one producer who was working with her at 19, who was twice her age. There was only one producer who was working with her at 19, who was twice her age, who was telling everyone that they were dating. 

​Thank you.

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​Do it then but I don't think there is anything you could say that would make me change my perspective.

​Lmao. Please read it. If you can't change your perspective after seeing it in plain words then good luck to you and all your future endeavors.

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​Okay so I've transcribed most of it and it's very clear that you've probably been listening to the wrong interview.


​Katie was referring to the part of the interview when Gaga said that 'It's not hard to figure out who those guys are' she was talking about abusive producers in general. This part you transcribed is obviously about that one guy who abused her. That's all. You both speak about different parts of the interview. 

However, it doesn't change the fact that Rob is the main suspect. 

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​Katie was referring to the part of the interview when Gaga said that 'It's not hard to figure out who those guys are' she was talking about abusive producers in general. This part you transcribed is obviously about that one guy who abused her. That's all. You both speak about different parts of the interview. 

However, it doesn't change the fact that Rob is the main suspect. 

​I know she's referring to another part of the interview that is completely irrelevant to the topic. I was hoping she wasn't because of how ridiculous it is. In this part of it, she's clearly referring to one person, and it's funny to me how people continue to ignore it or muddle it together with the other part of the interview where she is speaking generally.

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​I know she's referring to another part of the interview that is completely irrelevant to the topic. I was hoping she wasn't because of how ridiculous it is. In this part of it, she's clearly referring to one person, and it's funny to me how people continue to ignore it or muddle it together with the other part of the interview where she is speaking generally.

​Well, people claim that because she didn't specifically say that we know who that producer is, we can't be sure it's Rob. Well, we can't be 100 percent sure, but we can't also deny that all facts point to Rob. I guess we can't judge him, but we can't defend him either. 

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