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Natalia Kills apologizes for her controversial remarks


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Actually, she can. Let's say the producers told her and her husband "be the judges we love to hate. " She comes up with this. After the backlash, she sticks to her guns because she thinks she's playing her part. The backlash is too much and the producers say "look, this didn't work out how we thought and everyone hates you. Keeping you is bad publicity.  We gotta let you go." It would explain why her criticism was so weird and stupid, why she tried to defend herself in a twitter post (she hadn't been fired yet iirc).

Tbh this isn't an apology; it sounds like she's trying to say "they told me to be a b---h and now they're letting me take the fall," but isn't (legally? ) allowed to say it like that. I'm pretty sure she didn't have any feelings about that contestant at all, positive or negative.

I'm annoyed that this isn't a real apology. If this was prompted, she can still apologize for stepping out of line. Still, I get the feeling this might not be the last we hear of this mess, if it really was scripted as opposed to a genuine belief he copied her husband.

​Nah she's just a c*nt



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I don't think it was scripted. I think the producers told her to be tough with the criticism, basically saying "don't hold back" but she took that to mean speak your mind and say anything you want. But she took it too far and it backfired on her. 


The producers might have been stupid to have hired the two of them in the first place but I doubt they are stupid enough to destroy what they are working for with a poorly written script. 

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Sounds like they had a word with her, probably saying she was being too boring and she should have more of a go at contestants, she got carried away thinking it would make her the next Simin Cowell but she made the mistake of criticising him as a person instead of his voice, and so it has backfired in her, but the fact she was willing to say mean things to contestants to get more recognised says a lot about her personality

LADY GAGA/madonna/katy perry/little mix/ariana grande/selena gomez/britney spears/taylor swift
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I thought she didn't regret anything she said and meant what she said :gayhat: trying to get ha career back? :green: 

​what career? :gaycat:

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Trying to get back your already dead career, I see.


It's hard to light a candle, easy to curse the dark instead.
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Nothing new tbh.... We all know judges and TV contestants in general are asked to be more outspoken than usual. But it doesn't mean you are allowed to treat people like ****. "Just for the show" isn't an excuse, but whatevs.

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And what happened backstage that led you into being a c.unt to a stranger for no reason? :awkney: :later: 

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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LOL at hers and Willy's apology being the same format....

I don't buy this, I knew she'd apologise but she obviously doesn't mean it. who gives af

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The show encouraged you to be "outspoken", perhaps, but not spiteful and outrageously rude.



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Break the silence? The b*tch said she wasn't going to apologize flat out!


No sympathy. Enjoy what you have coming to you Natalia.

Side note, I feel gross just giving her name any more attention that it deserves (which is none at all). 

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