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Born This Way is criminally overrated by this fan base.

Dorothy Gale

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I guess everyone can have their own opinion. I think ARTPOP and BTW are both fantastic. If any album is overrated on this site it's TFM.

​YES btw is 10x better tbh it only has like 8 great songs and btw has like 17 great songs

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It's just hindsight. In the middle of the BTW era, people were bashing and dragging it just as much as they are with ARTPOP now. If LG5 under-performs in some way, people WILL be lauding ARTPOP and singing its praises left, right and centre. It's just the nature of the game. You're always nostalgic for what came before and critical of what you have now. 

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Nostalgia plays a part, i guess. I loved it back then and i love it now. For me it's her best work  

wish ya good fortune in tha wars 2 come
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enjoy that u get music ok! stop complaining greedy fanbase. 

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Born This Way is probably her best work, IMO. The Fame and The Fame Monster don't stand the test of time like Born This Way for me, personally.

The era itself was a bit messy, but I think people forget about that when they have the ARTPOP era to compare it to. I really hope Gaga's next era feels organised and well-managed because I get tired of the messiness.


I love judas SO MUCH but I canʹt look like a copycat of JLO!!!!
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Alcina Dimitrescu

BTW is a magnificent piece of work which manages to be both look at the past and the future in the good way where you can tell Gaga put her body and soul. Sadly the magnificent music took a backseat to the message Gaga wanted to give to the world

ARTPOP is a jessie j level piece of **** composed of gaga doing karaoke over edm songs that already sounded dated by the time the album came out.

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Cody Draco


The Fame Monster is her best album and people will deal.

​Nope. I'll take the 15 track masterpiece called ARTPOP over the 8 track half amazing half basic TFM.

Speechless, Teeth, and Telephone are almost half of that album and they are all worse than the worst track on ARTPOP (Donatella) and people will deal.

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Pure Adrenaline

yes of course by far BTW goes almost in the bottom of my Gaga albums list ARTPOP and TFM being on top .... overall BTW is just one big plain noise :love: 

It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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yes of course by far BTW goes almost in the bottom of my Gaga albums list ARTPOP and TFM being on top .... overall BTW is just one big plain noise :love: 




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Your argument is poor tbh. I mean, I love every song on ARTPOP, while there are 2 songs that I don't like on BTW. Does that make it worst?

Let's see it this way. if I take away thw 2 tracks I don't like on BTW I have to albums with the same number of songs and I love the all. So, which one is better?

I don't judge it because of the number of songs that I like, I judge the quality and work on the music. And BTW production and lyrics are way more complex than ARTPOP's. So yeah. That's it. 

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Bette Davis


Born this way overrated?


ARTPOP better ?


is chu okay?



You always speak the truth 


Cold as ice cream, but still as sweet.
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Tommy Monster

I say it, no taboos, ARTPOP IS her best album, BTW is just a try-hard, but the sounds of that album are so messy that even the godly Scheisse or HML cannot save it :toofunny: 

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