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Katy Perry takes scandalous pictures, slammed by media


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Oh Miss Keene.  




(Can't believe she isn't being dragged about the Venus painting.  We all know what that's about)

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Gaga Ate My Ass

a human mistake is more embarassing tha being offensive on purpose?

It is and a lot of people felt pity for her from that one interview. Katy's intentions werent disrespectful but if she wanted to make people talk then its working because she has people like you and others mad and talking. Let's hope Katy takes a dump on a one dollar bill so that a thread can be posted here and see the funny and emvarrassing comments on how katy is being disrespectful to george washington!

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Gaga made a mistake in some interview and Katy makes disgusted face in front of the painting and all you Katy defenders say what Gaga did was same or worse? Wtf?

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Ovviamente ignoranza e volgarità viaggiano a braccetto e la Rete non ha preso bene il cameratismo di Perry. Giocare con le "prospettive" del David di Michelangelo e con la torre di Pisa pare uno scivolone indegno in termini di buon gusto e di spirito critico.

La prossima volta che Katy tornerà in Italia avrà di certo bisogno di ripetizioni di Storia dell'Arte, ma se non volesse prendersi la briga, al posto di scegliere un tour artistico potrebbe dedicarsi allo shopping, agli aperitivi o a fare un giretto nei tanti parchi per bambini che si trovano in Italia dove, di certo, troverebbe persone suo pari che apprezzerebbero il fine sarcasmo dimostrato in questa occasione.




LOL they are saying the next time she should go in a playground so she can find people on her par with the same sense of humor 


they are not only shading her but also who find this funny  :lmao:


the fact that this is from a major publication says it all

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I really don't care about the whole ordeal, Its really just embarrassing for her and I like Katy sort of.  The only reason I could see why this is such a big deal, is because when she goes to these other places she is not just representing her self but also her country. She isn't just your every day normal person she is Katy Perry, the woman who just performed on the Super Bowl less than a month ago. So to go out and act this way looks bad on everyone, not just her. 

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/end of argument

But you not even realizing the mistake shows that you don't give a darn about art and are only offended to be offended.

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Katherine please... You actually Kind of pleased me at the GRAMMYs. Please don't destroy that image.



I'll lift you 3 inches off the ground and drag you to a meter and a half
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