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MTV- This Lady Gaga And Adele Selfie Has 6 Clues That Point To Collabo


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1. The computer
Look at the bottom of the photo. See that laptop? The laptop that’s probably equipped with the finest music recording software available on a Mac? Yeah, that’s your first clue. Why would Adele be clutching it for a photo? My answer: On that very computer probably exists the beats to a sick new Gaga/Adele track.



2. They both are due for new music
Step back from the photo for a second (fun fact: you should be resting your eyes away from a computer screen every 20 minutes). Let’s just think about how Adele, whose 21 came out back in 2011, is due for a new record. And Gaga, who has admitted on her Instagram that she can’t sleep because of all the lyrics running through her head, is definitely working on something.



3. Gaga’s smirk
Back to the photo. See Gaga’s sly little smirk? Doesn’t it look like she’s up to something? Doesn’t it look like she’s saying, “Hey, Adele. Let’s post a selfie together and drive our fans crazy when they try to decipher the photo. Muahahah!†Joke’s on you, Gaga. I’m still perfectly sane. Except I’m weirdly craving Doritos.



4. Adele’s smirk
While Adele’s facial expression says more “OK, Gaga, if you really want a photo, we can take one,†the glint in her eyes gives a hint that she’s keenly aware of the greatness that they created together.



5. The chandelier  :emma: 
Maybe I’m digging way too far into this, but no. The chandelier in the background gives us a clue that they are in a fancy locale  most likely one of their lavish houses. The chandelier spreads an air of exclusivity and privacy, like what they are up to is top secret. TOP SECRET.



6. The caption
Are you damn serious with that caption, Gaga? Trying to downplay the severity of this situation by using a disgustingly casual phrase “bro-down� Does “bro-down†equate to “making gorgeous music together under a chandelier� “Bro-down†shows us that Gaga is trying to play it cool, but may be trying too hard. Let’s be honest: Gaga and Adele do not simply “bro down.†Unless they do  then I would look pretty stupid right now.





They tryna hype us again.... :lollipop:

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 Adele’s facial expression says more “OK, Gaga, if you really want a photo, we can take one,†



Only valid point.

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5. The chandelier 

Maybe I’m digging way too far into this, but no. The chandelier in the background gives us a clue that they are in a fancy locale  most likely one of their lavish houses. The chandelier spreads an air of exclusivity and privacy, like what they are up to is top secret. TOP SECRET.

6. The caption

Are you damn serious with that caption, Gaga? Trying to downplay the severity of this situation by using a disgustingly casual phrase “bro-down� Does “bro-down†equate to “making gorgeous music together under a chandelier� “Bro-down†shows us that Gaga is trying to play it cool, but may be trying too hard. Let’s be honest: Gaga and Adele do not simply “bro down.†Unless they do  then I would look pretty stupid right now.


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MTV being the Little Monster that they are :fan:

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚒-𝚒-𝚒-𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝...! (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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