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Madonna talks Paris terror attack


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These are very scary times we are living in. Ignorance breeds Intolerance and fear. We can only fight darkness with light! We are all Charlie! #revolutionoflove â¤#rebelhearts




We must respect AlL religions! But we must also RESPECT human life!! Killing in the name of G*D is man's idea not G*D's!!!!#livingforlove â¤#rebelheart


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"We must respect ALL religions!"

Like scientology? Like the westboro baptist church?
Beliefs should be challenged, beliefs should never be "respected" as untouchable.

I agree with her general sentiment. Ignorance breeds intolerance, respect human life.

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"We must respect ALL religions!"

Like scientology? Like the westboro baptist church?

Beliefs should be challenged, beliefs should never be "respected" as untouchable.

I agree with her general sentiment. Ignorance breeds intolerance, respect human life.

I agree, but I'm sure she's talking about those beliefs that do not approve violence.
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I agree, but I'm sure she's talking about those beliefs that do not approve violence.

The texts of the abrahamic faiths can be interpreted as violent, I would also argue that belief systems that reject scientific evidence, spread ignorance and discourage logical thinking should be criticised and not respected.

It leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth when extremists targeted Charlie Hebdo and killed 12 people for their perceived disrespect of Islam and people respond by saying people should respect religion.

I doubt she meant for it to come across in that manner, but discussing "religious respect" in this situation seems to imply that they shouldn't have created those cartoons and that they are somewhat responsible for this.

By all means warn against generalisations and islamophobia, but that is targeted at protecting people who don't have extreme views. Preaching respect for a belief system itself isn't the right way to go about things, all beliefs have a right to be challenged.

Like I said though, I'm sure she didn't really mean it that way and I agree with her general sentiment. I just would have worded it differently.


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Why Charlie? Can anyone enlighten me?


It's a protest on free speech in response to the Charlie Hebdo magazine shooting. The shooting was against a satirical newspaper that posted a cartoon depicting Muhammad. The shooting was done by Islamic extremists in response to the cartoon



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I like how she manages to hashtag album and first single into every situation possible. :derpga:


mte there's a time and place...

stream ritacadabra
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