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When Did Gaga "Surprise" You Last?


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I was internally yaaassing so hard during Swine at SXSW. :legend:

this omg it was like "wait is she going to.... is she... Omg OMG YAS YASS HAHAHA AYAAAAS :rip: "
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The success of C2C

Swine at SXSW. That was so, so awesome, creative and original!
I was so close to her when it happened :nooo:
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I'm not sure she has ever really surprised me. That's not shade, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. I expected her to slay me after TF, which she did. i expected her to take her message to the next level after TFM, which she did. I expected her to have a slight decrease in popularity/sales after BTW, which she did. C2C wasn't a surprise either.

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When Cheek to Cheek actually happened

Bang Bang performance on PBS

Brooklyn Nights at artRAVE


She's constantly surprising me, to the point where I expect it and it's no longer a surprise. The reverse warholian expedition chanteuse :legend:


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Most Three Recent:

3. The success of C2C...def that 100k-200k sales. Can't believe its still rising to nearly 600k in the US alone.

2. The fact that the era we hyped the most, waited for the longest, had such high hopes for, ARTPOP, was ended so quickly with two music videos and only one Top Ten hit.

#1: I think everyone can agree Swine at SXSW was the most shocking. It was her most publicized event since 2011 and had the media, facebook, and twitter abuzz for a solid week....ironically one of her least costly performances. Plus the backlash worked for her actually.

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SXSW festival. First time in the 6 years I've been a Gaga fan that I said "What is she doing with her life." That says a lot.  :laughga:

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