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Madonna Went Too Far This Time?


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She's merely posting pics of people that inspire her, that's all. People are so thirsty for controversy, and racism happens to be very in vogue atm - no pun intended. Get over yourselves people.

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Ahahaha! Where is it an insult? 


Keep reaching... The Queen of Pop remains unbothered!

I am not reaching I am just pointing out an obvious fact that what Madonna did is offensive. Just because you or others aren't offended by it doesn't discredit the fact that others are offended by it. Everyone is entitled to feel how they want to feel. That is all.


Side note: I thought Gaga brought back Jesus and Gandhi to use their DNA to create the perfect man. I don't find that offensive at all.


Just a matter of opinion,

:udidnt:  She has lost her mind

Is that real???!!!! I guess we will never see if Rebel heart makes it to number one because I doubt she will live to March. You know how Islamic extremists get. 

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These girls need to just put their ****ing songs out and stop pretending like they are contributing something important to the world. Neither Madonna nor Gaga nor any other pop girl has ever had any measurable impact on actual issues in the real world. This is all pop forum nonsense. Nobody cares about any of our faves aside from a cute bop while they're driving to work or feeling themselves while drinking at the club.

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Erm how about a certain scene in G.U.Y video.... Omg some of you -_-

There's nothing wrong with this. It's cool to point out past rebels and such:) She even included gaga!

That's different... Gaga revives ppl she admired in the video... Here Madonna Cheaply comparing ppl who accomplished more than her to herself... Whereas Gaga isn't conparibg herself to Jesus / Lennon/ Jackson / ghandi... Gaga is just expressing that more ppl should be like them... Madonna is saying these ppl embody the idea of her album it's all reversed

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Actually, I think Madonna is a self-righteous mean-girl. Not a fan, at all. 


From Gaga to Madonna



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I get where she's coming from, but you can't blame people who had adverse reaction towards her campaign because it can be interpreted as showing great disrespect to the dead by 'defacing' their photos, I mean if she edited your ancestor's photo you would be offended to a certain extent as well (just an example). Let nature run its course i guess...wonder how this promotion will turn out  :spin:

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This is not right

Get the CTC team to do some promo for you, madonna

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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What a skewed comment. People are protesting in Ferguson right now over the rampant killing of black youths by overzealous cops as we speak. There's a huge biopic about MLK's advocacy on the way (title is "Selma") that is both poignant and incisive.


This is Madonna's way of getting brownie points by looking "progressive" in the tackiest, most out-of-touch way imaginable and is in no way comparable to Gaga using imagery of human rights advocates and other icons in her GUY video - they were there to represent the positive aspects of humanity, they were not there to represent Gaga. It might be remotely comparable if Gaga had been promoting Born This Way with imagery of MLK, Rosa Parks or Maya Angelou, thus appropriating their struggles to further her own goals (ideology-wise or commercially). This is a very rich woman - with a checkered past when it comes to race - endorsing pictures of people who are/were leading a movement that is a very hot topic right now and letting fans put five minutes of effort into defacing them so they can serve as fodder to further her flimsy "rebel" message (and promote her upcoming album that contains no social commentary whatsoever).

It's lazy, intellectually disingenuous and an entirely predictable Madonna-esque thing to do. It is just as thoughtless as when Apple did their "Think Different" commercials. Sites that concern themselves with racism and racial issues in pop culture are rightly lambasting her for this move. And don't forget: this is a person who casually called her son the n-word just a few months ago on Instagram and then did a sorry-not-sorry fauxpology afterwards.


And to other people who are trotting out the age-old "Everybody gets so easily offended nowadays", remember: "I am not pissed therefore there is no problem and you have no right to be pissed either" is the language of the entitled and the privileged.


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I don't hate madonna at all (i've gone to her shows and I own practically all her albums) but this is EXTREMELY pretentious. Let's not pretend if Gaga did this the madonna army or whatever they call themselves wouldn't be the first people online pointing this out.


"She means well! She isn't promoting her album, she's just trying to acknowledge they all had a rebel heart" is LAUGHABLE AT BEST.

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She obviously wasn't doing any of this to be offensive.

It seems to me that she had good intentions, but I can see why some people were immediately offended by it.


If you don't understand the context, then yeah it looks really disrespectful.

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Pure Adrenaline

omg what is this 2012 :excuseme:



stop with these threads already

It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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She's just making a statement about people who fight for their passion. Anyone trying to make this controversial.. :air:

someone needs to put this post in the op 

wish ya good fortune in tha wars 2 come
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